This is a Miracle

Chapter 207: Army of Thorns

"Whether it's a minister or not, protect it first."

The favorability is enough, and the karma is 0. This is obviously the type that blood moon hunters should protect.

When Leon was in the cute cat club, he specially taught the Atons.

What kind of people can be killed, what kind of people should be kept, and what kind of people do not need to be concerned about, just let them fend for themselves.

Frye and Irena, they meet the needs of the 'Aden civilians' stipulated by Bai Luo.

【Extraordinary Spell: Ring of Darkness】


Haierbo cast an extraordinary spell of the conjuration system, which is similar to the "Guardian of Life" in the fairy's blessing, but its effect is not to prevent instant death, but to teleport the brother and sister to a certain place in time when threatened.

This is Leon's dream, and everyone is bound by Leon's laws.

Therefore, Haierbo's move is more to protect the spirit of the two, rather than pure sex.


Frye and Irena had apparently never seen such a miraculous power.

Although the brothers and sisters were surprised by the resurrection of the lizard man and the corpse, Haierbo's spell was undoubtedly even more shocking.

That lavender light, and the black halo on their wrists.

'What power is this? ’

Frye was surprised, Irena was extremely curious, and even yearned: 'If I can have such power, I may be able to protect my brother. ’

"That's fine."

Haierbo didn't know what the two were thinking, and was too lazy to guess. He explained: "The Ring of Darkness is a spell used to protect your consciousness."

"Besides, you don't have to worry about death."

Haierbo: "Everything that happened here is actually just a nightmare for you."


Frye didn't understand.

Haierbo said: "You are not in reality, this is a dream constructed by that adult."

"You have my mark. After death, your consciousness will not be destroyed," Haierbo: "When all this is over, you will wake up at the dawn of the ancient capital."

Fry and Irena couldn't understand Haierbo's words.

In fact, it is impossible for most of the children of miracles to appreciate the power of Leon.

It's too weird and too mysterious.

Nightmare of greed, blood moon night.

Even among the many miracles, this ability to overlap the illusory and reality is definitely a rare existence.


After saving the people, Haierbo started to contact Mao Lulu: "How is your side?"



"Kill you all!"


A lot of negative emotions, accompanied by screams and roars, came to Haierbo's mind, which made Haierbo quite uncomfortable.

The Adonites were divided into two groups, each performing their duties.

The task of the nightmare monster is to clean up those wrong residues.

The fairies are originally from animals, and their construction of human nature is actually still relatively weak.

The only bottom line they follow is that they don't use humans as food.

However, killing and slaughtering the enemy. . .

Regardless of how cute the goblins are, in fact, they are still beasts, the kind that don't show mercy.

Beast-type arms are often slightly weak in terms of human nature.

If there are no humans around, beasts are easy to run wild, such as fairies, giant beasts, and dragons.

"Going wild so soon?"

Haierbo quickly sensed the situation of Cat Lulu: "The effect of the ginseng fruit has come into play. Lulu is probably more difficult to deal with than me in this nightmare world."

【Cat Lulu】

Corruption pollution: 45%

"I go..."

Cat Lulu said earlier that she would act on her own, but Haierbo still didn't care.

But now it seems that the power of greed for the world has polluted her mentally too seriously: "Mr. Leon said that the critical point of greed pollution is 60%, but Lulu is almost irrational at 45% now."

"It seems that the influence of the power of greed on the beast is much greater than that of the human race."

While muttering to himself, Haierbo also summoned a magic panel to record his thoughts and data: "How to solve it is none of my business, I will record it as usual."

The power of covetousness, that is the power that even Leon himself has to do his best to restrain in order to barely suppress the killing intent.

Cat Lulu and other goblins, although they have gained great power.

But once they are contaminated with blood many times and take the lives of others, the goblins will soon be eroded by the power of greed, and they will be reduced to beasts that only know how to kill.

"You two follow me, don't run around."

Haierbo intends to find Cat Lulu, kill him, and send her will home.

Therefore, for better spiritual construction, Bai Luo assigned the nightmare monsters the task of cleaning up the debris.

For better spiritual development, Bai Luo arranged jobs for the Blood Moon Hunters.

They need to supervise the polluted species and watch them die at the hands of hunters after revenge. In addition, if there are goblins that go crazy, they have to deal with them by themselves.

Just like cat Lulu, once she runs wild, even Haierbo can't stop her.

In order to prevent them from killing innocent people indiscriminately, Haierbo killed the cat Lulu in time.

Otherwise, when this will returns to Mao Lulu's body, what Mao Lulu will get is 99% of the chaos, which will outweigh the gains.

"Oh, I almost forgot, and these Lizardmen."

Haierbo raised the staff in his hand, and the purple-black energy poured out from his body and disappeared in an instant.

"do you died?"

"Finally dead."

The four living corpses were finally solved by the lizardmen. The general derivatives did not even have the least blessing of miracles. Naturally, it was impossible to threaten the people of miracles.

Resistance, Blessing, Gift.

These are the three passives of the Miracle Arms, regardless of whether they are high or low, but the categories are different.

"Don't let your guard down, that necromancer hasn't appeared yet, we just killed his summons, basically..."

The lizardman captain said this, and suddenly felt a gloomy aura, he hurriedly turned his head: "Who's there?!"

The purple light was fleeting, and the lizardman captain kept a surprised expression and fell slowly.

"Puff puff..."

The four lizardmen couldn't even see Haierbo's appearance, so they 'died' under Haierbo's finger.


Frye saw Haierbo's power with his own eyes: "Dead, dead?"

He just lifted it up casually, and the invincible lizardman in his eyes was just 'dead'!


So strong!

too strong!

'It's not a mysterious finger of death,' Haierbo complained: 'I used a finger of sleep, they just fell asleep. ’


The tall and strong man walked out from behind Haierbo, and he complained a little unhappily: "Where is the enemy, where is the enemy?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, Tiger, I couldn't hold back for a while..."

Haierbo acted with the silly tiger, in addition to the Ilona brothers and sisters and Inai, the five of them were on the same team.

The curse witch, the healing witch, the wizard, the knight, plus a MT silly tiger, and the huge monster cat Lulu, the five-person team brushed the copy, it was perfect.

But now, it seems that Cat Lulu has become an 'enemy'.

Don't criticize Leon, Leon has to restrain himself, other monsters go crazy, what can he do?

Not to mention monsters, if the blood moon hunters are too addicted to killing, they are also likely to be polluted by the power of greed, and then "beastization" occurs, turning into nightmare monsters.

"How are they still alive, Haierbo?"

The figure of the silly tiger suddenly rushed out, and he rushed towards the lizardmen who fell on the ground at an alarming speed: "I will kill them for you!"


Haierbo only felt a gust of wind rushing out from his side: "Silly tiger, stop!!"


In a hurry, Haierbo couldn't cast the spell in time, but Ilona, ​​who was beside him, seemed to have anticipated the silly tiger's action in advance and immediately blocked it.

[Extraordinary: Avalon's Eight Fighting Techniques Sky Beam Guidelines]

The blood-red energy rope bound the silly tiger from behind, and Ilona's strength was not strong enough to suppress him.

"Ilona? Why did you tie me up?"

Silly Tiger was stopped and did not resist. He was a human being, but he listened to the words of Haierbo and others.

"Ina, did the tiger kill?"


With a silver-white mask on Ina's face, she nodded and said, "On the way here, I killed a few bastards who wanted to bully women."

This is the nightmare space. Nearly 100,000 people in the ancient capital were randomly assigned to different blood moon dream realms.

But some people are so bad to their bones that in such a 'end times' environment, they will still stretch out their claws when they encounter the weak.

"They're all damned people, Brother Haierbo."

Ina commented that what she hated the most was rape criminals, so she was not just a stupid tiger, she also killed several people.

"You killed too?"

Haierbo was a little speechless, he sighed: "No wonder the stupid tiger has blood in his eyes and became so impulsive."

The real opponent of the Adonites is the returning army from the thorns, and this is the enemy who gives them more experience.


Ina didn't know why: "Is the impact so big? I feel okay."

That's because you have a high degree of fit with the power of greed!

Haierbo will not blame Inai, after all, no matter who encounters such a thing, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

If you can ignore it, and then follow the mission requirements, wait for the nightmare monsters to come over and clean up the filth, then they are not Adonians.

"Don't let stupid tigers take action anymore."

Haierbo said: "Inai, can you do it? Next, let's kill people and let the stupid tigers absorb less of the power of covetousness."

"I'm OK!"

Yinai doesn't have any psychological burden to kill. She is a mad believer of Bai Luo.

"I, that..."

Junono is just the opposite of Inai, she can't do it.

"Lulu's, let me do it."


Haierbo said: "You can't kill anymore."

Haierbo warned Ilona that it was not that he was stronger than the other party, but that Haierbo and Inai had a high degree of fit with the power of covetousness. Just like Sheila, she could kill at will.

To put it badly, only those who ignore life can go further in the power of greed for the world.

"OK then."

Ilona and Helbo are close friends who have lived through weal and woe, and he understands the meaning of brothers.

"In addition, Inai," Haierbo: "Let me do the last blow. When the Thorns come, you can deal with them more to gain combat experience."

"I, I know."

Ina has a weak personality in front of her own people. Like Junono, she is not an opinionated person.

"Tiger, did you not listen to me, come back quickly, these Lizardmen are not enemies, don't shoot at them."

Haierbo looked at the silly tiger, who kept nodding his head and replied, "Oh oh oh!"


Ilona took away the "Heavenly Benchmark", and the silly tiger ran back: "Why can't you kill them?"

"Tiger, some people can't be killed."

Speaking of this to the silly tiger, Haierbo was actually quite helpless.

Because the stupid tiger's judgment is limited, forcing him to understand is a bit embarrassing.

"You will learn how to judge in the future. Now, just listen to us for the time being."

After all, they are the people of miracles, who knows who is standing behind the lizardmen.

Haierbo didn't have the courage to make his own decisions.

The stupid tiger shot because he was a reckless man.

Even if he did, Bai Luo would just treat it as a child who accidentally broke other people's things.

As a parent, Bai Luo would choose an apology or something else based on the attitude of the other party.

"The Lord of Darkness doesn't know what's going on. Let's arrest the person first, and whether to repatriate or imprison it will be up to His Majesty to decide."

"Tiger, don't worry, if I have a good estimate, the Thorns Army should have started to move now."

Haierbo said: "There is no pressure on us to take down the ancient capital. The real difficulty is to keep the city under the attack of any army of thorns that seized the city."

"That's your chance to express yourself in front of Your Majesty."

Of course, having said that, Haierbo felt that the Army of Thorns was not so easy to deal with.

Among them, Inai and Silly Tiger also participated in the battle of Sigrian.

Can Siglian. . .

What is that?

A group of frenzied deep-sea clans, they didn't have much fighting power at all, and when the audience came down, Sieg's side didn't even use a profound skill.


Haierbo was a hero. He knew that there was a big gap between heroes with profound meanings and those without profound meanings.


"General Mei?!"

In Hundred Flowers Valley, Mei Xiang quickly passed through the huge fragrant barrier.

"Please wait a moment."

The fragrant fairies are the extraordinary troops that maintain the enchantment of the Baihuagu camp, and they are also the main workers in maintaining and transforming the environment of the Huagu.

"I'm in a hurry."

Mei Xiang took out General Dong's badge: "Where is Mr. Tulip?"


"Take me there!"

Mei Xiang knew that the situation was urgent, so she hurried towards the Baihua military base.

"Master Tulip is not in the Valley of Flowers, Sister Meixiang."

Without Meixiang to find Tulip, an Oriental beauty in a long snow-white dress came over. Her name was Luo Shuiyi, an ancestor from the Eastern Empire.

Under the command of Earl Thorns, there are four frontier officials in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Among them, General Dong is the oldest, and he is also the instructor and teacher of Queen Spring, Saint Xia Quan and Barren Autumn.

They were all dug by General Winter and brought out.

As for Tulip, she is a cadre under the command of Queen Chun, a mighty child of miracles at the level of a king.

Similarly, it is also a soldier brought out by General Dong himself.

"Where did she go?"

Mei Xiang was a little anxious. Seeing this, Luo Shuiyi quickly said solemnly, "I sensed the movement of the ancient capital, and I have already led troops to the expedition."


Mei Xiang said in surprise, "Yes, Mr. Li Xue asked us to hold our ground for now."

General Winter is only a master, but his status under the Count of Thorns is detached.

Just like the old uncle in Aden, he is the founding father and father of the country.


Luo Shuiyi said quickly, "Then what should we do?"

Luo Shuiyi does not have the talent to lead troops in battle, she is a heroic powerhouse.

But she put all her energy into exercising herself and comprehend the power of the four seasons, and did not learn any tactics and tactics.

"How many people are there in the camp?"

"Thorn Guards, Winter Cavalry, Scarlet Sisters, Xiangyang Zhishi, and Poison Ivy Flayers each for 300."

"There are also the extraordinary Fragrant Fairy and the Flower Swordsman," Luo Shuiyi said. "Without the order of General Dong, Lord Tulip would not dare to use the extraordinary troops."

"Did Feifei only move 200?"

Mei Xiang said: "It seems that Mr. Tulip is very confident in his own strength, and leading the troops may just give them some insight."

"But heroes, set off with her!"

It stands to reason that it is impossible for there to be so many strong people in the ancient times.

Village, township, town, small city, medium city, large city, capital city, king city, imperial city.

This is the land of miracles, where the Lords of Miracles classify different levels of gathering places. The village is the lowest and the imperial capital is the highest.

Of course, where mortals live, the highest and highest is the big city, such as the Coral City.

Although the ancient capital has the word 'du', it is a large city in terms of scale, and such a city can be guarded by a hero, it is more than enough.

The seven heroes, plus the master and the king, definitely belong to the oversized treatment.

"The teachers of Hundred Flowers Academy, except for me, all went."

Hundred Flowers Valley is actually the training camp of Earl of Thorns, or in other words, the military academy, where the miraculous arms are specially trained for the Thorns.

"All gone?"

Most of the people left here are extraordinary and extraordinary, and the number of heroes is very small, only seven people, and they can all be counted by plant codes, namely peony, white rose, black rose, carnation, other side flower, cherry blossom and clover .

"Where's Xia Yan?"

Mei Xiang asked immediately.

"I am still here."

Xiayan is another master-level powerhouse besides Mei Xiang: "Mei Xiang, what's wrong with you, something happened in the ancient capital, isn't Tulip what it should be?"

"The teacher wants the ancient capital to be taken down."


Xia Yan was puzzled for a moment, but she quickly understood what General Dong meant: "Teacher, are you planning to take that step and use this external force?"

"Shuiyi, you stay here, Meixiang, we'll go and bring back the tulips immediately."

It is a good thing that General Dong wants to get out of the psychological shadow of the past. Their country of thorns needs the wisdom and strength of Lixueshan Xianzhai.

With him, the Lord of Thorns can fight against other Lords of Miracles without losing the first chance.

Therefore, the girl Tulip must not be allowed to make up her own mind!

"Dream-like enchantment, virtual reality conversion."

At this moment, outside the northern edge of the ancient capital, a majestic woman wearing gold and silver armor and many military emblems on her chest, like a general, is standing outside the hazy fog.

"What a powerful force."

Tulip put her hand on it, she closed her eyes, and then opened it: "At least it is at the master level, but the possibility of being a king is not ruled out."

"The whole army obeys!"

Tulip ordered the 1000 miracle units behind her: "Without my order, you must not break into this fog!"


Tulip clenched her fists, and then walked in decisively: "No matter who you are, the ancient capital is my Lord's property, and my kingdom marshal, Tulip, will never give it to you!"\u003c/div\u003e

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