This is a Miracle

Chapter 485 Ultimate Achievement

If Saros also possesses Bailuo's Book of Yagen, then he will definitely see that the page symbolizing the clear spring is glowing at this time.

As long as he is willing, Qingquan can immediately complete a miraculous contract with him and become his miraculous creature.

"Go on, next game."

Saros, who had already played three games, asked for another fight, but even the Holy Emperor felt that such a request was inappropriate.


"Time is up."

The fat old man did not come forward in person. He contacted Mu Yunji in the stands and asked her to help him control the situation.

"Today is already late. The next battle will be left to tomorrow."

Mu Yunji followed the old man's instructions and sent a message: "In the next game, mythical monsters will fight. You have won three games and you can leave."

"Myth, just myth."

Saros was not arrogant, nor did he ask whether the next match would be Shi Xiyu.

He looked behind him, where the slaves were waiting eagerly.

The prisoners in the arena may be guilty, but most of them have various reasons. They are poor people and have no choice but to join here.

As the battle continued, Saros gradually understood what he should do in the arena.

He wants to keep fighting.

As long as he keeps winning, no one will die.

"Are you sure you want this?"

This was Mu Yunji's first close contact with Saros. He was obviously scarred, but his eyes still refused to give in, even if the other party was the Lord of Miracles or a god.


Back in the cell, Shi Xiyu came to him anxiously and began to check his injuries.

The blood adhered to the clothes, and some of it even penetrated deep into the cracked bones. The slightest movement caused a sharp and bone-piercing pain. Shi Xiyu looked at it and tears fell uncontrollably.

It's all because of her. Without her, Saros might not have played these two more games, and he wouldn't have been injured so badly.

"I'm fine. I'm from Adun, and my physical fitness is much stronger than the average person."

"This injury," Saros said with a smile, "will recover soon."


The fat old man also returned to the cell. He stood there, looking down at the man leaning on the wall: "You won't be able to fight tomorrow."

"Let them treat you," the fat old man said, "If this is the request, no one will refuse it."

Saros not only won the respect of the audience, but also the heartfelt admiration of the slaves in the entire cell.

Without Saros and Shi Xiyu going up, the battle would have ended in an instant.

Then what?

Then it will be their turn.

Facing legendary level monsters, they are no different from Shi Xiyu. In the blink of an eye, dozens or even hundreds of people may die.

There are only so many people in the entire arena. How many days can they fight?

No matter what the reasons are for these people, now, they are really worried about his condition.

"Let's have a few words alone, old man."

Saros asked the fat old fool to be alone with him, but the Holy Emperor heard the meaning of his words. He raised his hand, and the time and space in the entire cell condensed at this moment: "You guessed my identity? When?"

"It was a long time ago, but it was just confirmed recently."

"after analysis?"

"It's just a little caution," Saros said casually, "It's no big deal."

The fat old man was silent for a while, and then he said: "You can leave, as long as you say so, you can leave at any time."

"where are they?"

"This is meaningless," the fat old man said, "Even if I let them go, there will be another group of people in the future, and there will be another group of people. You can't stop the war, and you can't stop their death."

"Then close this place and end the war."

"This is impossible."

The fat old man said it was impossible, but Saros felt that nothing in the world was impossible, only whether you were willing to do it: "You also thought that it was impossible for me to survive these three battles, but I survived. Isn’t it?”


"Nothing is impossible," Saros: "As long as you are willing, you can."

The power of the Holy Emperor is unparalleled in the land of miracles. If he prevents the Holy Empire from waging wars and promoting peace, even if the emperor-elect wants to do something, he will have to risk becoming the Holy Emperor's enemy. risk.

The Emperor-Elect is not a fool. There is no way he can be an enemy of the Holy Emperor.

"You exceeded my expectations, I admit that."

"You want me to give such an order," the fat old man shook his head and said, "You are not qualified."

"One hundred games."


The fat old man felt that he had heard wrongly. Saros said, "How about a bet? If I can win a hundred games with you, you will agree to my request."

"One hundred games!"


Saros' eyes were very serious: "No matter what kind of monsters you send, no matter what kind of trials you arrange, if I can pass them, live and stand to the end."

"Any trials?"

The fat old man felt that Saros was challenging his limits. If someone else said this, he would feel that the other person was teasing him. But the moment Saros spoke, the fat old man really felt like he was witnessing the birth of something. The illusion of miracles.

He can, only he, only he can do the impossible.


The fat old man didn't hesitate much. Although he said he was harsh, in his heart, he had already developed trust and love for the man in front of him.

Quality, personality, talent, Saros is perfect.

"If you can really do it," the fat old man said, "what if it's as you wish?"

Not only is it what he wishes, but if Saros can complete a hundred trials, the fat old man will give him everything.

Over the past ten thousand years, Fat Old Man has lost his family and people, and everything he once owned was taken away by the infinite dragon.

He was lonely and confused until he met Saros.

This young man was like a beacon, constantly lighting up the world that he thought was already dark, making him and the former emperor want to follow him.

‘If I could walk with him for the rest of my life, it would be wonderful, right? ’

The fat old man thought so, but he said: "Next, you can treat your injuries. With a body like this, tomorrow..."

"Need not."

Saros refused. He closed his eyes and silently endured the pain in his body: "Trials are not just tasks. Before and after tasks, they are all part of the trial."

Including the severe injuries he received now, and the backstabbing from Shi Xiyu and even others one day in the future.

This is naturally impossible, but even if it happens, Saros will bear it.

What he wants to give to the fat old man is not playing house with you and me, but the ultimate achievement that subverts his understanding, his worldview and values!

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