This is a Miracle

Chapter 249 Adun Islands

As Mars said, Bai Luo has passed the period when he needs to hide.

No, to be precise, Bai Luo couldn't hide it.

When a person is so powerful that he can lead the times with every gesture, it is very difficult for him to keep a low profile.

Just like this time, Bai Luo didn't intend to be so grand.

But the miracle of ancient Jiqitan blooms, just like Leon's greed for the sun and the moon before, it is impossible to hide it, it is simply to treat the master of miracles in the world as a fool.

Such obvious miraculous fluctuations, such huge turbulence, how do you hide it?

So Bai Luo was not arrogant, but he really couldn't be more low-key and modest.

Bai Luo: I really tried my best, but I still inadvertently left you dumbfounded.

"Your Majesty, we have brought you new territories."

Huang Quan and Shura recovered their human appearances, but the essence of Tianjin God still made the brothers and sisters look like gods, emitting a faint light.

Along with that, Bai Luo also received a part of Gu Ji Qi Tan's power, which made him a little stunned.

"Can this special effect like a light bulb be turned off?"

Bai Luo has so many abilities now that he can't control it.

The equal share of senior sister, the holy magic qi destroys the sky and the earth, and the strengthening of Xue Li is enough to withstand the pressure of all worlds and adapt to all transcendence.

Lilith didn't bring Bai Luo the ability, obviously she had not broken through to a higher realm and did not meet the requirements.

Needless to say, Leon, the greedy wolf king, gave Bai Luo an extremely terrifying power of ignorance.

Xiaobai ignored it for the time being, the mysterious dragon didn't seem to give Bai Luo anything, but in fact it gave him an unimaginable good thing——Infinite Wang Wei.

The Wangwei of Miracle Dragon is separated from the Wangwei of other miracles and belongs to an independent force.

To put it simply, when Wang Wei collided, Bai Luo could choose not to let the other party feel the Wang Wei of the Miracle Dragon, and when Bai Luo needed it, the Miracle Dragon's Wang Wei could be used alone, or with others. Miraculous Wang Wei stacked together and released.


Your power is too huge to be controlled for a while, it's our mistake! "

After Huang Quan finished speaking, he quickly helped Bai Luo to suppress his miraculous power, which made Bai Luo no longer shine.

"It's so much more comfortable."

Seeing that the light was hidden, Bai Luo smiled and looked at the brothers and sisters: "Tell me about the island you created. Does it have any special functions?"

If you just create land, such an ability is nothing at all, and some fields can also do it.

It really doesn't work, go to the material world to find a plane, and Bai Luo can use the endless land as you like.

Therefore, Gu Jiqitan's land creation must have its own uniqueness.

"We have created a total of five islands and a circular barrier for you this time," Huang Quan said. "These lands are not pure soil, but the manifestation of our miraculous power."

In other words, it is something similar to the nature of the proud country.

Ninety-nine-eighty-one is a miracle resource, which can summon mountains and lakes with spiritual energy and demonic energy everywhere, and the miracle energy that comes with these places will transform living bodies and give them the power of miracles.

In the same way, the island created by Gu Jiqitan seems to have nothing but a vast wet land.

However, don't underestimate these six new islands, they are like six huge sources of miracles, which will continuously radiate out the surging power of miracles.

Humans, animals and plants, and even inanimate things, stay on it for a long time, as long as they meet the two requirements of miracles - loyalty and qualifications.

Then you can immediately obtain the power of Gu Jiqitan and become Bai Luo's miracle child.

"Six new islands?"

Bai Luo had some thoughts in his heart, but the miracle of the reed family was not over yet.

"Xiao Luo, the gift of the miracle dragon is not over yet," Senior Sister reminded in time, "These six islands are ready-made wasteland, and we can start seeding and training."

"That's right, thanks to Feiya for your reminder."

Bai Luo forgot about this for a while, so he immediately ordered the seeds accumulated during this period, as well as the first and second batches of seeds harvested, to be planted.

Now there is no need to worry about the harvest. Anyway, the seeds are put into the soil, they will ripen in minutes, and then they will bear fruit.

Sure enough, exactly as Isefiya thought, the six islands were instantly filled with all kinds of melons, fruits and grains, along with a large amount of medicines, once again a bumper harvest.

Regardless of how rich and powerful Aden is now, even such terrifying existences as the power of miracles are protecting Bai Luo's country.

But that is all false.

The materials brought by the budding holy bag and the troops cultivated by the miracles are the capital accumulation that actually exists and can be seen and touched.

After the first batch of cultivation of the crops poured out of the pocket, Bailuo has obtained the earliest original plants and fruits.

They absorb the miraculous powers of Avalon, goblins, and covetousness. There are three categories, which can supplement and accelerate the growth of holy magic, goblins, and covetous lineages.

Such a good thing, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a strategic reserve.

For Wei Bailuo, these miracle food will never be eliminated, the more the better.

Moreover, the potion system and alchemy system being developed by the goblin department can refine the original miracle food, so as to produce auxiliary materials that can be of great help to masters, kings, and even legends.

Soon, the six islands except Aden were covered in green and became lush.

"Your Majesty, please give the new six islands a name."

"it is good."

Bai Luo thought about it and said, "I originally thought about letting Aden divide the work and set up departments in different places."

"Now with these new six islands, we can arrange better."

Of the seven islands, one cannot be called an island, but a ring-shaped area that encloses the six islands of Aden, forming a unique protective circle.

Such landforms must have fatal flaws in the face of natural disasters, such as tsunamis.

But Aden has the power of miracles, and they don't pay attention to the mere natural disasters.

"The outermost area, I named it Huanxing Coast," Bai Luo said, "I plan to send all the 80,000 people who migrated from the ancient capital to there, and distribute them in a circle in the form of villages and seaport towns."

"The six or seven thousand people in the lower planes, they came earlier and are citizens of Aden," Bai Luo said, "Although I was eliminated from the ritual blessing this time, they came one step earlier, and I plan to let them live in a distance from Aden. Don Island's second closest island."

"I named it 'The Temple' and it is the second largest island in the Adun Islands."

Bai Luo continued: "A huge national academy will be established in the temple, as well as an area dedicated to 'cultivating' talents, providing prayers, military training, training and many other services."

To put it simply, it is a place dedicated to transforming foreigners and giving them a sense of belonging to Aden.

You were selected from the coast of the star ring, entered the Temple Island, and then went through a rigorous ideological education, and finally became a variety of talents useful to Aden.

This is the meaning of the name of the temple, with a slightly religious character, to ensure the loyalty and belief of the people to Aden.

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