This is a Miracle

Chapter 397 Observer

"Uncle, you mean that Feiya has taken control of the Seven-Crown Emperor?"


The old uncle nodded: "The trading house is an organization, and it is different from countries like ours in Yaden."

"Our people were trained by you, Xiao Luo, and they are considered your ministers," the old uncle said, "the business is just an alliance organization similar to the meeting of kings."

How can an alliance work together? There must be internal differences and contradictions.

Isefiya's wisdom and strength were taken advantage of by her senior sister, but in her subconscious, she still wanted to protect Yaden and Bai Luo.

And now, Isefiya has successfully won the Seven Crowns.

She answered their doubts and solved their knots. This kindness, which was like rebirth, made the senior sister gain their admiration and respect.

Not to mention anything else, they will definitely do whatever the Queen asks.

However, what is interesting is that the senior sister and Isefiya are the same person in the eyes of the Seven-Crown Emperor. This time, the senior sister borrowed the queen's skills and obtained seven extremely high-end favors for her.

Just like before, Isefiya asked the old man to help her deal with Bai Luo, but the senior sister turned around and denied the matter.

In this regard, the old man did not have much reaction.

Because the senior sister is Isefiya, the old man will accept any one of them who speaks.

Even if the order changes from morning to night, even if he is asked to kill people one second, he is asked to save people the next second.

Although this kind of thing is very strange, the Seven-Crown Emperors will feel that 'the queen's wisdom is unfathomable', and they will automatically think of various reasons instead of thinking that there is something wrong with the queen.

"She is consciously splitting up the business," the old uncle said. "She has the strongest power, but leaves the people below her indifferent. The girl has begun to learn how to use the queen's power to deal with her in turn."

The senior sister is very immature compared to the queen, but her potential is exactly the same as the queen.

Sooner or later, Senior Sister will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Queen.

"But I'm still worried about Feiya."

Bai Luo sighed. If possible, he didn't want his senior sister to go to the trading house.

"It's not like I won't come back."

Just as she was talking, the senior sister returned to the Principality of Adun through the Gate of Avalon. She said to the two of them: "Have you figured out the identity of the Seven-Crown Emperor?"

"These people can actually appear in the trading house," the old uncle said, "I'm really surprised."

Especially Emperor Dong Zheng, he is the most powerful prophet in the entire miracle world.

How could such a person become a businessman?

"He's special."

The senior sister said: "Under the blessing of the queen's wisdom, I can feel the difference in this person."

Emperor Dongzheng's question was very simple. He just asked the queen: 'Is it right or wrong? ’

The Queen's response was: 'This is the time. ’

"Is this a riddle? You answered the question yourself and you don't know it either?"

"have no idea."

The senior sister shook her head: "The queen's wisdom will only give me the best solution.

Even a general understanding was created out of nothing. Wisdom understood Emperor Dongzheng, but I didn't know what he was asking. "

There are two others, whose identities have not been revealed so far.

Even the process of asking the queen was full of mysteries. Looking back on it, the senior sister felt like she was talking to two shadows or something weird.

"They should not be human beings, and they may not even be the Lords of Miracles."

The senior sister's judgment is that the two most mysterious among the Seven Crown Emperors are probably two ancient miraculous creatures.

This hooded coat and the body under the clothes may simply be two puppets.

"One more thing," the senior sister looked at the old uncle: "The Seventh Crown Emperor mentioned some strange names, but the queen's wisdom did not give me a direct answer. Dad, have you heard of them?"

"Jagan, the One in Heaven, the Wisdom of Attian."

Mainly these three terms, the last senior sister has almost figured it out, and can be 100% sure that the old uncle must be the owner of Atian's wisdom.


Bai Luo knew that she was a stupid woman who claimed to be a goddess: "It seems that I have to find time to go to that place again and find out why the Seventh Crown Emperor is so afraid of her." ’

Yes, fearful, even afraid of her.

Even Emperor Dongzheng and Emperor Jibei did not dare to mention her name casually.

‘Is that idiot so powerful? ’

Bai Luo couldn't tell at all. He instinctively felt that Ya Gen was weak, at least she was definitely not his opponent.

Well, this feeling is just like Bai Luo facing his senior sister.

No matter how strong the senior sister is, she can't defeat herself.

"I always feel that you are thinking of something bad," senior sister looked at Bai Luo, who quickly said: "How is that possible? I didn't, I really didn't!"

"By the way, the Corpse Bride invited me to supervise, Feiya, will you go?"

"Are there too many people?"

"You're not grading it, you're just looking at it, so it shouldn't matter."

The dispute between the Corpse Bride and Fengdu was not a big deal in Bai Luo's eyes, especially as for the supervisors, the relationship between Dong Empress and Sword Empress was not bad with Bai Luo.

The three judges are basically of the same mind and there will be no disagreements. As long as they ensure that no one will do anything wrong, it doesn't matter if Bai Luo brings his senior sister with him.

"I still won't go."

The senior sister said: "Take Xiao Miya with you. Leon will be stationed in the ancient capital, and I will also protect Yaden when you are away."


There will be no safety issues for Bai Luo on this trip.

After all, Empress Dong was by his side, and with the Empress Sword Emperor, even if Emperor Dong Zheng and Di Sui came in person, it would be impossible for him to face three powerful men at a higher level.


Bai Luo informed Miya, and the girl rushed over: "Brother Bai Luo."

Light blue light flows around Miya, and her eyes seem to reflect the starry sky. They are bright and deep, but also reveal endless charm, attracting people to explore.

"The King of East China Sea invited me..."

"I already know, Brother Bai Luo."

Mia is a prophet. Although the Lord of Miracles cannot be seen, the people of Miracles cannot escape her prediction: "We are going to a world where the living dead and exorcists fight, right?"


Bai Luo scratched his head. He really couldn't adapt to the feeling of having a prophet in his family: "Have you seen it?"


"What about the results? Can you see the results?"


But Miya didn't plan to tell Bai Luo, not to hide it, but because it would be very boring.

The Lord of Miracles doesn’t have much fun in the first place. It’s hard to find a show to watch. Now that it’s been spoiled, can we still be good friends?

"Let's go then, my sister should have already set off."

Bai Luo: "By the way, what kind of world are they fighting for?"

The world that the corpse bride fights for is similar to the world of Ye Feng and others, but it is older than it. Miya's judgment is: "It is probably equivalent to the Republic of China period in Brother Bai Luo's knowledge."

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