This is a Miracle

Chapter 250 7 Islands Surrounding

【Aden Island】

The core of the archipelago of the Principality of Adun is also the most central island, where the capital of Adun is located.

It is a circular island with a radius of about 30 kilometers, but after the repair of Huangquan and the Shura brothers and sisters, the area of ​​Aden Island has been improved to a certain extent.

Although not enlarged much, it has been redistributed in shape.

Plains in the east, forests in the west, hills and mountains in the north, lakes in the middle, and sandy beaches in the south.

If outsiders want to enter Aden Island, they must land from the south, and the other three sides are shrouded by Lilith's fairy spells, protecting the country with a huge enchantment.

In addition, there is also the entrance of Avalon inside Adun Island, which is Avalon Lake.

The area of ​​Adun Island itself is actually average. As a country, it is a bit petty, but if you include the world of Avalon, then this area is very exaggerated.

The world of Avalon is a complete and independent world, which can be regarded as infinite as the universe.

It's just that the star realm has not yet been liberated, as if it is covered by the sky, Bai Luo can't explore the place outside the crystal wall of the star realm, but it will be a matter of time. When the senior sister breaks through again and liberates the star realm, then at that time, the world of Avalon will be is the real complete world.

"I plan to build a prison on this island."

Bai Luo pointed to the island on the right side of Aden Island, which is the eastern position: "I call it the other side of the island, and then, Leon, you will live here in the future."


Leon was officially appointed by Bai Luo as the director of the Aden Grand Prison.

Bai Luo had actually thought about prison a long time ago.

In the future, Aden will definitely fight against other countries, but in this regard, there is a bottom line that must be observed, that is, you cannot kill others at will.

Defeated, wounded, and captured alive, this is actually an unspoken rule among the kingdoms of miracles.

It doesn't mean that you can't kill. If you kill someone else's person, in the future, others will also kill your person.

To put it in a bad way, Haierbo was sent as an envoy, and they shot him to death at will, and the reason was because Bai Luo had attacked the killer before.

What's even more embarrassing is that if someone accidentally kills someone important, for example, someone kills Yinya of Bai Luo's family, why won't Bai Luo fight the other side?

Excessive, specially waiting on their way out, just to avenge Xue Hate.

"Hatred is like a seed. Once it takes root, it will bring us huge trouble," Bai Luo said. "We are famous for the war with Thorns. Even if the Earl of Thorns hates us, there is nothing we can do."

The uncle on Bai Luo's side was killed by the Thorns. Bai Luo went to take revenge and killed General Dong.

But the question is, what is the reason for this.

Just like the Xiaguang Saint Avril under the command of the Fairy Eagle, if one day, she fights with the Aden Army, and the Holy Dragon Princess defeats her, can she kill it?

Can't kill!

Because there is no reason to do things like this.

Bai Luo and Xian Ying had no grudges.

Their war is more like a friendly fight in the Spring and Autumn Period, there is no reason to offend people to death for such a little benefit.

Bai Luo's desire for war is to expand territory and make the country more prosperous. He is not a bloodthirsty person who likes to kill, nor is he a mindless arrogant, biting people like a mad dog.

Killing people for no reason is too mindless and too stupid.

"The facilities in the prison need to be improved," Bai Luo said. "There may be a lot of guests staying in the future. We need to give them the warmth of going home. By the way, tell them that they are reluctant to leave and can come a few more times."

This is the place to prepare for the occasional friction with the countries that Aton is on good terms with.

As long as Bai Luo does this well, then the Adonites will be treated the same if they are caught by Xian Ying and Morgan in the future.

In this way, Bai Luo can feel a little more at ease.

This is a bit like playing a family, but the battle between the masters of miracles, in this era, is actually a matter of face.

If he really angered a certain miracle master, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, in the future confrontation, grasping the opponent's handle and weakness is the key.

"Suddenly I feel that I have to take good care of Iniya."

Yinya is undoubtedly Bai Luo's weakness. If she is caught, it will really be the same as Bai Luo's catching Sigrian.

"The miracle you find next time, just give it to her."

"It's not that easy."

If it is suitable for Yinya, Bai Luo will definitely give it, but the problem is that it may not be suitable.

And the next miracle is not stipulated, it must be given, maybe it can be used by Bai Luo?

If it is directly bound, Bai Luoke can't give it.

"In addition, the tree elves will migrate from the main island of Aden," Bai Luo said, "and also the Pegasus, goblins, and holy beasts."

"I call the island west of Adun Island the 'Eternal Forest'."

"It is an island completely composed of forests and grasslands. The island area is three times the size of the main island of Adun, and it is also the most extensive place in the entire Adun Archipelago."

【Eternal Forest】

Shirley will live here, and the tree elves will live together with the fairies, holy beasts, and Pegasus.

They are both nature-loving races, put together, just right.

"North of Aden Island, set up a naval headquarters."

The Navy Headquarters is finally here. It used to be hilarious, but this time it's true.

"In the north of the coast of the stars, there will be a sea outlet and a military port," Bai Luo said. "We will train the navy belonging to Aden here, form a sea army, and at the same time have some chambers of commerce that deal with ordinary people, and are aimed at mortals."

There are not only miracle arms in the navy headquarters, but also the standard navy for ordinary people.

For the Principality of Aden, which has a lot of extraordinary resources, to build some ordinary ships, with the super-god expert Glass, that is the matter of the witches moving their fingers and waving their wands.

"Finally, the academy."

The last island of the Seven Isles of Aden, Bai Luo named it the Academy.


This is where the education of minors is carried out. If the temple is a universal education for adults, then the academy island is a paradise for minors, namely elementary school students, junior high school students, and high school students.

There will be many academies such as the Magic Academy and the Holy Fa Qi Academy, which will provide education in military, political, economic, management and other aspects to ensure that every Aton who walks out of the academy island can be on his own.

"These are the arrangements I made for the new Adun Islands."

After the brothers and sisters created the island, they could actually continue to work, but Bai Luo didn't ask too much.

Seven islands are enough to deal with the next population expansion, and more land is really unnecessary.

"Your Majesty, next, it's our turn."

At this time, the Rakshasa and Yaksha brothers and sisters stood up, the second brother and third sister's miracle blooming ended, but their miracle blooming had not yet begun.

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