This is a Miracle

Chapter 363 Do you have to make a request before you become my husband?

"The teacher didn't force me."

The female swordsman said with a smile: "Although I agreed immediately at the time, the teacher gave me the right to choose by myself!"

"I have only one request," the Swordswoman came up directly, and she stared into Bai Luo's eyes: "As long as you can defeat me, you can do whatever you want."

The female sword emperor is not a fighter, if another man defeated her, she would never be humiliated by this.

But since the old uncle has already promised to marry Bai Luo, as long as Bai Luo proves that he is a strong man worthy of her, what is there to be dissatisfied with the female sword emperor?

On the other hand, if Bai Luo's strength is not enough, then the so-called marriage contract is a piece of waste paper, and the female sword emperor will never be crushed by the weak.

One can't wait, one can choose.

The uncle did not force them, because whether it was Shi Xiyu or the female swordsman, the uncle let them judge for themselves.

If you think Bai Luo is suitable, then marry, if it is not suitable, then forget it.


"Hey, hey, okay, okay," the old man covered his ears with his hands, frowning deeply: "How did I know you would be so good back then?"

"It has nothing to do with me being good or not!"

"It doesn't matter!"

The old uncle said as a matter of course: "As an elder, I am worried that my children will not be able to marry a wife in the future. Is it wrong?"


"Is it wrong for me to announce the marriage in advance?"

"No, no."

"I'm not worried!"

The old uncle continued: "I'm not an old feudalist, as a parent, I recognize free love very much."

"So, in my opinion, the marriage contract is nothing. How can there be a marriage contract that ties the other party to you?"

Uncle: "What if she doesn't want you anymore,

What if she dumped you, what if she met something better? "


As the old saying goes, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Walking in the rivers and lakes, the debt is too much and the body is not overwhelmed!

"As long as I have enough reserves, even if you fail once or twice, a dozen times, as long as one succeeds, that's fine!"

I have to say, the old uncle is really, so Bai Luo doesn't know what expression to use to face it.

Elders are keen to find wives for their children. Is there any problem?


However, Bai Luo felt that he was persecuted by his uncle, but there was no evidence.

Just before, Bai Luo turned around and wanted to harass the old uncle, but who would have thought that the old uncle would show proof that he only loved Qingquan in his life.

Look, the devil queen of the labyrinth, and the majestic swordsman!

Faced with such a temptation, the old man could not change his face, and threw it all to Bai Luo, and it was lost like a day for decades.

This firmness, this sincerity and purity, who would dare to say that the old man is not a good man? !

"I, Saros, have never stepped on two boats."

The old uncle patted Bai Luo on the shoulder and showed a kind smile: "But boy, you have not been born yet, and you are already a port of competition."

horrible! !

The wisdom of the old man is really terrifying!

Bai Luo just had a thought of persecution, and when he turned his head, the old uncle showed his face.

"You, are you such a fool?"

"A pit?"

Uncle: "You can refuse! Come on, prove it!"


As expected of the man who knew Bai Luo best, he completely understood his thoughts.

Shi Xiyu and the female sword emperor are both masters of miracles, no matter what, it is impossible to tear up this so-called marriage contract.

Bai Luo can refuse to fulfill it, but it is absolutely impossible to refuse.

Because once you refuse, it not only means slapping someone else's face and humiliating the other party, but also cutting off the sweet relationship between the two parties.

As the leader of Aden, the king of the country, Bai Luo couldn't do such a foolish thing of self-defeating martial arts.


"Isn't that Saros?"

"You've also become the Lord of Miracles? Oh, it's a miracle creature, it's all the same, have a drink?"

Soon, a large number of Lords of Miracles walked in, most of them Bai Luo had never seen, only King Aolai and Queen Cain, Bai Luo had a relationship.

"It's too..."

The old man's connections are very wide, Bai Luo is aware of it, but what he saw with his own eyes was still shocked by the old man's arrogance.

Uncle: I am just an ordinary old man.

Uncle No. 2: I understand a little bit, really a little bit.

Uncle No. 3: A mature old man, can't express his panic.

Uncle No. 4: I'm a million times better than him.


This nasty old man likes to pretend so much!


Bai Luo sighed and found that the Swordswoman and Shi Xiyu were still there: "Aren't you going?"

"Not interested in."

This is the female swordsman. She doesn't like to socialize, and she doesn't like to play any intrigues and tricks. It's too tiring.

"I'm not good at this."

Shi Xiyu is not bad at it, although she is very well behaved in front of Bai Luo and her uncle, but in the country of the labyrinth, she is really the devil queen.

There was once a country in the plane of the medieval era. Because of offending Shi Xiyu, the demon sent by her destroyed the country overnight.

In the face of friends, Shi Xiyu is a soft girl.

But for those who have nothing to do with him, as the master of miracles, Shi Xiyu also has his own temper and bottom line.

"Forget it, are you full, do you still want it?"

"I came to see you as soon as I arrived, and I haven't eaten a single bite."

The female swordsman was worthy of the heroine in Shan Weng's story, she sat down next to Bai Luo and grabbed a piece of cake from his plate: "Well, I have to admit that although the elector candidate is not very good, his subordinates are not very good. It's still good stuff."

I heard the old man say that the Holy Empire is now divided into two parts, the female sword emperor and the elector candidate.

However, the number of Lords of Miracles who support the elector candidates is obviously more than that of the female sword emperor. In a real fight, the female sword emperor will not be able to get any advantage.

"What's more, the true identity of the candidate for the emperor is Du Mu'an, and Li Guang is there," Bai Luo secretly said: "The female sword emperor may die at the hands of Du Mu'an without knowing the details of the opponent."

Although Du Muan didn't dare to expose it, he was able to kill a high-ranking empress by sneak attack, and the deal was definitely not a loss.

"Can I give you a suggestion?"


The female sword emperor put down her things and said coldly: "Is it necessary to make a request before you become my husband? Okay, you can talk about it. If it is reasonable, I am willing to give you face."

"I'm talking about advice..."

"As long as you ask for it, even if you say an order, it's not unacceptable to me."

The tone may be a little harsh, but it is really not easy for someone at the level of a dignified empress to look down on Bai Luo's face and put down his posture.

From this, it can be seen that the female swordsman said that she did not recognize Bai Luo, but in her heart, she probably cared a little about this marriage contract.

Just like senior sister, the female sword emperor is also a strong woman before marriage and a little woman after marriage.

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