This is a Miracle

Chapter 518 Endless Glory

"Someone is out."

Rainbow Bridge, just like Bai Luo's ability to cross miracles through the eight-legged horse, Ogsel also has this power.

"According to the plan, Ogesel will send out enough legends, or directly send out his strongest Princess Leo."

Huang Quan did not dare to approach easily for fear of being noticed by the opponent, so he had to watch from a distance: "There were not many people in the formation just now, so they must be heavyweights."

Besides Concubine Leo, Huang Quan couldn't guess who else Ogesel could send.

"Now we're just waiting for Morgan to send back the news."

If Concubine Leo really appeared in the South China Sea, it would be the best time for the five brothers and sisters to raid this Iceland.

"News from Iceland."

Old Reed stood in the middle of the ruins. Of the sixty islands in Navia, the southernmost one was turned into ruins by sea monsters in just an instant.



Huge monsters ravaged the land unscrupulously. Even with the blessings of the kings, they could not withstand such destruction.

The foundation of the island was shattered and the earth cracked, as if it might sink into the sea at any time in the next second.

"Sent someone over there."

Lao Luwei keeps information flowing with the children at all times. The fact that the Rainbow Bridge is launched in Iceland means that Ogsel has sent people to increase the number of people.

Whether they are sent here or sent to raid Morgan's South Sea Country, it is all part of their plan.

"I just don't know who I sent."

According to the plan of the Deep Sea King, the best situation is for Princess Leo to lead an army to attack the South Sea Kingdom. The more people sent, the better. It would be even better if only Ogsel and his miraculous body are left to stay in Iceland. .

"There are two younger sisters of mine over there. Although they are not as strong as Concubine Leo, they can still protect themselves in a real fight."

In the eyes of the Deep Sea King, Concubine Leo is a good touchstone. One Living Saint versus two Living Saints, plus experience and strength suppression, they will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Again, Morgan's luck is much better than Ogesel's.

"Also, thank you King Adun."

The Deep Sea King's gratitude was nothing more than Morgan's safety.

This strategy of luring the snake out of its hole and attacking Huanglong has certain flaws and risks.

The biggest problem is Morgan's safety.

If not only Concubine Leo is coming, but Ogesel is also coming with his daughter, and the entire North Sea is coming, then with Morgan's power, he will not be able to resist it no matter what.

Unfortunately, Morgan had already moved away. He was not in the South Sea Kingdom at this time. Instead, he was invited by Bai Luo to go to the King of Adun to enjoy the scenery of the Avalon Garden and the Sacred Beast Forest.

"This is what my lord should do," Old Luwei said with a smile, "After all, we will be a family from now on."

"My father will definitely guard the southern seas for Adun."

While the Deep Sea King expressed his gratitude, he also reassured Lao Luwei and Bai Luo: "Aton has done a great favor to the South China Sea by avenging this revenge. My father, as well as several of our brothers and sisters, have clear grievances. We will remember this matter." In my heart.”

Having concluded an absolute covenant, Morgan was like a country that had surrendered to Bai Luo.

The reliability of this kind of Fanbang is almost 100%, so Bai Luo can also rest assured that Morgan is on his own ship. As long as Bai Luo doesn't collapse, Morgan will have a good life.

On the contrary, if Bai Luo failed, Morgan would have to be buried with him.

There is no way, the absolute covenant is to always advance and retreat together.

However, this covenant is also relative. Morgan cannot betray Bai Luo, and Bai Luo must also give Morgan enough dignity. He cannot violate him at will, let alone bully him.

Of course, these are not too important, after all, there are parts that force people to do things that are difficult.

The real key lies in the grudges mentioned by the Deep Sea King.

Bai Luo helped Morgan get revenge, which is something Morgan would never be able to accomplish on his own without Bai Luo.

There is nothing I can repay for my great kindness, I can only help Bai Luo to guard the country's borders and stay safe.

"Ogesel is so decisive, he is quite a character."

Bai Luo sat in the white courtyard of Avalon Garden, with Morgan in front of him.

To be honest, Morgan is really not used to this fairyland-like world of the boss in charge of seafood. He is an honest person, and if it were not for his adopted son Sigurian, his alliance with Bai Luo would never have been imagined.

"My father is well and it's all thanks to Lord Arden."

Siglian stood behind Morgan, and on the other side, the senior sister was sitting on the right side. She was opening a book, focusing on it.

"What I mean is that Ogesel is more powerful," Bai Luo: "If I say this, Mr. Morgan shouldn't deny it, right?"

"Compared with talent and ability," Morgan nodded: "I'm not as good as him."

Ogesel is a tycoon. In comparison, Morgan really has no advantage. The only thing that is better than Ogesel is the way he treats his people, especially the core adopted sons and daughters.

Because of Morgan's gentle personality, Siglian and the other siblings are as close as one family even though they are not related by blood.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Siglian is caught, the other brothers and sisters will definitely fight to save him.

However, on the Ogesel side, this may not necessarily be the case.

"Among the kings, he and I have the worst compatibility," Morgan said, "It's not just the enmity that we had, but also this relationship."

Except for Concubine Leo, who is their biological daughter, the other six legends naturally respect Ogesel from the bottom of their hearts, but among themselves, even the twin brothers Bud and Hall, who are from the same mother, They also hate each other.

"I agree with this."

Bai Luo said: "I still like the big family-style Miracle Kingdom. It may not necessarily be strong, but at least we have a clear conscience as the Lords of Miracles."

The previous declaration of war was an accident, but when they actually sat face to face and communicated as friends, Morgan found that he and Bai Luo had a lot in common.

Moreover, the strength of the Adun Kingdom is indeed unfathomable.

Not to mention others, Morgan couldn't see through Isefiya sitting next to Bai Luo: 'She should also be a miracle deity, but I don't know what position, middle or upper position? ’

"This is my wife and the queen of Adun."

Bai Luo introduced his senior sister to Morgan, who closed the book and nodded to Morgan.


"I have heard the name of King of the South Sea since I was a child."

The senior sister was telling the truth. Before she got the miracle, she had often heard from her uncle about the terrible name of the Lord of the Abyss who controlled endless sea monsters.

"Don't dare to take it, don't dare to take it."

Morgan: "It's just rumors from mortals."

Morgan never thought at all that the senior sister was one of Bai Luo's miraculous subjects. The surging miraculous power and endless great brilliance in the opponent's body, and the miraculous status of the senior sister was only above him. How could he be a miraculous child.

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