This is a Miracle

Chapter 248 The Miracle Blossoms of Ancient Jiqitan

"Is it so flashy?"

As soon as Bai Luo came out, he saw the golden sky, endless divine rays of light falling down in waves, and many detritus stars drifting in the wind.

Regardless of Gu Ji Qi Tan's strength, Bai Luo felt that he was stronger than Tianma and Fairy for this wave of appearances.

Lilith: What the hell is Walter?

Shirley: I've already slept three times, and I still have to lie down.

"I see."

Huang Quan seemed to know something, she looked at Shura, who also nodded: "This is what our miracle power can bring to Aden."

"Your Majesty, please watch the scenery we bring to you."

The two brothers and sisters saluted Bai Luo, and at the same time, it turned into a pale golden light and dissipated. Bai Luo raised his head and saw two phantoms slowly emerging above the sky.

The man on the right is a burly man with white hair. At this time, he is topless, holding a spear in his hand. He stabs it from a high altitude and plunges into the sea to stir and roll.

The woman on the left was wearing a thin coat, and, like her elder brother, used the second Amazuma spear to pierce the sea.

"I represent the sun of heaven and earth."

"I represent the shadow of heaven and earth."

"The current of yang is warm, and the current of yin is cold. At this moment, the cold and the warm are converging, and all things are multiplied and born here."

In the sea, the vitality originally brought by the gift of the mysterious dragon was completely detonated by Shura and Huang Quan at this moment, and countless small lives were nurtured in the sea.



With Shura's low drink, the Tianzhu spear sank sharply downwards, it penetrated the seabed, and actually smashed the entire plate of the miracle land.

The cracks are counted in kilometers and spread in all directions.

Endless magma spewed out from the fractured trench, and dark smoke filled the deep sea, but faster than them were the broken boulders rising into the sky.


The sea burst,

It was as if a hundred aircraft carriers were floating from the bottom of the sea at the same time.

It was an island. Although it was empty, it was forcibly picked up from the bottom of the sea by the brothers and sisters with Tianzhu spears and floated on the sea, just south of Aden Island.

But it's not over yet.

With the appearance of the first island, the second, the third, until the six islands wrapped the main island of Aden in the shape of petals, the brothers and sisters stopped moving.


Bai Luo thought about what Gu Ji Qi Tan's ability would be, but he never expected that such a miracle would bloom.

Lilith's miracle bloom is like a warm wind, and Leon's median miracle bloom is the black sun and the bloody moon. Now, Gu Jiqitan has shown their miracle bloom, reclaiming the sea and making land!



The Azure Islands and Bright Islands, which are the closest to here, the children of miracles living here felt the earth-shattering fluctuations for the first time.

"What is this movement?"


Avril leaned over, pressed her hand on the ground, and carefully sensed: "There is a very terrifying force that runs through the seabed of the miracle land and shatters the continental plates!"

"How is this done?"

Avril was very puzzled. She looked at Mars. Although the silver boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old, Avril admired his wisdom from the bottom of his heart, and always relied on him subconsciously.

"It's the miracle itself."

Mars said calmly: "Only the miracle body can shatter the continental shelf of its own land."

"This land has been blessed by many powerful miracles, and it is extremely hard," Mars: "Even an epic powerhouse can only destroy its surface and cannot penetrate into the bone marrow, but this power has done it. It can be seen that, Its quality is more powerful than the blessing of the rootless duckweed's miracle being."

And stronger than the miracle blessing, only the miracle itself.

One is a limited number of tricks, and the other is a steady stream, which can naturally do fundamental damage.

"Are they crazy?"

Perceiving this movement, Avril soon judged the source of the movement: "Aden? Why is that country again?"

"The ambition is still that big, Big Brother Bai Luo."

Mars and Bai Luo knew each other, and often heard him tell stories when they were young: "If it's him, it's not unusual at all."

"But didn't Aden just conquer the ancient capital, why should it stop now?"

"If it was someone else, he would stop, but Big Brother Bai Luo," Mars said, "he won't stop."

"Are you familiar with him?"

"He was scary," Mars said. "The first time I saw him, the first words he said to me are still unforgettable."

His first meeting with Bai Luo and his answer appeared in his mind, and a smile appeared on the corner of Mars' mouth.

"Big Brother Bailuo looks down on the world," Mars said, "It's not arrogance, but standing on a high place and overlooking everyone's pride."

"What's the meaning?"

Avril didn't understand what Mars said: "What do you want to say?"

"Aden and Wei Lan, there must be a battle."

Mars: "He only wants to surrender to the blue, like the ancient capital, and the thorn collar, sooner or later, he will also attack us."


Avril: "You, are you serious?"

"I am the only famous general in the entire Azure, Sister Avril."


"Aden is too reckless when he does things. He doesn't put anyone in his eyes at all, he just does his own thing!"

Mars said: "I attacked the ancient capital before and did it in private. Although it was done before the sacred covenant, how dangerous is it for a country with such action?"

"And now, with such a big commotion, I don't know how to restrain it. Why? Stupid?"

"Do not!"

Mars clearly remembered the feeling that Bai Luo gave him: "He is very cautious, very, very cautious. If he has ten strengths, he will not give ten points, but will only use one point to deal with you."

"But he's exposed now."

After Avril finished speaking, she found that Mars was looking at herself, just smiling and looking at her.


Avril, vaguely understood: "You mean, he doesn't care about this part of the force at all."

"Probably not even a cent."

Mars: "Because he doesn't bother to hide it at all."

"Look, Sister Avril," Mars ignored the sudden movement. He sat there, closing his eyes and resting, "At most ten years, Aden will bring thousands of troops to the city."

"how about you!!"

Avril said anxiously, she had an inexplicable fear: "What will you do?"

Mars is very clever, and Mishia knows that she is not smart enough, so in recent years, she has asked Mars for everything.

From a four or five-year-old child, until now, growing into a teenager.

"I never thought of immortality," Mars said. "Immortality is the biggest irony of heroes. If there is no battlefield where they die generously, life would be too boring."

Mars smiled, delighted to meet a formidable opponent for the first time in years.

To meet an enemy like Bai Luo and such a powerful opponent as Aden Country, Mars feels that his life is very lucky, because he is living in a magnificent era: "It's really nice to not be born out of time. Yes."

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