This is a Miracle

Chapter 5 Stones Everywhere

"One day, he went out and picked up an ordinary stone because he was bored."

"Then, as we did before, he threw the stone away, and he didn't even know where it was."

However, after throwing the stone, he didn't know if the Iron Eagle King was mentally ill. He somehow felt that the stone was not bad, so he came back to look for it.

"He recovered the stone, but soon lost it again."


Bai Luo listened, very embarrassed, this is already a black history: "And then he went back to look for it?"


The old uncle nodded, and Bai Luo was stunned when he heard this story.

Is this guy too boring?

But think about it carefully, there are indeed many such people in reality, and even many people have done similar boring things when they were young.

"He lost it three times in total. The first time he was thrown under the grass, the second time he was thrown into the river, and the third time he was thrown into the forest," the old man said. "And the unbelievable thing is that he found it three times."

It was obviously lost in a place that he didn't know, but he found it all.

Thus, the power of miracles hidden in that stone was awakened.

It turned out that this stone was transformed by a miracle and required certain conditions to activate.

This condition is precisely to throw it into a place that I don't know three times, and then find it three times.

When this condition is met, it will awaken from an ordinary stone to a miracle.

In this way, the Iron Eagle King relied on the miracle he picked up and used its powerful power to destroy the entire Aden Kingdom with the efforts of the Aden family for 600 years and dozens of generations.

"Does the Iron Eagle King know that the stone is a miracle?"

"No, he doesn't know."

No one can know that a miracle is a miracle before it wakes up.

Just like a person can't think that a toilet that has been sitting under his butt for more than ten years is a baby.

If you have such doubts, it only shows that your imagination is very rich.

"Every miracle is unique, and it will only become a miracle if you find it and then do just the right thing to awaken it."

"So," the old uncle looked at Bai Luo and asked, "What do you think is the probability of someone getting a miracle?"


After listening to the story told by the old uncle, Bai Luo thought carefully and said, "If it is accurate to a certain person, such as us, the probability of a miracle happening right beside us is very low."

"Because according to what you said, uncle, a stone, a grass, or even the table and chairs we use may be a miracle."

"But we don't know what's a miracle, there's no way to prove it other than to awaken it."

"The first step to awakening a miracle is to 'discover' a miracle in an unconscious state. This is a one in 10,000 probability," Bai Luo said, "and we just did it to meet its conditions. Time and time again, this …”

It's almost like winning the lottery.

It's really, really hard for a person to discover a certain miracle.

However, miracles can indeed be discovered.

Because there are so many people in the world, all kinds of things happen every day, no matter how bizarre and hard to understand.

There is always a person who happens to get a miracle and just does something to awaken the power of a miracle.

This is totally possible!

Just like Bai Luo's previous life, every time the lottery is drawn, one or several people will always win, but it is precisely Bai Luo. . .

Well, Bai Luo has never won the lottery, not even the consolation prize.

"To get a miracle, it is not wisdom, nor personal talent, but luck."

Uncle: "So those who can obtain miracles,

They are all blessed by nature. "

The old man did not recognize the talent of the Iron Eagle King, but he was favored by God.

This point, even the old uncle must affirm.

The Iron Eagle King is the protagonist, while Uncle and Bai Luo are just two insignificant passersby.

Not even a supporting role!

"what is this?"

Bai Luo was confused. For the first time, he knew the rules of this world: "Then we work hard every day and study hard, what's the use?"

The answer is, it's useless.

Uncle is the best example.

From a mere mortal point of view, the old uncle has reached a height that Bai Luo could not imagine.

But he was not lucky enough to find a miracle.

So no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you try.

"I don't tell you about miracles, because I don't want you to waste your life looking for miracles. There are too many people in this world who have heard the legend of miracles and started dreaming since they were young. Looking for it, you can even devote your whole mind to a stone on the ground."

"In the end, wasting time with nothing!"

Looking for miracles is different from chasing dreams. The latter can rely on hard work and sweat to lay a solid foundation.

But the search for a miracle is really inexplicable.

It's like Bai Luo's previous life, someone pinned their hopes on winning the lottery, and then did nothing for the rest of his life except to buy lottery tickets.

If the lottery is regular, it will be fine, after all, something can be researched, but it is a miracle. . .

The awakening of miracles is irregular.

A real needle in a haystack!

How many stones, how many plants, how many animals are there in the world. . . . . .

It's not even a matter of luck or bad luck, it's a matter of destiny, do you have that honor or not.

Pies fall from the sky, and then just fall on your head, that's all.

"Uncle, you really don't want to tell me, do you?"

Bai Luo understood the old uncle's intention: "If one day I find a miracle, you will tell me about it, and if I don't get it in my life, then I don't need to think about these things, it will only add to my worries."

"So did you find it?"


"Don't answer."

The old uncle smiled and patted Bai Luo on the shoulder, he didn't ask too much: "Do what you want, ask me if you have any questions, I'm old, and now I can only help you a little bit."

Then, the uncle left without waiting for Bai Luo to say anything.

He will go into the mountains this afternoon, continue to look for traces of prey, and then come back with as many things as he can.

Aden Village is really poor.

What they need most now is food.

The Adonites can only develop if there is enough food, rather than the fact that most of them are malnourished as they are today.

"Ah, Dad, wait for me, I'll go too."

Iniya wiped her mouth, then picked up the bow and arrow, quickly followed the old man, and went into the mountain with him.

Without Dad, Iniya shoots a rabbit.

Only by following her father can she assist and harvest, and by the way, she can find opportunities to grab people's heads.

"Uncle, it's still uncle."

Bai Luo looked at the retreating backs of the two, and secretly said, "He should have guessed that I had obtained some kind of miracle."

But the old uncle, like Bai Luo, also believed in him.

The old uncle didn't ask more because Bai Luo was no longer a child. Since he didn't want to talk about it, he must have his own considerations.

And that's enough.

Young people should go their own way, and the experience of old men can only be used as a reference.

"This thing should be the miracle that Uncle said."

Bai Luo looked at the black book floating in his consciousness, he frowned: "Although a pie fell from the sky and hit me, what's the use of you?"

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