This is a Miracle

Chapter 247 Epic Legend

"That woman, oh, by the way, it's her, no wonder it feels so familiar."

Somewhere in a different dimension, three traders returned from the Avalon world, where they rested for countless years.

It was also here that they quietly looked at the wonderland, neither involved nor interfered too much.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The one with the gun before."

The crying girl and her senior sister fought once: "Although the appearance has changed, the feeling is not wrong. Even if it turns into ashes, I can recognize it. It must be her."

"You have an impression! Pfft haha!"

The very happy smiling man was neurotic as always: "Do I know it, do I know it, is it my acquaintance?"

"What do you have to do with her?" Angrily and contemptuously said, "When she was in all directions, you were still rubbing Dillian's mud."

"Hahaha, mud, puff haha, I'm dying of laughter."

Completely ignoring the disdain from anger, the smiling man smiled happily, without the slightest bit of grudge.

"What's the use of being great before," the crying girl said, "I haven't been forgotten, and no one knows me now, woo woo woo, so pitiful, so pitiful."

"You haven't said who that woman is."

The angry and dissatisfied smiling man changed the subject, and the crying woman hurriedly said, "That's the one, that bad woman who likes to lie the most, that super liar."


Anger immediately realized who the crying woman was talking about: "If you don't say it, I really didn't notice it, it's such a big man!"

"The top one, the bottom one," said the anger slightly surprised: "It's really scary, the great king, even such a monster can be subdued."

"Submit! Pfft hahaha!"

The smiling man was still laughing, sitting angrily on a floating stone, on the other side, the crying woman closed her eyes and started to sleep.

Such a boring day,

It has been going on for three million years.

The three don't know how long they will have to endure, but as the cursed sinner, this may be the retribution.

"What's the matter with you, Opal?"

At this time, in Avalon Castle, several figures were gathered in one place and had a conversation.

They felt the strange power that solidified everything.

"Hey, as for you, it's not like you haven't come into contact with a powerhouse at that level."

The bloody emperor Magris looked at the shivering Opal Lang and couldn't help but joke: "Why is it shaking like this, what's the situation?!"

"Can't be wrong, absolutely can't be wrong!"

Immortal King Opalang bowed his head, the spirit body that should not be sweating, was full of sweat at this time: "That breath, although it is fleeting, she must be in it just now!"

Opalang will never forget that in the Elebergen epic, facing the crusade of more than 400 powerful heroes, he is still aloof and overlooking everything.

‘Kill me? ’

'If it's a sideshow, I have to praise you for doing a good job. ’

On the huge throne, a woman sat lazily on it. She rested her head with her hands, and looked at the Xiangs who arrived in front of her with interest.

"In just an instant, my life came to an end."

So far, Opalang doesn't remember what she did, only the overwhelming power and the unbridgeable power gap.

"Are you kidding me?"

Magris looked at Opalang floating beside him in shock. In addition, there were the great gods, the Dragon King, Asaleng, and seven or eight other newly arrived heroic remnants residing in the treasures.

Several of them were people of the same era as Opal.

"I feel it too."

The heroic spirit with a long beard on his face, like a king of dwarves, said: "I didn't expect that she is still alive, it's incredible."

"Who are you talking about?"

Asalom's seniority is much smaller than the three present.

The Whitebeard Dwarf is the original ancestor of the dwarves, "Runn Sebal". He is of high rank and was once called the Seven Heroes together with the natural king Muldard.

Next is the Immortal King Opalang. Although he is younger, he is also the same age as Saibal.

He participated in the crusade and is a member of the myth and legend of the 'Eternal Vessel'.

Magris is much younger. When Opalang became famous, he was just an apprentice in the natural king city, an inconspicuous little character.

As for Asaleng, she is really too bad.

To put it in a bad way, those three are at least from the Tang Dynasty, and Asaleng is from the Ming Dynasty.

This difference is no longer a generation, but I don't know how many generations.

"I also want to know who you are talking about."

"This voice!!"

All the heroic spirits looked back quickly, and saw a new figure appearing among them, it was the Queen of Avalon, Isefiya.

"Your Majesty?"

"You are here!"

"In the third stage, are you free to enter our will space?"

"Tell me what you know."

Senior sister wanted to ask before, but the remnants of the heroic spirits have been sleeping because of their first battle.

It's different now. Senior Sister has awakened to the third stage of the miracle, and she can take the initiative to enter here and ask them about the secrets of the Avalon world.

"It's an honor that you are interested in our story, but my memory is incomplete and may not be able to answer all your questions," Opalan said, "but as long as we know it, we will tell it without reservation. You, Your Majesty the Great Queen."

"Let me tell you who the woman you are talking about is."

Senior sister also wanted to know about this question. During the first confrontation, she could clearly perceive that the opponent's strength was higher than her own.

But this is not the most important thing. After all, Senior Sister is far from reaching the peak, and she will continue to improve.

But what really made Isafia curious was that she came to the Weeping Girl with a threat.

She is strong, very strong!

"We have been communicating all the time, sharing the remaining memory fragments with each other," Opalang said. "If my perception is not wrong, she is likely to be the first of the seven crowns."


Senior Sister was puzzled and did not understand the meaning of the "seven crowns".

"That's the name from the myths and legends of Gedmon, and we, collectively, call her," Saibal, the ancestor of the dwarves, said: "The oldest dragon, Thesegon!"


This is not the first time that Senior Sister has heard this name. She knows this person. He seems to be a big shot, a group destroyer, a penta kill, an unstoppable, and a big man who dominates the battlefield.

"I wonder if you've heard the name of this world once."


"Ya, Yagen, Yagen, your Aton, is it a problem with spoken pronunciation?"

"Okay, let's call it Aden."

The first ancestor of the dwarves read a few words and found that there was nothing wrong, so he continued: "Three million years ago, in a land called Ellebergen, an unimaginable war broke out."

"The name Thesegon, even in this war, is the loudest and most feared one."

"She has killed countless heroes and heroes, and among the people who challenged her, only one person managed to repel her."

"King of Heroes, Grinold."

"This part, I think it should be better for him to tell."

The ancestor of the dwarves recommended a very inconspicuous little guy, oh, not a little guy, he was just short and thin.

"Hello everyone, I'm Oberkrigg, a puny halfling."

Halflings are commonly known as dwarfs and hobbits, and Burke is one of the origins of countless dwarfs. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the ancestor of halflings.

Next, Aubock used the unique eloquence of dwarfs to tell his senior sister an ancient myth that although fragmented, but still magnificent.

The Battle of the Seven Heroes and the Three Invasions

"The Tale of the Evil Tirian and the Great Hero-King Green Ord"

"Four Hundred Heroes Conquest of Thesaigon"

"The Long History of Ellebergen Infighting and the Broken Age"

"After that, the empire went south, kicking off the battle of Ellebergen," Oberke said, "and I died during that period, so I don't know what happened next."

I have to say that Burke's story is quite fascinating, and even an indifferent person like Senior Sister listened with relish.

"But I think those two over there should know something about the Empire."

Following Burke's instructions, Senior Sister saw two remnants of heroic spirits, one fat and one beast.

The fat one was a black and white orc, while the other was a woman. She was wearing a hat and cassock, holding a metal tin rod in her hand, like a monk, but behind her back was a pair of pure white wings. weird.

"Is it our turn finally? I thought the little dwarf was going to keep talking."

The woman said jokingly, but it was not malicious, it was just a joke.

"Is the dwarf calling me?"

Oberke looked at the ancestor of the dwarves, who showed the look of "you are not nonsense".

"But aren't we the same height?"


The ancestor of the dwarf: "I am obviously one centimeter taller than you!"

"Hello, Her Majesty."

On the other side, the fluffy black and white orc showed a simple and honest smile: "My name is Xiang Wuxu, and I am not an orc, but a Shanhai tribe called Panda Immortal."

"The name next to me is Jiusi, she is my best friend, you can call her Sisi," Xiang Wuxu said, "she is from the Tengu family, so she has wings."

"See Your Majesty the Queen," Jiusi greeted with a smile: "It's the first time we meet, the interceptor Jiusi (with no falsehood), I'm glad to serve you."

"The Interceptor."

Senior Sister: "Is that the special force that killed Margris?"

"Ah this!"

Magris said he was lying on the gun for no reason.

"That's right, that's the team."

Panda and Tengu Ji were a little embarrassed: "We're not really that good, but luckily, we were chosen by accident."

"Yes, yes, my son is always envious, but unfortunately I didn't see it for the last time."

"Oh, then I seem to be better than you," said the pandaren proudly, "I passed the ancestral bamboo rice to my son."


Tengu Ji was shocked and burst into her hometown dialect: "You know the mission that time is nine-death?"

"I do not know."

The pandaren scratched his head honestly: "I just think that this time may be over, so just in case."

"Envy! My little one likes my rosary so much, I would have left it to him if I knew it earlier."

Tengu Ji and Pandaren completely chatted, and Senior Sister's brows gradually wrinkled.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what happened to everyone. They should all die."

"Sister Yi is very strong."

"Big Brother Zu is also very powerful."

"And the king of Wuzhu and the king of corruption, those two boys are so thieves..."

For some reason, listening to the chat between the two, Senior Sister faintly heard an inexplicable sadness.

"Our body, is it dead?"

In one sentence, the voice of every remnant present was expressed.

"Yes," Xiang Wuxu said, "We are already dead."

They have long since died. The so-called remnant souls are just remnants of memories, characters and images. They can neither be resurrected nor have real life. The only thing they can do is to pass on their power and knowledge to their younger generations.

However, even if there was a means of resurrection, would they accept it?

the answer is negative.

Whether it is Magris, Opalang, the great god Dragon King, the Mantle King, the Son of Nature, or the new dwarf ancestor Saibal, halfling ancestors, Xiang Wuzu and Tengu Ji Sansi.

They all lived a life without regrets.

Neither want to overthrow, nor will they continue, because they are all true heroes, heroes sent by ancient epics.

"About that battle," Xiang Wuxu and Tenguhime exchanged glances and said, "We seem to have been wiped out of our memory about it, so I'm sorry, great majesty, we can't tell you more."

"Erase the memory?"

Senior Sister: "Man-made?"

"It seems to be to block some secrets that cannot be known," Asaleng said. "With the epic as the dividing line, what happened after the empire went south, I also lost this memory."

Asalom seems to have outlived Panda and Tengu Hime, because she survived the war called "Battle of Gedmund's Eastern Expedition".

"Are these things that happened before?"

After the senior sister came back, she immediately sent Bai Luo the message from the remnants of the heroic spirits. Bai Luo was shocked when he heard it: "Did there ever such a war three million years ago, what is it called?"

"The Battle of Ellerbergen took place in a land called Ellerbergen, but it was blown to pieces because of the war."

"Do you think the history they tell us is credible?"

"There are clear signs of beautification and modification."

The old uncle sat on the side. He listened to the exclusive words of the senior sister. Although it was not very emotional, the eloquence of the senior sister was so eloquent that Bai Luo and the old uncle understood it very clearly.

"In my opinion, its credibility is at most 40%, and it can't be more."

"But I didn't expect that there are pandaren!"

Bai Luo hasn't seen the pandaren yet, so he's quite curious: "Could the empire he talks about be the lost empire we rumored to be?"


After the old uncle finished speaking, the old reed said: "And the Tengu Ji, she should be the ancient Yingxiang native that the teacher said."


Senior Sister was talking about this name. If it is true as the heroic spirits said, the crying woman among the three businessmen is the Tessegon in the Elebergen epic: "This guy, I am afraid that this guy is not the strong man we can deal with now. what."

No way, the description of her in the epic is too scary, almost to the point of death for the blocker.

Even the legendary King of Heroes, Grinold, only wounded Thesegon.

As for death. . .

Yes, Thesegon has fallen in the legend, but it was not something powerful that killed her, but something called a 'torrent'.

"What the hell is this torrent?"

Bai Luo found that there were too many things in the miracle world that he couldn't understand, and after the senior sister's inquiry, the heroic spirits just told them: 'The torrent is a kind of mighty power, but they don't know exactly what mighty power is. ’

"According to the heroic spirit, even in the era of Ellerbergen, very few people knew about the torrent."

Senior Sister: "I only know that it is an unstoppable force. Anyone who dares to fight against the torrent will fall into the long river of history like Thesegon."

"But isn't she still alive?"

"Oberang's one-sided words," Senior Sister shook her head and said, "I can't be sure that it is her, or it may be a heir or something."

"Where's the Mantle King? Isn't Thesegon the ancestor of the Mantle King, who can't even recognize his own ancestors?"

"It's not a parent," the senior sister said. "The mantle king's grandfather was transformed by the blood of Thesegon, and she herself has no partner."


So to put it bluntly, the mantle king's family is a by-product!

"About Torrent, a female Heroic Spirit named Lexington seems to have some knowledge," Senior Sister: "Her race is called Starship Battle Girl, a child of miracles from the electronic frontier camp, and her creator, a man named Nohaya The people at Gram have done a lot of research on this."


Bai Luo asked in surprise, "Feiya, how many people are in your treasure house?"

"Including the newcomers, there are about ten in total."

"Well, then you can continue to pay attention. When there are more people in the future, we may be able to piece together the real "Eilbergen Epic" from these fragments."

As for the heroic spirits in Senior Sister's treasury, knowing them, Bai Luo felt like archaeology.

Archaeology itself has no substantial value, but it can bring a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction outside the material, and it is also a symbol of the accumulation of a nation and a country.

Of course, that was already 3 million years ago, so what if Thesegon really was a Weeping Woman?

She and Bai Luo had bound the monarch-subject contract, and if Bai Luo hung up, she would be finished.

The most important thing is that Bai Luo has a mysterious dragon, and he can clearly feel that the three traders are very afraid of it, and it can even be said that they are a little in awe.


While Bai Luo was thinking about putting the archaeological work aside, a surging miraculous wave came from the outside world.

"This is!!"

Bai Luo looked at the old reed, and saw the old man smile: "Come on, Your Majesty, the miracles of my children are blooming."


Miracles are the foundation, and the Remnant Soul of the Heroic Spirit made it very clear.

As long as Bai Luo can fully develop the power of miracles, even if the torrent that defeats Thesegon comes, he has no need to be afraid, just right!


Bai Luo got up, took the lead and walked out, and the others immediately followed: "Go and see what kind of change Gu Jiqitan's power will bring to Aden."

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