This is a Miracle

Chapter 282 Start with a lucky bag, all equipment is picked up

The fog gradually dissipated, the fragrant river bank full of flowers in all seasons, the vermilion and brown wooden bridges, people come and go, the pink and white cherry trees and peach trees are blooming, they are connected with the quaint streets, let It is bathed under snow-like petals.

At the end of the eyes, surrounded by green mountains, gray stairs stretched up from the end of the street, connecting tall and magnificent buildings.

The four of them stood on the shore, but they were completely stunned by the sight in front of them.

"Here, is it hell?"

Qin Yue was dumbfounded: "My God, this is hell, it's just heaven."


Apart from these four words, they could not find any adjectives that could describe this place.

"so beautiful."

Qin Yinyu has a calm personality and has seen the big world.

She climbed Mount Everest when she was young, and she also ventured in the desert and tropical rain forest, but even Qin Yinyu never imagined such a paradise.

"Isn't it a dream? Or a hallucination?"

Qin Yue was a little skeptical, but what the four of them saw were exactly the same, Ye Ling squatted down and stroked the wild flowers at his feet: "What the master said is true, it turns out that people can really come to such a beautiful place after they die. what"

Among the four, three came from a modern-like plane and had received the shock of a big explosion of information, and their ability to accept them was extremely powerful.

What makes people speechless is that Ye Feng, Qin Yue and Qin Yinyu are not as calm as Ye Ling.

No matter who has lived in a scientific world all his life, it is impossible to be indifferent when suddenly encountering such a thing.


A pleasant sound of bells came, and the four of them heard the sound and looked around, only to see a woman appearing there in the sea of ​​flowers not far away.

She has long blond hair, fluffy fox ears and a tail behind her, indicating that the other party is not human.

"Welcome, guests from afar."

Jin Ling, the head of the Seven Foxes, was instructed here as a novice instructor, responsible for explaining and explaining to the guests.

"This too, it's amazing..."

The red and white witch costume made Qin Yue's eyes shine, and Jin Ling's appearance was beyond Qin Yue's perception of beauty and beauty.

Qin Yue is not a color embryo, he is not very interested in women, but prefers paper people in the two-dimensional world.

But the appearance of Jin Ling overturned Qin Yue's conclusion that three-dimensional women were garbage.

"Thank you for your compliment."

Jin Ling can read people's hearts. Although Qin Yue's eyes are fixed, he has no obscene thoughts in his heart. So what can he blame for his appreciation of beauty?

"Who are you, and are you the one who brought us here?"

Qin Yinyu was very vigilant, she stepped forward and protected the three of them behind.

"I'm just here to receive your guide."

Jin Ling's beautiful voice also had the power of calming the nerves and meditation, so the four of them listened to her explanation obediently: "As for the person who brought you here, I have a humble status and dare not call her by her first name."

Ayayo Yasha Banquet,

In other words, Yasha, she is a miracle body, and her status is second only to Bai Luo in the Duchy of Aden.

Compared with Yaksha, Jin Ling is only a quasi-master who has just come into contact with the power of the domain, and the gap is too great.

"Yes, such a powerful person?"

Qin Yinyu asked on behalf of the four: "Why are such powerful people looking for us specifically? If there is anything we need to do, we should not be qualified to refuse the request of gods and demons as mortals, right?"

Qin Yinyu thought very clearly that he and others were just ordinary mortals.

Even if the family is rich, it is still not worth mentioning in front of the mysterious power.

So Qin Yinyu's attitude is very clear, they can't provoke anger, let alone offend these monsters

"It is indeed a big man. As for what you want to do, since I am waiting for you here, I will give a reasonable explanation."

"Let me introduce you first."

Jin Ling motioned everyone to look behind her, which is the fairyland where the gods and monsters live: "The place where you live is called the fairyland on the other side. It is a place for the nobles to relax and live."

The other side of the fairyland!

Ye Feng and others took this word to heart.

"Xiao An should have told you that it wasn't that we 'caught' you here, but that you caught a ride from there to here, or embarked on the road of being hidden by God."

"As the saying goes, meeting is fate," Jin Ling smiled and said, "You don't have to be so cautious, because it's not necessarily a bad thing."

If Jin Ling didn't hold any ill will towards them, and could see the mysterious world, recognize the 'truth of the world' and 'the other side of the world', for them, it would really be worth more than any travel.

Especially Qin Yinyu, she traveled around the world in her early years, and walked almost everywhere she could.

At this time, I was fortunate to come to the other side of Xianxiang, and deep down, there was indeed a little excitement.

"Now, please put your hands, oh, your fingers," Jin Ling gestured: "Press it on your temples."

The four imitated Jin Ling's actions, and the next moment, a sentence came to their minds.

[Let Jinshan God build a special weapon for him - Qin Yue]

[Find Ryugu Castle and get Ryuuji's jewelry box - Ye Feng]

[Become the female shopkeeper of Xianxiang Hotel————Qin Yinyu]

【Defeat the Ghost King of Evil Mountain ————————Ye Ling】

"Who is the Jinshan God, where is he, why should he make weapons, and what kind of weapons?"

Qin Yue asked Jin Ling, but the latter tilted his head and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, I can't hear your mission, it's your way home."

There is Yasha's mana on the curse, and no one can hear the content of their quest except Miracle and Bai Luo.

"The way home!!"

Ye Feng immediately asked: "You mean, as long as I can get the jewelry box, I can go home?"

When Ye Feng's words fell in Jin Ling's ears, it became, 'As long as I can go home? ’.


Jin Ling said, "As long as you complete the spell, you can find your way home and go back safely."

"Of course, even if you complete the task, you can choose not to leave, you can just live in Xianxiang."

"Your mission is to find a jewelry box?"

Qin Yue heard Ye Feng's words, and Qin Yinyu said, "Can we know each other's mission?"

The four immediately shared each other's tasks. Although they had not met for the first time, Qin Yue had to take two strangers with him when he ran away by car, which showed that his character was not bad.

Ye Ling met each other, and none of the four present was a treacherous and cunning despicable person, so they did not hide their secrets.

Qin Yinyu is a strong woman. When encountering something, she never wants to back down. Instead, she takes the lead and stands up at the first time. She is very reliable.

"These four tasks are a bit interesting."

Qin Yinyu said, "Gods, dragons, and ghost kings, three mythical creatures appeared in just three missions."

So what are they doing, accepting the trials of gods, what is the purpose?

"Is there a time limit for these tasks, and they need to be completed within a few days?"

"Yes and no."

Jin Ling moved his fingers and saw four lucky bags in their hands: "There is no time limit, but the premise is that you have to survive."

"This lucky bag contains 30 small silver coins, which can be exchanged for 3,000 copper coins in this world, which is equivalent to 3,000 coins in your world."

"You can use it to do anything in the other side of Xianxiang."

"But please remember that food, clothing, housing and transportation are included in these 30 small silver coins," Jin Ling: "So, please live in Xianxiang on the other side. During this period, I can't give you any help."

"That's it?"

Qin Yinyu snatched Qin Yue's lucky bag with one hand, and his younger brother was stunned: "sister, what are you doing?"

"Keep it for you, so you don't waste money and starve yourself to death."

Not only that, Qin Yinyu is also testing one thing, that is, whether the money is bound to them or can be taken away by others.

As a result, Jin Ling didn't react at all, which clearly showed the answer to the question—it can be captured!

"Can do anything?"


This question was asked by Ye Feng, and he continued without hesitation: "Then how much money does it take to hire you?"

Qin Yinyu didn't expect Ye Feng to think of this, and had some recognition for him: 'Xiao Yue is a stinky brother, I have to watch it, although Ye Ling can fight, it is too simple, and it is estimated that he will not manage money. ’

Compared with these two people, Ye Feng is Qin Yinyu's partner who can cooperate.

Their purpose is the same, that is to go home.

Jin Ling did not stipulate that only one of the four can go back, which also means that they have no reason to become enemies.


Jin Ling is a fox clan, and her mind is already active. She said with a smile: "I don't need money in my life, so no matter how much it can't buy me."

Money is basically useless on Aden Island, just like Jin Ling, she only needs Bai Luo's favor.

"I see."

Ye Feng and Qin Yinyu looked at each other, and they both thought of Jin Ling's words.

Jin Ling can't be bought because she doesn't need money.

On the other hand, if it is a Xianxiang person who needs money to live, can it be bought?

"Also, this is for you."

Jin Ling conjured up four pamphlets: "Gods also have their own rules, and here are things you can't do."

If you only write about what you can't do, if you don't write it, it's all allowed?

【Do not kill guests who are also Shenyin】

Qin Yue did not expect that the laws here would put their personal safety first: "A world of gods, or a society ruled by law?"

"There are no rules, no radius, and the nobles don't want you to suffer casualties."

Although it is only a small matter, from this small detail, the world has goodwill towards them.

"Then now..."

Qin Yinyu looked at Jin Ling, and saw the blond fox unfolding his fan, and the figure slowly disappeared: "Please feel free to visit and play, and I hope you will leave good memories in Xianxiang."

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