This is a Miracle

Chapter 530 Fight to the end

"The fight is over."

"It looks like the fight is over."

"Is this the end?"

In the Azure Principality, the three Dukes have been waiting and watching for a long time. They thought that the conflict between Morgan and Ogesel would last longer.

It started so suddenly and ended so suddenly, which really made people a little surprised and even at a loss.

"Then what do we do?"

Immortal Eagle Grand Duke Mixia looked at the other two people. They didn't know what to do. After all, this was a miraculous battle between the four awakenings. Among the four of them, the strongest was only two four awakenings.

You can't suppress the other side, and it's difficult to control the right to speak when you go up. It's better to continue to wait and see.

"Waiting for Cui Can and the other sea kings."

Grand Duke Yangbo said that they don't need to be the front-runners. If someone really wants to challenge this battle, they will naturally jump out and it is not their turn to worry about it.


Sure enough, I saw an icy blue light pillar falling from the sky, and a figure that was very familiar to everyone present walked out of the light curtain.

"What are you doing?" This is a woman with blue hair and armor and feathers that look like they are woven from crystals: "Are you crazy to use such a level of miraculous power here? "

One of the Four Glorious Princesses, Iris Vartan, Duchess of Diamonds, is known as the most dazzling woman in the world.

Her miracle is a gem, the middle miraculous object, the Eternal Silmarillion.

Although it is a miraculous thing, it has become one with its owner.

This also allowed Elise to break away from her human body and transform into a beautiful diamond dragon that is difficult to describe in words. She is the ruler of all metals and gems.

Gold mines, silver mines, copper mines, all kinds of metals are her sons, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, all kinds of gems are her daughters, emeralds and agates, ivory and amber, all her children are precious in the world. things.

Among these children, the one that Elise loves the most is the eternal thing, the only diamond.

Because the mother turned into a dragon, her children followed suit, and the Kingdom of Dragons on the sea was born. There were gold dragons, silver dragons, emerald dragons, diamond dragons, iron dragons, bronze dragons, plus these dragons. The miraculous power released.

Ordinary mountains and rivers have turned into mountains of gold and silver, ordinary rivers have turned into streams of gems, and endless colorful pearls gush out of springs.

In Elise's country, there is no normal life.

The trees in the mountain forest grow from metal, the flowers are like crystals, the fruits are like jewelry, and even the animals in the forest are wonderful creatures transformed by eternal things.

"What happened, and why did we have to fight?"

Compared to Elise's wealth, her temperament is not difficult to get along with. Coupled with the powerful strength of the peak of the four awakenings and the half-step of the five awakenings, she has become a credible master of miracles on the sea.

Whether it is the Four Sea Kings, the Three Dukes of Azure, or the interior of the Brilliant Kingdom, whenever something happens, Elise will always be invited to be a witness.

"Since you are waiting and watching, why not just exit," Elise shouted to the sky: "As a king, there is no need to hide one's head and show one's tail, right?"

After all, the identity of the Lord of Miracles is different from that of the Miracle People. If they want to get along alone, they can open up a small world and let each other's incarnations come.

"Please also ask King Adun to come forward and answer our confusion."

Elise created a world that was boundless, like a newly born universe.

But in the dark night sky, a round table floated in the void. Elise took a step forward and at the same time sent an invitation to every Lord of Miracles who was watching.

Gu: "The answer is, of course there is."

Bai Luo was the first to arrive, followed by his senior sister and Morgan. The three of them walked directly to the round table and sat down: "This is our second meeting, Your Excellency Mr. Precious Diamond."

"Just call me Elise."

The Silmarillion Duchess was an old friend of the Arden family, and she was also present when the old uncle was looking for someone to form an alliance.

Of course, Elise has no close relationship with her uncle, they are more like friends.

"What happened this time is a bit big," Elise said, "think about how to appease them."

"If it doesn't work, just give me some benefits."

Ogesel was not dead, and there was no major damage, so to put it bluntly, this battle was a conflict of interests.

Just like gambling, one party loses money, but it is only money.

In the eyes of the Lords of Miracles, population can slowly accumulate over time, and temporary gains and losses are nothing at all.

In other words, questioning is just about doing things according to the rules. The real problem lies in the interest groups behind everyone. Bai Luo's attitude towards Elise is kind, firstly because of the friendship left by his uncle, and secondly because the other party and Ogesel are not from the same family. .

There are four leaders in the Principality of Cui Can. Elise and Duke Cui Can are both at the top of the Four Realms. However, her temperament is a bit aloof and she really can't get along with the other three.

As far as the internal atmosphere is concerned, the Brilliant Principality cannot be compared with the Azure Three Dukes.

"It's really troublesome. Can't we be more stable? Do we have to fight and kill?"

Duke Cuican is an old man. He came from nothingness. In the originally dark world, stars were born from his feet. Wherever he walked, the endless Milky Way divided the dark world into two.

"We meet again, King Adun."

Immortal Eagle Grand Duke Mixia and the other two Dukes of Azure arrived, followed by the Marquis of Tianzhi and the Marquis of Yizai from the Iron Eagle Kingdom, and the Earl of Thorns.

Bai Luo was quite surprised that the Earl of Thorns would come, because he knew about this man's situation. Not only was he not good at words, but he also had autistic tendencies and could not go out easily. He was a deadbeat with social phobia.

However, since the death of General Winter, Earl of Thorns has begun to try things that he would not normally dare to do. His progress is visible to the naked eye.

"It's really lively. If there are a few more people, it can be called a small meeting of kings."

Qingquan also came to stand up for Bai Luo.

One more person, one more ticket. As long as he has enough people, Bai Luo can make all the referees his.


Then came Ogesel, who sat directly opposite Morgan.

At this moment, the once brave and skilled King of the North Sea looked very different. If there were not so many big bosses present, he would have wanted to challenge Morgan to a duel immediately and settle the matter with him.

"If you have the ability, come and challenge me," Ogsel crossed his hands, with 'I'm very angry' written all over his face: "What's the point of looking for someone to stand up to you?"

"Nanhai is now my ally, Adun," Bai Luo: "Before King Beihai speaks, please think clearly before speaking."


Ogesel clenched his fists with both hands and slammed them on the table: "You want to be his backer, right to the end?"

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