This is a Miracle

Chapter 6 Gold is a good year, silver is hard work

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa~~"

The black book was opened in Bai Luo's consciousness. There were ten pages in total, and each page was blank.

"Only ten pages?"

"No, it should be more than ten pages."

Bai Luo didn't know how he made this judgment, but he just felt that the black book had more than ten pages.

The reason why it can only open ten pages now is because its power has not fully awakened.

"But I have absolutely no idea what it's used for."

Bai Luo rubbed his chin and sat on the bed. To outsiders, the way he was contemplating was no different from being in a daze.

"Hey, can you talk?"

"Artifact Spirit? Is Artifact Spirit there?"

"What about the system, do you have the system? Activate the system."


Bai Luo made a lot of attempts, and almost tried all the methods of unlocking the golden finger that he knew in his previous life.

Unfortunately, useless.

Bai Luo also wanted to shed blood to recognize the Lord, but this book was in his consciousness, so he couldn't shed blood.

"It's over, this book won't be a fake miracle, will it?"

The old uncle told Bai Luo many kinds of miracles, including powerful treasures and all kinds of strange creatures, but such as the black book, Bai Luo never heard the old uncle mention it.


Suddenly, just when Bai Luoyin was troubled by his inability to understand the ability of the black book, the pages of the book began to turn, and he came to the first page.


I saw a paragraph of text appeared on the first page that should have been blank.

[Gold is a good year, and silver is diligence. When you open it, what you get may not be a harvest, but it must be the hope of harvest——23:59:57]

"what is this?"

Bai Luo didn't know the meaning of this sentence, it was like a riddle.

As for the later time, it is a countdown, because every minute and every second, it is getting shorter.

In addition to this, there is a compass.

"So you are a map?"

Bai Luo didn't know why, but he wanted to ask the old uncle if there was a map-like miracle.

It's just too stupid to wander around on their own with old people around and their wealth of experience lying around.

But now the old uncle is not here, so Bai Luo can only explore on his own.

"Anyway, let's take a look first."

Bai Luo wanted to walk in the direction of the compass.

If it is far away from him, such as some kind of deep mountain and old forest, then in Bai Luo's current state, he will definitely not go.

No matter what, I have to wait until Uncle and Iniya come back. Under their protection, the three explore together.

As for how to explain.

The old uncle believed in himself unconditionally, and Yinya obeyed Bai Luo's words.

Need a reason?

I, Bai Luo, want to go out for a walk, do I need a reason? !


However, the next moment, Bai Luo felt a burst of pain in the wound.

"It's not what it used to be, you have to bring the guy first."

Bai Luo pinned a cross sword that the old uncle used when he was young to his waist, and pinned two long-distance throwing hatchets on his back. Then he limped along the direction pointed by the compass with his crutches. go in the direction.

"Slow down, slow down, Mia."

On the grassy slope, the two children were walking one after the other, and Bai Luo knew them.

The older boy was named Xiust, and the other was named Mia. They were the orphan brother and sister whom Bai Luo had mentioned earlier as the blind girl Aleia helped.

"It's said that you carry too much back."

Miya hurriedly put down the back basket, and then distributed some hogweed from Shuster's back basket to her side.

"Where's more, that's all, I, I'm a man."

"Okay, okay, don't hold on."

Miya said this, and suddenly found someone calling her.

"Brother Bai Luo~~"

Miya found Bai Luo,

He ran up quickly, which made Seust helpless on the side: "Hey? No, don't you give me a little more? Also, it's still very heavy."

"Yo, little Miya, good noon."

Bai Luo looked at the little girl who was about eight or nine years old and ran in front of him. He gently touched Miya's head: "I picked so much hogweed today."

Pig grass, which is used to feed the 'boar dolphins' raised in the village that look like domestic pigs.

Humans cannot eat it, but for an omnivorous animal like the mountain dolphin, they are not picky eaters and eat everything.

The only problem is that mountain dolphins are not like domestic pigs, their reproductive capacity is very poor, and captive breeding is not very cost-effective.

"Going to pick it early in the morning, it's already the third batch."

Miya is just a girl, and she is still young, so she has no time to receive warrior training, so she can only do what she can.

"Having the style of Iniya back then."

Bai Luo smiled and said, "Have you eaten lunch?"

"When we set out in the morning, I brought a cake, and my brother and I each had half of it."

"Huh, huh."

Xiust is a little older than Miya, 10 years old this year, but he is frail and sickly, and his body is weak, even worse than his sister Miya.

"Big Brother Bai Luo!"

Xiust also discovered Bai Luo at this time. He admired Bai Luo very much: "Is your injury okay?"

Has the matter of being arched by pigs spread on the rivers and lakes?

"It's just a little injury, and it's almost recovered."

His legs still hurt a lot, but in front of the two children, Bai Luo couldn't be ashamed even if it hurt to death.

"And you?"

Bai Luo also touched Xiust's head. This child is not developing well, and he is extremely short: "Did the medicine work last time?"

"Much better! Thank you, Big Brother Bai Luo!"

The last time Xiust fell ill, Bai Luo heard that a herb was good for his body, so he did not sleep for three days and three nights, and only then did he climb over the mountains and through the dangerous jungle to help him bring the medicine back.

Not only this time, since he was a child, every time he fell ill, Bai Luo went to help him find herbs.

Although they lost their parents when they were young, in the eyes of the boy and sister, Bai Luo was no different from his father and brother.

"Where is Brother Bai Luo going?"

Miya curiously looked at the direction Bai Luo was heading. There seemed to be farmland, but it had not been sown yet, so it was empty.

"If you can get down to the ground today, just come out and walk around."

The two children wanted to accompany Bai Luo, but they didn't seem to worry about Bai Luo's injury.

But they still have a task to send the hogweed.

"You guys go back, I'll go for a walk nearby, it's good for leg injuries."


The two children were very innocent and trusted Bai Luo very much, so they turned around and left.


Bai Luo continued to move forward like this, but soon he saw a stream.

The water in the stream is not deep, it only reaches the neck of a person, but Bai Luo's injuries are not yet healed, and it is impossible to cross the river, otherwise, once he falls, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Is this the end?"

Standing by the river, Bai Luo sighed and secretly said: 'Maybe we need to find old uncle and little sister to explore together. ’


Suddenly, Bai Luo noticed the change on the black book, and saw that the direction of the compass was reversed.

It was like a needle that was supposed to point north, but it encountered a magnet, and no matter how Bai Luo went, the needle would point to the same place.

"This is..."

There is only one possibility for the pointer to turn, and that is that Bai Luo has passed the destination, so he turned around immediately, and relied on the circumnavigation method to finally determine the location.


The pointer disappeared, replaced by a map with a small red dot and a large blue dot.

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