This is a Miracle

Chapter 478 Hostages

"He wants you to go to the Holy Land as a hostage?"

Qingquan said without any hesitation: "Impossible, I will never agree to this condition!"

"Promise, this is the best result."

Qingquan didn't know that this was Saros's original plan. He planned everything and mapped out this route.

"Let them feel the powerful potential of Qingquan and realize that I am the one who caused all this," Saros said. "Then they will focus on me and target me alone."

"Did you plan to sacrifice yourself from the beginning?"


Saros smiled and said: "Isn't this great? We can protect as many people as possible, and the hatred will dissipate because of my departure."

"But you will die!"

Qingquan couldn't accept this result: "The person who chooses the emperor will definitely retaliate. You have lost his face, how can he let you go?"

Qingquan's worries were not without reason. The Emperor-Elect had a very bad reputation in the Land of Miracles. How could Saros end up well if he fell into his hands?

"not him."

Saros said: "If my guess is correct, I will not become a prisoner of the Elector."

"Not his prisoner?"

This can be calculated. If Qingquan hadn't known that Saros didn't have the ability to predict the future, she would have suspected that he was a prophet.

But even the prophet seems to be no match for Saros.

In several wars, the elector visited some prophets early and asked them to use their prophetic abilities to predict the direction of the war in advance. However, Saros just relied on his intuition to break the prophecy and then turned the tide.

Regarding Saros, even the prophets on the Miracle Land said that he has the power to change destiny.

Only this man can wrestle with fate.

"Do not worry."

That day, Saros made a promise with Qingquan: "Wait here for me to come back. I will never die there."

"I don't want you to leave."

Qingquan was extremely reluctant to let go, and she hugged Saros tightly, a young man whose age could only be considered a fraction of her life.

For the first time in her life, Qingquan found her safe haven, a man who would protect her, make her rely on her, and trust her with everything.

Saros is not a hypocritical person. Just as Qingquan likes him, he also loves this woman who understands him, appreciates him, and trusts him.

From that moment on, the two of them stuck together almost all the time. They had a real relationship and received the blessings of the new generation of Qingquan Miracle people.

Then Saros left and was taken away by messengers from the Holy Empire and taken there.

"Why is this happening?"


The departure of Saros made Qingquan realize her own weakness and incompetence. She was no longer passive, but regained her former majesty and self-confidence, vowing to make Qingquan Kingdom rise, and then take Saros back from there with her own hands.

No matter how long it takes, no matter how much effort it takes, Qingquan will not hesitate.

"That's it, that's it, that's right."

No matter what he does, Saros is always prepared. His sacrifice is not only to save Qingquan Country, but also in the hope that Qingquan can be reborn.

And now, he succeeded.

Qingquan Country ushered in peace because of his sacrifice, and Qingquan also worked hard to become stronger because of his departure.

As for him...

It doesn't matter. Saros has achieved his revenge and shown his talent. Whatever the future holds, it's up to fate.

Holy Empire, the imperial capital Arland.

Saros was put in shackles. He held the iron chain and hammered his shackled hands in front of him. This was the arena of the Holy Empire, an entertainment venue for dignitaries to enjoy gladiatorial battles.

After the trial of the Holy Empire, Saros did not lose his life, but was sentenced to life imprisonment.

He will spend the rest of his life in this arena, or lose his life in some gladiatorial battle.

"Go faster!"

The miracle soldiers who escorted them did not know the identity of Saros, and he was not the only one here. There were slaves, war criminals, and ordinary people collected from all over the world.

It's just that compared to Saros' head held high, most of them were dejected. The fear and anxiety of death and permanent imprisonment had already defeated them.

Some cried, others wailed and begged for mercy.

But this is meaningless. The Holy Empire has never been a gentle and kind country. It is very cruel and domineering, especially towards mortals. Once they become slaves, they can only become numbers in the eyes of superiors for them to take.


Saros raised his head and looked at this huge building.

No fear, no fear, just stride forward.

At this moment, Saros seemed not to be a prisoner or a sinner, but like a hero, who finally stepped onto the stage that belonged to him and greeted the cheers and shouts of countless people.

At only 19 years old, he was drafted into the army from a mountain man in the countryside and became a soldier of Qingquan Kingdom.

Then, who would have thought?

An ordinary mortal who could not even possess the power of miracles, he became the military and political leader of a country, turning the tide and defeating the invading enemies by himself.

Even the people of Miracle, who were originally aloof, had to obey their orders.

Not only that, he also won the favor of the goddess-like leader of Qingquan Kingdom, making her his woman, taking everything he asked for, and serving her tenderly.

‘Even if this life ends here, is it enough? ’

Saros is not afraid of death. What he wants is a life without regrets. As for how long he lives, there is no need to care.

Life is not about length, but about living wonderfully.

"Mom and Dad"


In the cell, a ragged little girl huddled in the corner. She was thirsty, tired, shivering, and full of fear and anxiety about the unknown tomorrow.

"We are living together. Although she is a little girl, she will become a good woman in the future, right?"

Saros was in the same cell as the girl, and he sat next to her without any scruples. This startled the girl, but before she could react, Saros handed over a small piece of cake.

"You're hungry, here you go."

This is the first encounter between Saros and Shi Xiyu.

A piece of bread, made from the coarsest rye, has a very poor texture and taste, but to the girl, it is like a delicious food falling from the sky.

Of course, the initial contact is definitely not that simple.

Shi Xiyu was full of vigilance and uneasiness. She was not at ease with Saros and was very afraid that he would hurt her.

But with a little contact, the tenderness and care shown by Saros finally melted the girl's restless heart. He gained Shi Xiyu's trust and became the only 5-year-old girl in this darkness. , the only sunshine...

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