This is a Miracle

Chapter 484 Continue

"Want to continue?"

The fat old man couldn't help but get up. There were no outsiders around him, only himself.

Over the years, since all his people were devoured by the Infinite Dragon, Fat Old Man has never developed new people because he is afraid of losing them again.

"How can he continue with his body?"

The fat old man wanted to step forward to stop him, saying that you have gained my approval, Shi Xiyu will not die, and he will not do such a thing.

But inexplicably, the fat old man hesitated.

He wanted to see what Saros could do.

In 20,000 years, Fat Old Man has never met someone like Saros. The previous battle has given him countless surprises. If it can continue...

The fat old man stopped talking here. He felt that it was impossible for Saros to win the second game because the other party was reckless.

"Why don't you speak?"

Saros looked around, opened his arms, and shouted: "Does the prisoner want to fight, and you can't even send out the monsters to see him off?"


Shi Xiyu shouted anxiously behind Saros. She knew that Saros understood what she meant.

There is no need to do this. She is not afraid of death. She can become a part of your great story and be remembered by future generations. For an unknown person like her, it is already a great kindness.




However, Saros seemed to ignore the existence of Shi Xiyu. He was only there to provoke the Holy Emperor and all the audiences, as if he was not a prisoner about to die, but a hero standing on a high place, overlooking them all.

At this moment, everyone understood why Saros did what he did.

He is saving the girl.

He has clearly won, and even if he leaves, no one here will think that he is a deserter. A man who fights out in an upright manner deserves everyone's respect.

But Saros didn't leave, because he was Saros.

For some reason, this sentence suddenly came to everyone's mind. It is precisely because he is such a man that he deserves their admiration.

If he simply has power, you can say that he is a natural talent, and it is nothing special to be complacent by relying on what he is born with.

But under the same circumstances, he could take risks again for the girl. No matter how everyone could see, Saros was not sure at all, but he still stood up resolutely.

It's not talent, it's personality.

Saros' personality made them ashamed. He was a man who was capable, physically and mentally powerful, beyond their imagination.


The environment in the arena began to change, and everyone's eyes were full of surprise: "The Holy Emperor actually let him play the second game?"

"Old man, what are you thinking/"

The female sword emperor Mu Yunji was also in the audience. She was originally not interested in such a bloody and cruel competition, but in the middle of the battle in Saros, the kings were running around telling each other. At this time, among the people sitting in the stands, There are many masters of miracles from all over the world.

Mu Yunji knew Fat Old Han very well. He was a very kind and kind old man.

If Saros had offended him, then the Holy Emperor could wipe him out with just a motto. There was no need to do so.

According to Mu Yunji's judgment, the Holy Emperor was definitely not the kind of person who would make things so troublesome.

He must have a purpose for doing this.

But, for what?

Mu Yunji didn't think Saros could continue to win. That was impossible. A mere mortal...

Okay, I can't say this now. After all, Saros is so fierce. Mu Yunji also admires him from the bottom of his heart and wants to say, 'I'm not as good as me.'

But even if Saros is so fierce, he can't break the rules. He has already fought once. Whether it is his body or his will, he should have reached the limit and it is impossible to fight anymore.

"No way."

"How could such a thing happen?"

However, just an hour later, Saros appeared in the ring again. He was more seriously injured than before, and his energy loss was unimaginable.

But this man is still standing, he is still standing, and alive, winning the second game that everyone thought was impossible!

"Do miracles really exist?"

Mu Yunji was stunned. Saros once again subverted her understanding.

Not only Mu Yunji, but also Fat Old Han was the same as her.

It was clear that he had arranged this battle, but seeing Saros win his second consecutive victory, the fat old man was shocked and speechless. He just watched, blankly watching the man raise his right arm high, and then shouted to the audience That sentence: "Next game, keep going!!!"

"Lian Zhan, two legends, still stands tall."

The powers of these two legends are completely different, and they have nothing in common. However, this makes no difference to Saros. If he can master the legendary power once, he can have it a second time and a third time.

"No matter how powerful you are, it's impossible for you to reach this level." The fat old man felt like his breathing had stopped: "How far can you go?"


As Saros wished, in the third game, there was almost no gap, and he ushered in the third game like a wheel.

But this time, Saros is no longer facing a legend.


Yiya was stunned. She kept looking at Qingquan, but this time, the Marquis just closed her eyes silently: "Pray for him."

"He won't give up, even if the opponent is a legend."

Saros is just such a man, and Qingquan knows it better than anyone else: "Just believe in him, he will not lose, let alone die here."

If you want to ask Qingquan why, ask her why she is so confident.

There is only one answer, because that man, his name is Saros!


The third time, Saros gasped. His left arm had been broken and was hanging there, but the man ignored the pain and just raised his right arm: "Next game, come again."

"This is impossible!!!"

The fat old man burst out excitedly: "This is impossible. How could he master the power of concepts so quickly that only epic heroes can understand?"

Is the fat old man angry?

No, he was not angry. On the contrary, the Holy Emperor was extremely surprised and so happy that he couldn't help himself.

Saros, this man is indeed an incredible guy.

He can do it, and he will definitely be able to achieve great things that no one before him dared to think of, and reach heights that no one has ever set foot on!

"Look, he won again."

Qingquan was extremely calm. She looked at Saros and felt that their hearts were inexplicably connected.

Qingquan didn't know what this feeling was. The only thing she was sure of was that if Saros spoke to her at this time, no matter what he wanted to do, Qingquan would be willing to let him do whatever he wanted.

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