This is a Miracle

Chapter 283 Isn't the essence of RPG gold?

"Is this gone?"

"That's it?"

"Don't give equipment to novice, only give money?"

Jin Ling left, leaving the four of them to look at each other, Qin Yue was the first to say: "This RPG game, I give a bad review.."

"What is an RPG game?"

"role play."

Qin Yue explained to Ye Ling what rpg was, but Qin Yinyu didn't stop it, because the game was indeed her blind spot of knowledge.

I don't know what kind of sense of achievement humans can get from cheap games.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, Xi'an Xianxiang is a place like the city in the game and the novice village."

"The previous fox fairy sister should be the guide in the game, the kind who helped us create an account."

"Oh, I've seen this in fictional online game novels."

Ye Feng lived in an era when all kinds of novels were just emerging. He said, "What are we going to do next?"

Reality is not a game, it is impossible to really careless, the fox fairy let them live, it can be seen that there is a force that will kill them.

"I heard Xiaoyue, you are very good at games?"


Qin Yue coughed dryly: "Well, in fact, I'm not a great god. Playing MMOs depends on strength, and nine points in krypton gold."

Qin Yue is a rich man among the rich. His sister Qin Yinyu knows that he is an otaku. In order to prevent him from causing trouble, he will charge 100 million to his card every month.

100 million is used to play games, that is really exaggerated.

Qin Yinyu: "what's the use of you."

Qin Yue: "..."

"Cross the bridge, go in and have a look, maybe you can receive a NPC mission."

If they are players, the others should be NPCs.

"Don't make it a game.


"A metaphor, it's just a metaphor!"

Ye Feng and Qin Yue were men, so they naturally took the lead.

Although Ye Ling knew martial arts, she was only sixteen years old after all. They subconsciously regarded her as a student who was still studying at school and protected her in the middle.

Soon, the four of them walked across the sea of ​​flowers and stepped on the wooden bridge.

"Let's give way, and the one in front quickly get out of the way!"

Qin Yue raised his feet and saw four clothed mice with the size of fists, carrying the sedan chair and running past his feet.

"Jingle, jingle."

People come and go on the wooden bridge, which is very lively. They have various shapes. Some have animal heads, such as rabbits, cats, and dogs, while others have several eyes and many hands and feet.

The tauren drove cattle, the horse-headed man drove horses, and there were people in clothes who set up animals.

Obviously, these are not humans, but creatures like monsters.

The four were amazed again and again, but soon calmed down.

"The river is very wide, with sixteen bridges," Qin Yinyu said. "The overall layout is in the style of the Japanese Tang Dynasty. In addition to the Shenyin mentioned earlier, this may be a place related to the myth of Sakurajima."

Across the bridge, facing them is a clean and tidy Japanese-style ancient street.

The houses on both sides of the street are not high, no more than three floors at most, and they are all made of wood. At this time, there may be some celebrations and other activities. You can see many vendors standing on the street, squatting, or standing. It's selling something unspeakable.

Ye Feng raised his hand to shade, looked at the dazzling sun above his head, and judged that the time was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

"It was night just now, and suddenly it became day."

Ye Feng yawned again and again, and the three of them felt tired.

They traveled through the night. If it wasn't for the shock before, they would have already lied down and rested.

"Find a place to live first."

Qin Yinyu is a well-mannered housekeeper, and immediately paid attention to 'food, clothing, housing and transportation': "Although we don't know where this place is, we have to prepare for long-term living."

When you are away from home, everyone knows that renting a house is cheaper than staying in a hotel.

The four people's money adds up to 12,000 yuan.

Qin Yue gave his sister 2500, and he only took 5 small silver coins.

Qin Yinyu was not qualified to manage Ye Feng and Ye Ling's money, but Ye Ling instinctively trusted Ye Feng and gave him his lucky bag.

This girl who looks exactly like her sister has become Ye Feng's spiritual sustenance.

"I think we should first look for places such as banks and banks."

Ye Feng and Qin Yinyu have different opinions: "No matter how Lingling can fight, she will never be an opponent of monsters and monsters."

"you're right!"

Qin Yinyu immediately realized that the biggest threat to their wealth was never each other, but outsiders.

The fox fairy did not say that others could not snatch their lucky bag.

"Where is Qianzhuang?"

The four decided to ask the people around them, but they dared not to ask passers-by directly, so the best way is to find a street vendor.

Buy something first, ask for directions by the way, and treat it as a transaction.

only. . .

"Ask which?"

Qin Yue looked at the hawkers around him, and none of them were human.


At the booth closest to the four of them, a translucent figure stood.

It wears a bamboo hat and has a vague appearance. It is carrying a pitch-black long pole in its backhand, which seems to be a peculiarly shaped pipe, smoking clouds there.

As for the things sold in front of the figure, the four of them glanced at it, and it turned out to be some women's apron and trousers.

Selling these on the street made Ye Ling and Qin Yinyu a little embarrassed to step forward.

The two were thin-skinned, and neither of them wanted to buy a fat one first and then ask for directions.

"This, let's not forget it."

Qin Yue's words, the three nodded at the same time, they did not want to ask this inexplicable abnormal creature.

So, looking at the second row of the street, next to the blurred figure, is a little monk squatting behind the booth, shaking his head and dozing off.

"How about that?"

It is mainly sold by little monks, which are objects made of stone, including bowls and tea bowls, which are very delicate and beautiful.

If he didn't travel, Qin Yinyu would probably buy some of these handmade products in his previous life when he traveled.

From her point of view, they have a faint artistic atmosphere and are valuable for collection.

"I'll go."

Ye Feng strode forward, but felt a little uneasy in his heart: "This little master, I'm shopping."

Hearing there were guests, the little novice shook his head and opened his eyes.

It was also at this time that the four talents discovered that although his face had a mouth and nose, he only had one eye, and it was exceptionally large and sparkling.

"Ah, it's a guest, please take a look."

The one-eyed novice is a young monster. The miracle power of Rakshasa sprinkled on a standing stone, giving it wisdom, and the one-eyed novice was born.

"How much?"

Ye Feng mainly asks for directions and buys things, but secondly.

"1 penny 3, just pick, no matter the size is the same price,"

The one-eyed novice's voice was very gentle, like the cute little brother next door who came out to do business: "In addition, if you buy 7 at a time, you only need 2 cents."

The one-eyed novice is not ugly. Although he only has one eye, in the eyes of these guests from Blue Star, Kazlan's big eyes are unexpectedly cute.

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