This is a Miracle

Chapter 210 Fragrant Fairy

Ps: The flowers under the command of Earl of Thorns that appear in this chapter are not the flowers on the Blue Star, but a relatively similar name was chosen to refer to.

For example, this flower is very similar to a lotus, so in order to facilitate reading and understanding, it is called lotus, but it is not a real lotus. )


"They're in."

Outside the fog, 200 fragrant fairies and 200 flower swordsmen, with thousands of thorns and extraordinary arms, watched the masters and heroes take risks.

"You can't let adults fight alone."

A fragrant fairy with a lotus in her hand stood up, her name was Shui Hibiscus.

Although she is still just an extraordinary fragrance fairy, but this is because she came late, and it only takes two or three years to obtain the power of miracles.

"Angelica, bay laurel, ylang-ylang, jasmine, lemon bee."

Shui Furong said: "Everyone, set up the fragrant enchantment, and even if you can't match the masters of this field, you must create a safe way for them to retreat."

"Let's start arranging."


[Secret Skill: Lotus Stage Barrier? How many flowers bloom]

The first person to raise her hand was Shui Hibiscus, and I saw her holding up the lotus flower in her hand, and behind her, like her, the fragrant fairies who chose the lotus system threw flowers of different colors one after another.

White lotus, red lotus, green lotus, purple lotus, black lotus, golden lotus.

A large number of lotus flowers are constantly combined in the air. They are completely composed of the power of miracles. Relying on the power of nearly 50 extraordinary fragrant fairies, they have jointly constructed an invisible miracle enchantment that looks like a lotus bud along the edge of the ancient capital.

The buds are colorful and contain a variety of attributes.

Water, fire, earth, storm, thunder, darkness, light. . . . . .

Almost all attribute defense, can automatically choose one or more attributes according to the strength of the enemy.

If the power of miracles is sufficient, this move is definitely a strategic defensive secret technique (different names for secret techniques in spells).

"Hu~~ huh~~"

"If Master Fist Sage is here,

He will definitely make the lotus dais enchantment bloom. "

The boxing saint is called Xia Tongyu. Like Luo Shuiyi, he is also an ancestor from the Northern Continent and Eastern Empire. He is a master of boxing and martial arts.

Although the lotus stage barrier is only a secret skill, it will be divided into grades according to the strength of the caster. One grade is a layer, and each layer has four pieces, which are stacked in a staggered manner.

They guard a city inside with huge petals like a hill.

The highest level of the twelfth rank, under the command of Earl Thorns, only one person can perform——Adai Boxing Saint Xia Tongyu.

However, the strength of the fragrant fairies present is too weak, it is not bad to be able to make flower buds, the more advanced flower blooming rank 1, their miraculous power cannot support such advanced changes, at least it must be heroic.

"Everyone, first replenish the power of miracles."

Shui Hibiscus spent a lot of miraculous power, she took off the sachet around her waist, picked up a pink petal from it, and put it in her mouth.

And the lotus-type fragrance fairies behind Shui Hibiscus, like her, with petals in their mouths, began to quickly recover the power of miracles.

This is not the power of the lotus-type fragrant fairy, but the strategic material reserve of Earl of Thorns.

The petals contain energy from another dimension, the life dimension, which is mined through the endless root system by the spore artisans and root fruit workers under the economic count.

Fragrant Fairies are super class troops, but their miraculous power is limited.

Once the power of miracles is exhausted, without the advantage of casting spells, they are just more powerful soldiers.

Therefore, each Fragrant Fairy will receive the Four Seasons Petals that can fully replenish its energy ten times at any time according to its own attributes.

【Four Seasons Petals】

Introduction: The miracle material mined by the Earl of Thorns from the life dimension was created by General Winter and split into petals.

Species: According to the different flowers, they are divided into four categories: spring, summer, autumn and winter, which can only supplement their own attributes.

Effect: Can replenish all the miracle power of an extraordinary class

As for the more advanced hero level, the petals of the four seasons are too inefficient, they use flower bouquets, and the more advanced ones are solar terms.

【Flower bouquet】

Introduction: The miraculous power mined by the Earl of Thorns from the primitive ecological dimension was created by the Queen of Spring and turned into a bouquet of flowers.

Types: December bouquets, a total of 12 kinds.

Effect: Can replenish all the miracle power of hero level

【Solar term fruit】

Introduction: The miracle material mined by the Earl of Thorns from the ancient origin dimension was created by Xia Tongyu and brought to reality in the form of fruit

Species: Twenty-four kinds, each of which is extremely rare, even if the count is not much saved

Effect: Replenishes the full miracle power of a master


Ahead, the lotus-shaped barrier of the ancient capital was completed, barely blocking the rolling mists and preventing them from leaking.

"what is that?"

In the distant mountains, forests and wilderness, some mountain people living here can see the light here from a distance.

"What a nice view."

"Look! Look over there!"

"what is that?"

"Is this a miracle?"

The mortals around the ancient capital saw this scene, a scene that subverted their worldview.

Outside the ancient capital is not Leon's blood moon dream, this is reality, and this also means that the fragrant fairies are manifesting in front of people.

"A huge flower that wraps the city..."

Some people with poor psychological quality were already kneeling on the ground at this time, and then silently prayed towards the ancient capital: "God, are you here to save us?"

In the east of Tie Ying, most people believe in the Holy Blood Cult of the Starry Night.

It's a pity that Ter Eido can't care about such a small place as the ancient capital, and has no interest in mortals.

"It was seen by mortals."

"It doesn't matter."

"At the most ten years, they will forget what happened today."

Humans have a limited lifespan, and there are no cameras, cameras, and the like here. It is only based on human word of mouth. Without evidence, it will become a folklore in just a few years.

And as long as it spreads a little further, it may become a fairy tale tomorrow.


Shui Furong looked at the woman behind her: "Yuegui!"

【Extraordinary: The Song of Praise for Hundred Flowers】


Upon receiving the order, Laurel crossed her fingers and held it in front of her, and she began to sing,


Behind Yuegui, 10 fragrant fairies began to harmonize, and together with the leader of the team, they sang a melodious tune.

Flowers spread from the fragrant fairies to the ancient capital ahead.

In an instant, on the river valley plain north of the ancient capital, the wind of miracles blew, and flowers bloomed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The endless sea of ​​flowers, every flower sparkles under the night sky.

[Extraordinary: Oath Resonance]

Dozens of fragrant fairies, each holding hands, the power of miracles connects their consciousnesses, and at the same time makes each other's powers of miracles qualitatively change and become stronger.

"I am the master of the swarm!"

"I am the master of Butterfly Sea!"

There is also a group of fragrant fairies with a mesmerizing aroma.

For a time, endless bees and butterflies woke up from the darkness, they came from all directions, and under the influence of the miraculous power of the fragrant fairy, they turned into huge spiritual butterflies and giant bees, covering the sky and the sun. \u003c/div\u003e

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