This is a Miracle

Chapter 398 Imperial Tomb Underground Palace

"The Republic of China."

Bai Luo: "Zombies really match the Republic of China the best."

"Oh, there are also Taoist priests from Maoshan. I wonder if there will be tomb robbers, such as Lao Jiumen and Captain Touching the Gold."

The two came to the shore of the East China Sea, which was the waiting place designated by the Corpse Bride.

That world is a main material plane. With the power of Bai Luo and others, their mere arrival will bring huge destruction to that world.

So they need to go there in a special way instead of coming in person.

"Mr. Arden."

The Corpse Bride is a traditional oriental woman with the softness of the Jiangnan water town.

I saw the corpse bride wearing a classic silk sleeves. As she walked, the colorful satin feathers were floating in the wind, exuding all kinds of soft splendor. They were the most precious treasures in the dimensions she had conquered. Each piece was priceless. .

"Aren't they here yet?"

"The two empresses are arranged by that guy," the Corpse Bride thought vaguely dissatisfied: "I am the only one who entertains you."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Bai Luo thought it was normal. Feng was half a subordinate of Ying Mujun, so naturally he was the one to greet him: "The female sword emperor also chose that side, why?"


The Corpse Bride hesitated to speak. She noticed Miya standing next to Bai Luo. She briefly sensed it and immediately discovered that this girl turned out to be a miracle.

"Who is this?"

"My sister."

Bai Luo patted Miya's head. Even though she looked like a girl of fifteen or sixteen, she was actually a ten-year-old girl.

"Hello, Your Majesty the King of East China Sea."

Miya saluted and said, "This is the first time we meet. I am the prophet of the Principality of Adun."


The Corpse Bride didn't expect Miya to have such an identity, so she immediately returned the greeting: "I'm sorry, I will prepare a guard of honor for you right away."

When the Lord of Miracles travels, it is like the visit of an emperor.

As the host, the Corpse Bride must not lose etiquette when she invites Bai Luo. She needs to do a good job in welcoming him. Otherwise, Bai Luo's identity will be insulted, and the relationship between them will be affected. The gain outweighs the loss.

"Please get on the sedan, both of you."

The Corpse Bride used the 'Mianling Emperor's Chariot' to welcome Bai Luo and Miya, a huge and gorgeously decorated chariot.

The cart was not pulled by humans, but by six strange creatures that looked like dogs, lions and dragons.

The golden jade strands are broken into pieces, like tiny maple leaves, surrounding the body. They have hair that changes from golden purple to crimson. They have jet black dragon horns on their heads, and four plush beast legs are wrapped with lotus flowers. Like flames, every step he takes will leave a red lotus on the ground.

The Corpse Bride calls them ‘horns’, and these six are the heroic-level golden-haired cocks. Their combined combat power would make even a master-level warrior shy away from them.

But here, they can only transform into the posture of divine beasts and pull the chariot for Bai Luo and Miya.

"When you two get there, please be sure not to get off the carriage."

The Mianling Emperor's Chariot contains the miraculous power of the Corpse Bride,

It has the effect of blocking and isolating. As long as they stay here, the two of them will not trigger the rebound of the will of that material plane.


Bai Luo patted the chariot, but he didn't expect it to have such a function: "What about you? What should you do?"

"I have people there, just possess my consciousness."

When the Lord of Miracles comes, Bai Luo will also use such methods to show his understanding.

"Also, don't worry, Lord Adun," Corpse Bride said, "They are very powerful, even among the heroes."

The chariot is Bailuo and Miya's ticket to the material plane. Once it is destroyed, the two must return to the miracle world immediately.

Otherwise, with their power, even if they completely restrain their energy, the life level of the Lord of Miracles is enough to destabilize the rules of the plane, leading to a scene that would destroy the world. .

Therefore, the corpse bride must do a good job of security.

If outsiders are allowed to touch Bai Luo and Miya, the Corpse Bride will not only be very embarrassed, but may also offend them.

Of course, Bai Luo was quite interested. He didn't care about being attacked, but was looking forward to it.

"You two, please lift the curtain."

The chariot was dragged by six golden retrievers to an empty place that looked like an underground royal tomb, and stopped in the square in front of the main hall.

"Your Highnesses, I have been waiting here for a long time."

In front of the chariot, two black-haired women were kneeling on one knee. One was wearing a red and white train, the other was in blue and white. They were both extremely elegant classical beauties.

Judging from the aura on their bodies, they were all king-level experts, which surprised Bai Luo.

The Corpse Bride is not an emperor-elect. She has just entered the fourth awakening. The strongest person under her command is only a legend. There is no epic strong person, so it is impossible to have two legendary strong men to protect Bai Luo and Miya. .

If you really want to do this, the price this time will be high. After all, the Corpse Bride herself still needs protection, and the Eastern Empress and the Female Sword Emperor will also have to send people.

There are two legends here and no legend there. Could it be that they look down on the two empresses.

But the legendary powerhouses are all fighting against the Lord of Dimensions, and only they can fight against the Lord of Dimensions at the legendary level.

It has to be said that although the upper limit of dimensional creatures is very low, up to the legendary peak, they cannot tolerate the extremely large number of them.

Ordinary masters of miracles in the Three Realms only have at most 5 legendary powerhouses under their command, which requires hundreds of years of accumulation. But someone like Grand Duke Immortal Eagle only has 3 legends in total.

After equivalence, it is equivalent to the combat power of the Lord of the three dimensions.

It’s really no wonder that some kings are unwilling to go to war with the dimension. It’s really that they don’t have many people under their command, and the death of one of them will be heartbreaking for many years.

"Little girl, Fusang (laurel), meet the two masters."

In the world of miracles, master is the honorific title for the lord of miracles and miracle creatures. This word originally came from dimensional creatures, but it is also very suitable for them to use it.

"Please use these two prepared bodies."

Under the command of Fusang and Yuegui, a creature that looked like a terracotta warrior lifted up the two coffins. After opening them, a man and a woman were lying inside.

The man is handsome and looks to be in his twenties, while the woman is a girl, no more than fifteen years old.

They were lying flat in the coffin, with their hands folded in front of them, but there was no breath. They were obviously two corpses.


"Please don't blame me, Lord," Fusang said, "Your Majesty's miraculous power is like this."

"Well, it's okay."

Just do as the Romans do, and just experience a new life. After all, becoming a 'zombie' is something neither Bai Luo nor Miya has ever tried.

Mia may have predicted it in advance, but it was different from personal experience, so it was quite interesting.

"My body is not as stiff as I thought."

Bai Luo did not descend on this corpse, but was holding a controller to control the character on the computer screen. The only difference was that it could also perceive other feelings, making it more real.

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