This is a Miracle

Chapter 515 Source of pollution

"Let's talk about it when we get here."

What's more, they may not come yet. After all, Gui Ji, Huang Quan and others went directly to the North Sea King's lair.

If a fight breaks out, it is still unknown how many people Ogsel will send over.

"We've arrived."

Old Reed sensed the protective barrier scattered outside with the island as the center: "Get ready to attack."

"Awaken the sea beast."

The King of the Deep Sea ordered the fish monsters and seafood around him, only to hear them make strange chirping noises, and then poured a large amount of pitch-black sludge of unknown origin into the sea.

"What's this?"


The Deep Sea King shows the purest style of play of the Foolish Old Banquet. Just like Leon's Blood Moon, it turns the entire battlefield into their world by releasing pollution sources.

These pollution sources contain Morgan's miraculous power, and it is a compressed, high-concentration power of ignorance.

Once they reach the sea water, they will spread in all directions at an alarming speed.

Not only that, even if there is no water, some mutated creatures can gnaw and tear away the stupidity factor.

The only problem is that this spread will weaken Morgan's control.

In up to 20 generations, the remaining mad monsters will break away from Morgan's shackles, and they will become truly independent life forms, like those dimensional life forms.

"It's not going to be easy to clean up after this."

"That's Ogesel's business."

The Deep Sea King doesn't care what happens to these polluted species in the future. Regardless of Morgan or Bai Luo, they will not want Ogesel's land.

When this battle is over and they leave, who will care about him.

As for the sea being polluted, this archipelago will be abandoned in the future.

This problem seems to be unsolvable in the eyes of Morgan and Ogesel, but there are so many Miracle Lords in the Miracle World, and some of them are good at purification. Let them come and the problem can be solved in minutes.

"Isn't the old man here yet?"

A group of five people, including Deep Sea King's army, commanded by Huang Quan, has approached North Sea King's capital, "Heart of the Ice Field Edda".

"King of North Sea, do you live in a place like this?"

Shura was very disappointed with the capital city of Ogesel: "After all, he is also the Lord of Miracles. Why doesn't he know how to decorate his hometown to look better?"

“Looking good doesn’t mean it’s practical.”

Huang Quan looked at the Iceland carefully: "There is a special barrier outside, which should be a method similar to dimensional scaling. It seems that this Iceland is much larger than what we see in front of us."

The space of the Miracle Land is limited, so the kings all set up their kingdoms in the secret realm. If it were really calculated in terms of area, I am afraid that millions of Miracle Lands would not be able to make up a fraction of the kings' Miracle Kingdom.

"It's quite difficult to identify Ogesel in such a large area."

Onihime was holding the Chodachi, and her mentality was quite peaceful. Her younger brothers and sisters wanted to capture Ogesel alive, but in Onihime's view, that was nothing more than a dream.

"Why hasn't the old man taken action yet?"

Shura was a little impatient to wait. In his opinion, Bai Luo sent six of them. In terms of overall strength, they were already above Augosl. There was no need to make any fuss, just go ahead and do it.

"If we go first, then it won't be Nanhai King who leads us, but we will lead him."

Although it was originally like this, but the master had a good reputation, in order to prevent other kings from causing trouble afterwards, Morgan's people had to fight first.

When it's almost over, it's up to them to finish it off and turn the tide.

To the south of the Navia Islands, a small island stands alone in the open sea far away from other islands.

There are four such islands in the Navia Islands, located in the four directions, with huge lighthouses made of gold and jade built on them. An invisible beam of light rises from the lighthouse, echoing the other three.

Miracle buildings are the essence of miracles, but buildings and weapons built using miracle resources are the means of development that every miracle has.

"Something's coming in."

The person standing on the lighthouse is not an ordinary person, but a master-level Miracle Son. He is wearing silver-white armor, but his eyes are pale and have no pupils, unlike humans.

An immortal miracle, an eternal person who transcends life and death, and is also a member of the Wild Hunting Legion trained by Ogsel.

His name is Juan, and he is an old group of miracle people who have followed Ogesel since eight hundred years ago.

"The water turned black?"

"what happened?"

Juan's eyes were filled with coldness, and ice-blue lines overflowed from his eye sockets, covering his pale face: "The contaminants are the seafood under Morgan's hands!"

But why?

Why would Morgan's sea monster come here and be such a rich source of pollution?

If it were just sea beasts fighting each other, it would not be impossible. There have been many such examples in the past, and one accidentally broke into the Navia Islands.

"No, it's different."

"Too rich."

Juan realized something was wrong immediately. He turned around quickly, put the black long bow and the black death arrow on his body, and at the same time sounded the alarm bell on the lighthouse.

Of course, he is not going to rule the people on the archipelago to take refuge, but to tell his monarch Ogesel and tell him that Morgan's polluted species has crossed the border!

"Morgan's tainted species appeared in Navia?"

At this moment, in the ice-covered castle, Ogesel was playing a game with his daughter.

They used the real lower plane as a chessboard to control the two countries in that world and let them fight.

"It seems I won, father."

The woman has long ice-blue hair. Her name is Concubine Leo. She is one of the few people of Ogesel who has the qualifications of a living saint, and she is also his biological daughter.

"What's wrong with you?"

Concubine Leo noticed her father's expression and asked. Ogsel frowned slightly: "What's going on? News came from Navia that Morgan's contaminants have reached our side."

"Contamination appears in Navia?"

Concubine Leo was confused. Although she was only a living saint, she still had basic judgment: "Why can't pollutants travel so far? Are you sure they are pollutants and not the blood and corpses of sea beasts?"

"Juan has been with me for eight hundred years and has rich experience. His judgment will never be wrong."

"Then this is strange."

Princess Leo: "Is Morgan going to go to war with us? Is he out of his mind?"

"If something is abnormal, there must be something wrong."

"Then, we..."

"Let those three boys go."

Ogesel stood up, and behind him was a shadow composed of countless thunder, frost, and storms, like branches or patterns on leaves.

"Ask me clearly what Morgan wants to do!"

The kings of the four seas are also divided into strong and weak ones. Ogesel is known as the leader of the four sea kings. If Morgan really dares to attack him, Ogesel will definitely let him know how terrifying the Wrath of the North Sea can be.

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