This is a Miracle

Chapter 479 Go out from the gate

"Never give up, because there are always miracles."

Saros said to Shi Xiyu: "I like this world very much. No matter how miserable it is, there is still hope."


"look at this."

Saros picked up a stone. It was just an ordinary stone, at least in Shi Xiyu's eyes.

"In a world of miracles, there are miracles."

Saros said: "You don't know whether this small stone will contain some kind of special power. Whether you and I will have an aura of miracles and awaken powerful power."

The seemingly hopeless world is full of hope and possibility. Saros likes this kind of world, a world full of miracles.

"you are very funny."

At this moment, a voice came from the cell next door.

It had been almost half a month since Saros came here, but this was the first time he heard the man next door speak. He looked carefully and found that the man was an old man with a fat body and bald hair like the Mediterranean Sea.

"You could have gone out a long time ago, why are you still here?"

Shi Xiyu also knew this very well, because she saw with her own eyes that Saros opened the cell door and then went out to find food.

"You don't do the same."

Just as the fat old man knew what Saros was doing, he also knew that this old man, like himself, was always out looking for food: "What do you have today?"

"Found the wine."

"I have meat."

Saros took out a large piece of roasted meat wrapped in leaves and said, "Let's eat together?"

"Have a piece!"

This is the first meeting between Saros and Fat Old Man. They stay in the cell for different reasons.

But few people would have thought that this white-haired, bald old man turned out to be the legendary Holy Emperor, the supreme master of this empire.

Shi Xiyu witnessed the encounter between the two and heard the conversation that affected her life and shocked her.

"You can obviously go out, why don't you go?"

After spending half a month together, the Holy Emperor felt that he had understood Saros, and he knew very well the power contained in this man.

He lacked nothing but a miracle.

If Saros can obtain a miracle, even the lowest miracle, the Holy Emperor can be sure that he will stand at the top of the world.

If Miracle were any better, it would only be a matter of time, sooner or later, than the Holy Emperor.

"Why are you going out?"

Saros, who was less than 20 years old, leaned against the wall and took a sip of wine: "What's the difference between outside and here?"

"What's more..."

Saros thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "I will not sneak out. That is a thief. I, Saros, will never be a thief."

Shi Xiyu found it strange that she was not a thief even though she was holding stolen food and drinks.

"do you know?"

Saros said to the fat old man: "They escorted me here. I came in through the gate and passed the arena. I saw it and heard their shouts."

"I remember there was no wrestling that day," the fat old man said, "there should be no one there."


Saros: "No one was there."

"But I heard it," Saros said, "the voices of countless people shouting."

That day, Saros stood up straight, raised his head and walked into the arena. There was no one in the audience, but he didn't look like a slave, but came here like a hero.

"I said that to myself at the time."

"I walked in through the gate," Saros looked into the fat old man's eyes: "And one day, I will be cheered and praised by countless people, like a hero, and let them send me out in person! "


Upon hearing Saros's answer, the fat old man was stunned.

This was the first time in his life that he had heard such arrogance, and it was also the first time that he had met someone like Saros.

He is clearly in adversity but not despairing. He is clearly in a precarious situation, but he still thinks about the glorious tomorrow, as if this is destined and the highlight moment that he will surely usher in.

Saros would not run away, even if he could.

Because running away is a cowardly act, he, Saros, will never be a useless deserter!


"Is that what you think?"

The Holy Emperor's heart, which had not surged for many years, was beating again. He was looking forward to Saros' achievements. He was a hero, and for a hero to rise, he must have a stage that belongs to him.

‘I will give you this stage. ’

'But I will also give you the most severe test. ’

‘If you can’t pass, it only means that you are a self-righteous brat who can only tell lies. ’

Time came to the next day. After spending nearly a month peacefully, and even Shi Xiyu gradually got used to the life in the slave farm, a notice was issued.

Soon, the arena will open again, and all slaves will fight against terrifying monsters.

This gladiatorial battle is different from any previous one. It will be open to everyone and give anyone hope of defeating the enemy.

In other words, even a young girl like Shi Xiyu has to pick up weapons and fight.

If she loses, unfortunately, she will die.

At the same time, the above also gives an extremely generous reward: as long as you can win, even if it is just one game, you can take off your status as a slave and gain freedom.

This means that the Holy Empire will give you proof of immunity. The winner is the strong, and the Holy Empire respects the strong!

"Does even such a young child have to go up and fight?"

Saros couldn't agree with this kind of thing. Shi Xiyu had no fighting ability at all. She was just an ordinary person. Asking her to fight was the same as sending her to death.

However, this is not something that Saros can interfere with. The gladiatorial competition has already begun.



Endless roars and desperate wails.

No one won, and everyone died at the hands of the terrible monsters, because it was not a fair fight at all.

"Why are there mythical beasts and monsters!"

"A miraculous species of that level cannot be matched by mortals like us."

Even if there are children of miracles among the slaves, how can they be compared with these heroic, even king, and legendary monsters who are merely extraordinary and extraordinary?

This is not a dead end, because one-sided massacre will not make the audience feel happy and excited.

Therefore, this arena is shrouded in a special miraculous power. It will make a judgment when both parties take the stage, that is, add the total strength of both parties, and then redistribute it.

The strong will get three-quarters of this power, while the weak will get one-quarter.

This is the hope that the Holy Emperor gives to the slaves, a chance for them to escape from slavery and regain their freedom.

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