This is a Miracle

Chapter 209 The people of thorns, fearless



Ilona stood beside Frye, and like the completely stunned brother and sister, it was the first time he saw such a devastating sight.

The mushroom cloud that was still rising made everyone present, as well as the entire Aden people in the ancient capital, tremble.


No, it's excitement!

They are delighted to meet such a powerful enemy.

"Sure enough, it's the same again."

Haierbo had seen the power of the jellyfish red crab, and the scene of hundreds of nuclear bombs at one time brought an unimaginable impact to Haierbo.

"You don't look surprised at all, Helbo."

Ilona looked at Haierbo, then looked at Inai and the silly tiger: "Have you fought against such an enemy before?"

Silly Tiger is an idiot, even if he sees the most terrifying thing, he probably has an unsure expression on his face.

But Ina is also very calm, it can be seen that they have seen each other long ago.

"I fought before, a big sea monster."

"No, it should be called a sea devil, a master."

Haierbo said: "Let's not think about that. Such an opponent is not something we can fight against. If we encounter it, turn around and run. Don't waste this opportunity for actual combat."

"Let's go."

Haierbo took the lead and walked ahead: "According to the plan, wait at the Beicheng District. Mr. Leon will put our opponents in. At that time, it is up to us to fight how many monsters we can fight."

"What about Lulu?"

"It's crazy."

Haierbo has a close relationship with the cat Lulu, but Lulumiao has gone berserk.

"Are you going to stop her?"

"No," Haierbo said with a smile, "we won't be able to fight if we go.


Now it's up to Leon to see if he can perfectly control this blood moon dream, so that the spirits of those who were mistakenly killed by Mao Lulu can return to their bodies in the dawn safe and sound.

Of course, there is also Bai Luo, who came here to overlook the battle of the ancient capital, precisely for this.


Most of the ancient capital cemetery has now disappeared, leaving only huge deep pits and smoke and dust covering the sky.


Tulip stood on the edge of the ruins, her hand holding the sword tightened slightly: "What's going on? This strange feeling of incongruity?"

"Clap, clap, clap clap clap..."

Applause came from the smoke, and Leon praised: "With a single blow, you have such power. Most of the people I brought are not your enemies."


Leon raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


In the blink of an eye, tulips appeared in the cemetery again, and the original ruins and broken city seemed to disappear without a trace.

"Dream realms, dreams within dreams, how many realms do you open?"

However, Tulip didn't care too much about this.

Miracle Land is like a cloud of strong people, and there are not a few people who develop the field to the extreme. Even more strange power, Tulip has also encountered.

The foolish old banquet, the owner of the birch tree, she has fought countless times with those lunatics in Anxiling.

All kinds of strange illusions, tulips have long been familiar.

But the problem is not here!

"Who are you?"

The tulip sword pointed at Leon: "How did you avoid my sword?"

The greatest profound meaning refers to the ultimate tricks of the energy category.

Ordinary heroes can also have profound meanings, but the power they can exert is by no means the same level as the greatest profound meaning that Tulip can use with the power of king-level miracles.

No matter who Leon is, even if it is a legendary powerhouse, it shouldn't be like this if he bears her sword head-on.

It stands to reason that Leon should resist.

Even if he really took this sword, Leon should reveal his heroic attitude.

How could it be so lightly understated that it didn't even change at all.


So weird!

‘Could it be a legendary powerhouse? ’

Tulip: 'No, it can't be a legendary powerhouse. ’

'Let's not talk about the Holy Covenant, the legend can't be shot at all, if it is really a legend,' Tulip: 'I will definitely feel Wang Wei's breath in him. ’

Wang Wei, that is something only the Lord of Miracles, the ontology of miracles, and the sons of high-ranking miracles.

The Lord of Miracles can use Wang Wei.

The miracle body, like Wang Wei himself, just exists, it will make people terrified.

But the Lord of Miracles and the Miracle Body, they can hide Wang Wei.

A powerhouse above the legendary level cannot do this.

Tulip has not thought about the miracle body and the lord of miracles, that is impossible.

The two are high above, how could they condescend and go to such a small place as the ancient capital.

If a miracle really came, it would have to be entertained by the Earl of Thorns in person. Tulip's level was too low to be qualified to be one-on-one with a miracle.

"How to avoid it?"

Leon shook his head slightly and said, "Didn't you see it?"


Tulip is an extremely arrogant genius. She is not old. She started following the Earl of Thorns at the age of 6, and it has only been 30 years until now.

And she has achieved the king level, and even touched a trace of legendary power.

This also means that tulips have the qualifications to become legendary powerhouses.

"How self-righteous!"

Tulip: "Your domain level can limit hero level at most."

"The power of miracles is limited."

Tulip: "If you set up such a large area, you don't need me to take action. You will run out of energy for at most half an hour, and then let me slaughter it."

The energy of the people of miracles is limited, so they will restrain themselves on weekdays to avoid the leakage of miracle power.

But like Leon, a realm covering the entire ancient capital was directly released.

Unless he is a legendary powerhouse, the power of miracles is so huge that it can still be alive after a few days and nights.

Under the king, who is not thrifty, how dare to unleash the power of miracles so unscrupulously.

The implication is that Tulip does not need to fight the victory, and dragging can drag him to death!


Leon: "I think I can last longer."

The miracle body lacks everything, that is, it lacks the power of miracles.

Let alone half an hour, Leon said that if he wanted to, it would not be a problem to maintain it for hundreds of millions of years.


"The breath of the living!"

Three huge nightmare monsters fell from the sky, Leon opened a new blood moon dream, and here is their home.

With dark messy hair and huge blood-red eyes, they grinned, and the bright red blood-like viscous toxins continued to flow down. They stared at the tulips, and the excitement and joy of discovering their prey was clear at a glance.

They are none other than the three giants of Aden's cute cat family, Mao Lingling, Mao Yiyi and Mao Erer.

"What is this?"

Tulip has never seen such a pollution species: "Pollution species?"

"she is mine!!"

"Can talk?!"

The top of her head was shrouded in a huge shady curtain, and Tulip looked at the behemoth that was rushing towards her.

"Extraordinary, dare to show your teeth and claws to me, you are very courageous."


Unfortunately, before Tulip shot and killed the cute cat Sanxiao, Leon shifted his dream again: "Will you shoot at the extraordinary and extraordinary, dignified king, are you not afraid of jokes?"

"On the battlefield, if you dare to shoot at me, you must prepare to be killed!"


Leon's face changed slightly. He was originally from the identity of the miracle body, and it was not easy to play against Tulip.

Although I'm not afraid of being told that the big bully the small, Leon really doesn't like this one-sided battle.

But now, Tulip said something that interested him a lot.

"I didn't want to shoot at you."

"But you said so," Leon put his right hand in his pocket, and shook his left hand: "Then I'll come and play with you."


Tulip gritted her teeth secretly: "Do you mean that the gap between me and you is the same as they are with me?"

Transcendent and King, she, and Leon?

No reason!

"Do not."

Leon shook his head and said, "I mean, the gap between them and you is at least traceable, and the gap between you and me is boundless!"


Tulip was almost blown up: "Who do you think you are, the King of Miracles?"

"If you are the king of miracles."

Tulip scolded angrily and rushed towards Leon at the same time: "Then I am the Queen of the Extreme North!"

"Where are the tulips?"

In the north of the ancient capital, beyond the fog, Meixiang and Xiayan hurriedly arrived.

Unfortunately, one step too late.

"She went in?"

Mei Xiang sighed: "That guy is still so reckless, he entered rashly without even knowing the enemy's situation."

"After all, it's that tulip, the genius that Your Majesty got by accident."

The wildness of tulips, Xiayan has long been accustomed to.

It is not a tulip if it is not reckless.

"But that's too self-righteous, isn't it?"

Most of the people under the Lord of Miracles are not bad, especially if they belong to the same miracle, they are like a family.

Of course, when the family also has conflicts, it's normal that they don't like each other.

But at least, they won't make wrong choices about right and wrong.

"Must go in."

Just like now, Xia Yan said: "The other party dares to send people over, which shows that they don't care about the sacred covenant."

"But there is no one in the world who is not afraid of the Holy Empire."

Xia Yan analyzed: "The other party is likely to be the new master of miracles. Do you remember the news that came from overseas before?"

"You mean, the Duchy of Aden? Is there really a new kingdom of miracles that has appeared on the sea?"

Miracles are extremely rare, and it takes an average of several decades for a new person to appear.

In the entire land of miracles, the Lord of Miracles who appeared last was the Lord of the Labyrinth of the Starry Night Kingdom, the one called the Demon King.

"The upper one is my lord, the last one is the Labyrinth Demon King, and this time, it's the Principality of Aden."


Xia Yan and Mei Xiang looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes: "No way? This Aden, could it be..."

"If it's them, then the tulips are in danger!"

Tie Ying had a grudge against Aden. Although Earl of Thorns stayed at home and did not care about anything, the people below had committed serious crimes against the Aden family.

It was when Xia Yan and Mei Xiang were still young, a certain businessman under Earl Thorns took a fancy to a very cute girl.

The rich businessman hated them secretly, and for revenge, he reported the matter to a certain child of miracles.

Then, the child of miracle took people and captured a mortal.

"The Nineteen Heroes, as mortals, accomplished the miraculous adventure group of God's great cause."

At that time, the adventure group was disbanded and wandered for many years. Some of them decided to go home to visit relatives, including the sister's father and uncle.

And this also makes the martial arts faction that can fight in the adventure group just not there.

It was during such a blank period that the child of miracles did not know about their situation, so he not only arrested the elder sister's father, but also publicly executed him, killing him in front of the old uncle and the elder sister.

"Did you happen to be in the palace at that time?"


Xia Yan said: "I have never seen His Majesty make such a big fire."

Earl of Thorns was pitted by the Son of Miracle.

Although he chose to take back the other party's miraculous power and exile it, this did not change the hatred between the Aden family and him.

Very innocent, very helpless.

But the causal cycle, even if the fault is not the Earl of Thorns, but the revenge that should be avenged, still has to be avenged.

However, it's not just this thing.

The soldiers under the Earl of Thorns also broke into the secluded village of the Aden family and committed heinous crimes against them.

So it's not just the death of senior sister's father fifteen years ago, but also the hatred of Aden's annihilation of the village twelve years ago.

"They're here for revenge."

"Why are you looking for us?!"

Mei Xiang said, "Isn't that idiot going to be holy? Even if you want revenge, you should go to him?"

"There is no escape."

Xia Yan: "They will go to the Lord, but we all have to pay the price."


Mei Xiang knew that the battle of miracles was actually very strange, and some kings would even start it for one sentence.

Now, it's kinship hatred.

How could it be perfunctory?

"Blood for blood, life for life."

Mei Xiang and Xia Yan read out the meaning of this sentence, the Adonites are back, and they are back for revenge.

Bai Luo didn't take action personally, because among the dead fathers and villagers, there were the parents of Sheila and Leon, the parents of Knowles and Fiora, and the parents of Miya and Xiust.

This blood feud, Bai Luo can't interfere, they must personally avenge it!

"Tulips can't be left alone."

Mei Xiang said so, looking at the mist ahead, Xia Yan also said, "Let's go together."

"Please allow us to go together!"

The instructors of Baihuagu Academy, they are the hero-level powerhouses under the command of Earl of Thorns, and they are also the same classmates who grew up with Tulip.

The Adonites come for revenge, and only blood can wash away this resentment.

"You have to understand," Xiayan turned back and said, "If it is really the Aden family, we may not be able to come back."

"Then die together!"

"It's my honor to die with the two teachers."

"We are the flower girl who wants to protect His Majesty," said a woman with a clover-like umbrella in her hand. "If we can sacrifice for His Majesty, even if this life is short, I will be satisfied."

"it is good."

Xia Yan knew that she could not persuade them, her only request was that the extraordinary and extraordinary could not enter.

As for the others. . .

"Let's go."

Xiayan released the power of miracles and shook the fog ahead: "Let's go to meet those Adonites together, even if the hatred is deep like the sea, we have to tell them, the people of thorns, have nothing to fear!"

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