This is a Miracle

Chapter 364 You are like a feudal patriarch in a fairy tale

"my type!"

Not to mention, Bai Luo just likes strong women and queens, and that's fine with him.

Prime Minister Cao loves his wife, and Bai Luo loves the queen.

"What did you say?"

"Ah, it's nothing, nothing," Bai Luo, who almost exposed his habit, quickly changed the subject: "I want to ask you not to conflict with the elector candidate."


The female sword emperor frowned slightly and asked in doubt, "What new information do you have?"

"Not sure yet."

In fact, it was certain, but Bai Luo couldn't explain the source of the intelligence, let alone say more here, because that would arouse Du Mu'an's suspicion.

"In short, the opponent's strength may be higher than your perception. You can understand that he has hidden his strength. If you fight him now, the winning rate is not high."

To the female swordsman, there is no need to beat around the bush, losing is losing, losing is losing, and she likes bad advice.

"Well, I see."

The female swordsman said: "If I want to make a move in the future, I will inform you first. If you agree, I will fight him again."

It seems that the female sword emperor is really the same as Shan Weng said, very traditional, she has the insistence of oriental women to the agreement, and the marriage contract is far less easy than the female sword emperor said.

After all, these words are like what a wife in a feudal family said to her husband.

However, before making a decision, you must listen to your husband's thoughts. He will do it when he says yes, otherwise he will never dare to make his own decisions.

"This is too obedient."


The female sword emperor held her hands in dissatisfaction, turned her face away, and did not want to pay attention to Bai Luo.


Bai Luo respected the female sword emperor very much.

One is her current strength, Bai Luo is not her own,

Only the Eastern Empress can suppress her.

On the other hand, Bai Luo had grown up listening to the story of the female sword emperor in his life, and he must have some special feelings for the people in the adventure legend.

"What's so strange, do I have to be serious with you?"

The words are very serious, but more dissatisfaction, the female swordsman said: "We are not enemies."

The children of the group leader's family who had adventured together, the marriage contract was a joke, but it did not prevent the female sword emperor from taking care of Bai Luo.

Just like when a big sister meets a relative's child, as long as the other party is not a bear, she will definitely take care of it.

"So in your eyes, I'm just a kid?"

"In terms of age, that's what happens."

The female sword emperor does not like to lie, she will tell the other party her true thoughts.

Like is like, hate is hate, Lord of miracles, why bother?

"I can't argue with that."

Bai Luo's age is very young. In his previous life and this life, he was in his early 40s. Compared with the female sword emperor who was over a thousand years old, it was really a fraction.

This is not counting the time for the female sword emperor's thought to speed up. If you include the sensitivity to time, the female sword emperor's psychological age may not exceed 100 million.

"The elector candidate is equal in strength to me, but you told me not to provoke him."

Female Sword Emperor: "That is to say, in your opinion, he is stronger than me, right?"

The female sword emperor is currently in the fifth sense, although there is still a distance from the sixth sense, the difference between the fifth sense and the sixth sense is only infinite and quasi-infinite.

The six senses exceed the specifications, which means that the miracle has really reached the "endless", and even surpassed the concept of "the whole world".

It is recognized that the fight between the six miracles really has the potential to destroy the entire world of miracles.

In contrast, in the confrontation between Wujue and Liujue, although Liujue will definitely win in the end, but if it is really fighting, even if it is the Eastern Female Emperor against the Female Sword Emperor, I am afraid it will take a long time.

However, neither the female sword emperor nor the other five masters of miracles dared to provoke the east female emperor.

Why do you say that?

The power of the miracle of the six senses is infinite, and the power of the miracle of the five senses is quasi-infinite, but infinity is still greater than quasi-infinite.

Although the infinite power of the six senses can cause limited damage to the infinite body of the miracle of the five senses, the extra little bit does exist.

And just this little bit, maybe it's nothing to the miracle body, but to the child of miracles. . .

A little bit of infinite, it is still infinite.

When the six senses and the five senses fight, they can suppress the five senses at the same time, and use the little miracle power that leaked out to destroy the miracle kingdom of the five senses kings such as the female swordsman.

Therefore, no one is willing to provoke a powerhouse at the level of the Eastern Empress, and everyone is in awe, fearing that they will offend the other party and lead to the destruction of their own country.

Maybe the female sword emperor will not die, she can still live.

But just like Bai Luo, if all the Adonians were to die, what would he be left with?

I am afraid that I will only become an avenger in this life. In order to seek comfort in my heart, I will never die with the Lord of the Six Miracles.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Miracles of the Six Senses is also afraid of this kind of thing.

After all, no one wants to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

"I really can't tell," the female swordsman raised her head, frowning slightly: "That guy was hiding so deeply, and he broke through the six senses without making a sound."

"Once the super specification is reached, even I have to avoid its edge."

It is not that the female sword emperor does not have her own country, she also has people, and because of her personality, it is a country like a daughter's country.

"What daughter country, it's really uncultured."

The female sword emperor is a little dissatisfied, your metaphor is too tacky, her miracle country is obviously a heaven, and all the people living there are 'celestial women', how can it become a daughter country.

"Daughter's country is Dong Aolai's territory, and it has nothing to do with me."

The female sword emperor is an ascetic. She does not eat meat, only vegetarian, and she and the women of miracles under her command also maintain a pure body and mind.

To put it simply, it is a group of old and young girls who do not understand what love is.

"I never forced them."

The female sword emperor's miracle kingdom is called 'Heavenly Realm', 'Heavenly Palace' or 'Heavenly Court'. In the radiation influence of the miracle world, the legends of immortals spread on other material planes come from her.

The Tiangong is governed by the rules of heaven, but occasionally there is a situation of thinking about the lower realm.

In this regard, the female sword emperor's attitude has always been clear, that is, to take back the immortal power, remove the immortal bones, and let her become a mortal and spend her life.

"Wow, this, this is not forced?"

"The power of miracles was bestowed by me. They were originally only mortals." The female swordsman's attitude was stubborn, like a feudal patriarch: "Since you have obtained the power of miracles, you should work hard to understand the way of heaven, not just for me. , but also for themselves."

When the female sword emperor first met her uncle, she was only at the peak of the four senses, and then with the help of the uncle, she broke through the five senses overnight.

After more than ten years of adventures, the female swordsman took her old uncle as her teacher, and her understanding of miracles became more and more profound. Now, although it is not half a step away from Liujue, she can break through the super specification within a hundred years. God has faith. . . . . .

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