This is a Miracle

Chapter 516 Gemini


Concubine Leo called out, and saw the dark clouds above the glacier begin to melt, and a scorching golden fireball fell on the ice sheet like a meteorite.

"What orders does your Majesty have?"

Bard, one of the legendary strongmen under Ogsel, is also the incarnation of the sun and glory in the North Sea Kingdom.

Wearing golden armor, he looks completely different from Juan. With that cool halo behind him, no one would doubt that he is a true god.

"Something happened to Navia, it was Morgan's tainted species."


A black shadow emerged from under the ice sheet and turned into a man wearing a dark cloak and holding a cane. He was Hall, Bard's brother: "How could it be him?"

However, unlike Holy Bard, who is shrouded in light, Hall feels eerie and terrifying. He has his eyes closed, but he is not blind. His eyes are connected to the shadow dimension. Once opened, it means the dimension has arrived.

"Where does Morgan get the courage?"

Bud has an arrogant character, while Hall easily refuses to speak and only listens to him say: "Maybe, it's not just Morgan."

They also knew the grudge between Morgan and Ogsel, and it was absolutely impossible for Morgan to dare to take action and call it an unprepared and reckless act.

After all, Morgan has capable people under his command. Since they dare to come, they must be well prepared.

"That's why father asked you two to go."

Six legends, one epic, and now two legends are sent out. Whether it is a real invasion or an attempt to force the tiger away from the mountain, Ogsail has enough troops to respond.

"Navia is our territory. If we start a war there, we won't be able to use it."

"Stop talking so much," Hall interrupted Barr: "Go ahead."

If I continue to talk nonsense here, if Navia is really destroyed, Ogesel will suffer heavy losses.

The people there have been selected by Ogesel for 800 years, and they are all people who can adapt to his miracles.

There are so many miracles in the world, and if they are really assigned to each person, there may be only one among hundreds of people who can accept the power of a certain kind of miracle.

This is just adaptation, not huge potential.

Selection and selection, accumulated over thousands of years, the importance of people on Navia is too great.

"Once Navia makes a mistake, my father will have to spend another five hundred years before he can recover."

Concubine Leo warned: "You try to hold them back as long as possible. My father will hold talks with them first."

Today's Miracle Land is not just one family. The existence of the Council of Kings prevents many strong men from taking action at will, even Ogesel.

Although Morgan made the first move, Ogsel still had to ask questions first.

Not only that, he also had to find other kings who were more powerful than himself as witnesses. Once Morgan really attacked his territory for no reason, Ogesel did not need to be passive and immediately launched an invasion of Morgan's territory.

Although Navia will suffer some losses, after this wave of defeat, Ogesel can also take back a large number of people.

If you tear down the east wall to repair the west wall, you might still make some money.

Some people may ask, how can there be any profit here? All the people in Navia have the qualifications of Miracle Citizens, which can cost at least 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, but Morgan's people can only survive in a few million.

A few million people can only produce a few tens of thousands of Miracle People who can adapt to the power of Ogesel. Isn't this a huge loss?

No, that's not how the account was calculated.

First of all, although the people of Navia will die, they will not disappear.

To put it simply, the soul is immortal, they just died once and lost a life.

As the master of miracles, Ogesel, as the winner, can naturally bring back these souls. Then, wouldn't it be enough to give them another body?

The preciousness of the people of Miracle is not just that they were born in Miracle Land, but also the qualifications and talents of their souls.

Therefore, if Morgan takes the initiative to attack Ogesel, even if Ogesel abandons Navia, he will not lose anything when the war is over.

Arranging for people to be reincarnated and then bringing them back, a round trip only takes ten or twenty years.

For kings with infinite lives, decades are just a matter of taking a nap.


In the south of the Navia Islands, Juan stood alone above a towering lighthouse, and in front of him, a seemingly endless black sea monster was emerging from the water.

That familiar miraculous power, Juan knew where it came from even with his eyes closed.


Juan gritted his teeth and shouted: "King of the Deep Sea, since you are here, why don't you come out?"

The mere master-level Juan is no match for these sea monsters, even if they are only mad masters, but with this number and hundreds of master-level sea monsters attacking together, it would be an exaggeration to say that the scene would be devastating.

Except for the Miracle People, the ordinary people on Navia Island just glanced at it from a distance and then collapsed to the ground.

This is the sea, and if you want to get out, you still have a means of teleportation.

But the problem is that pollutants have eroded the sea, making the entire sea and even the space here become a "magic" area.

Teleporting at this time is simply a joke with your own life.

Juan is not afraid. Even if the teleportation fails, with his master-level physical fitness, he is not afraid of a direct collision from another dimension, not to mention the mere tearing of space.

However, this teleportation array was not prepared for him, but for hundreds of thousands of civilians on Navia.

When they teleport, being torn apart by space is a minor issue, but the soul accidentally drifting to the lower plane and not being able to be found is a big problem.

"Seawater erosion first pollutes the environment and then expands."

"This method."

Juan was almost certain that the Deep Sea King must be here. Apart from him, there was no other person under Morgan who would fight so decisively and aggressively.

"Long time no see, Juan."

The Deep Sea King drove his car, and a giant living battleship rose into the sky from the bottom of the sea. He faced Juan and said, "Is the scene here familiar to you?"

"What do you think!"

"This is revenge."

Deep Sea King: "Two hundred years ago, you allowed the Wild Hunt to swallow up my village in the fog. Everyone was frozen into ice by ghosts in fear."

"But you must not remember this."

"that's true."

Deep Sea King: "For you, the scope of the Wild Hunt cruise is so huge, how could you pay attention to a small fishing village?"

"Are you here for revenge?"

Juan: "Then just find me alone. If you do this, my Lord will not let it go!"

"Or have you found help?"

Juan sneered: "It's ridiculous. You are being used as a pawn by others. Do the people behind you dare to risk offending the Miracle Kings to keep Morgan?"

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