This is a Miracle

Chapter 337 One more to go

Empire, twenty miracles can be called an empire.

Azure Three, Bright Four, Two Sea Kings, Senior Sister, A Li, Leon, Qing Quan, plus Bai Luo, there are already fourteen people.

So there are still six left. As long as they find six more Miracle Lords, they can build a new empire.

If possible, Bai Luo is not too willing to expose the miracles he has now. After all, he has too many miracles.

If the kings really knew that Bai Luo had the ability to spontaneously search for miracles, his existence would become a loophole in the world system of miracles.

After all, if there is one person who can collect miracles infinitely, then what else should the Lord of Miracles do? He can build an empire by himself, even an empire twice or three times larger, without any internal contradictions.

This can almost be called a sure win. As long as there is enough time, Bai Luo can defeat all the Lords of Miracles.

"If it doesn't work, I can only look for it in my own miracle."

It is difficult to distinguish the original form of miracles from the masters of miracles, because their attributes and personalities are different, which results in contracts coming one by one. Bai Luo can completely find miracles with human postures to pretend to be the real masters of miracles.

Take Leon for example, if Bai Luo doesn't admit it, and Dong Ao, who has experienced his power, doesn't say anything, it would be hard for others to tell.

Of course, once a fight breaks out, paper cannot cover the fire.

However, Bai Luo can be more careful and avoid letting them take action personally as much as possible. However, in this case, the advantage of the miracle body will be lost.

"Being unable to use it is no different than losing it."

If he were to throw away a dozen miracle bodies at once, Bai Luo could almost predict the result: "The public enemy of the miracle world is none other than me."

By that time, Bai Luo would probably have no other choice but to pull out Dusk and fight to support war.

"So who should play the role of these six masters of miracles?"

"Definitely not Shirley."

Pegasus is too stiff, and Shirley herself is extremely simple, so she can't be the master of miracles.

"Lilith is just like Shirley. She's not scheming enough and is too easy to cheat."

It is easy for miracle creatures to pretend to be kings, because each of them is as pure as a blank sheet of paper. Even if the Lord of Miracles is behind the control, they will say whatever they say.

But it is difficult for kings to lie. A king cannot break his trust at will, let alone be secretive.

If a Lord of Miracles loses his courage, he will directly doubt his life like the Earl of Thorns did before.

Therefore, from the beginning of the birth of the Miracle World to today, there are historical records of 3 million years, and it may be even longer before that. However, there has never been a miracle creature pretending to be its own master, standing in front of the stage and controlling Everything.

"Fortunately, I still have Miracle Man."

Miracle people were human beings before they became miracles, and they had their own personalities. Shiro had Alaya, Leon and Xiao Miya in his hands.

It just so happens that Alea's top position requires enough power of faith, so letting her go out to develop religion is definitely the best choice in peacetime.

Bai Luo is actually quite resistant to religion, because it is like brainwashing. He does not want his people to become so-and-so believers.

Fortunately, the highest belief in Alaya's religious system is Bai Luo himself.

Kingly power and divine power are completely unified, and the king and God are one person.

The only problem is Yagen's belief and the contract mission of the Silent One. Bai Luo still needs to discuss with Alaya how to set Yagen's position in this belief system.

However, the Silent One did not explicitly ask for what position she wanted Yagen to occupy in the Adun civilization.

In fact, there is a lot of room for maneuver here, and Bai Luo can just muddle through.

‘Everyone has a source, like the world. Since it exists, there must be a reason to explain why it exists. ’

With this said, Bai Luo can also understand: 'According to Yagen, since I exist, I must have a past life. Even if there is no past life, then where did I come from? ’

Yagen itself does not need faith, but the Silent One has this requirement. In addition, Yagen said to Bai Luo before, she is the reason for Bai Luo's existence, just like the human mother-child relationship.

"Okay," Bai Luo: "Then execute as originally planned."

Yagen is the creator of the world, Bailuo is the ruler of the world, and even the mother of the world must obey his instructions.

As for Alaya, as the authority and agent of God, she should establish the religion of Adun as a saint.

"But this religion cannot be related to Arden," Bai Luo: "After all, Alaya wants to play an independent master of miracles. You should be fine, right, Alaya?"

"Don't worry, Lord Kami."

Alaya teased Bai Luo a little: "It's just that everything has an end, and I also need to control it. The powers at the top are very strong, and the really scary thing is their inexhaustibility."

If Alaya really let herself go, it would be really easy to lose control.

"Determine an upper limit," Bai Luo: "When it's almost reached, you go and start a war."

This world needs a force strong enough to take huge risks to challenge those authorities, and at the same time, help Bai Luo test the bottom line of the miracle world and the bottom line of the kings.

"Where's the name?"

"Western Expedition."

Bai Luo: "Crusader, Western Expedition."

In this way, Alaya's problem is solved, so there are still five left.

"Tree elves, there has been new progress recently. The Adun Islands are only so big," Bai Luo said, "We can let them try independently."

Tree elves are a race of miracles. This type of miracle carries the risk of death, and Bai Luo will not let them take the risk.

The reason why I think of them is because of an experiment not long ago.

The Eight-Legged Divine Horse opened up the rainbow dimension, and Bai Luo tried to let his people come into contact with this power of the dimension. As a result, the tree elves experienced strange changes.

Some tree elves absorbed the power of the rainbow dimension, and their life seeds changed. The tree of life originally used for reproduction began to continuously extract energy from that dimension, and then evolved.

This change made Bai Luo realize that tree elves are not static. Their trees are not just wood.

Tree elves' trees are all trees. They can absorb various things as nutrients and then thrive.

None of the miracles are simple. As long as you find the right method, whether it is the lowest level or the lowest level, you can show unparalleled potential.

"Miya, Lu Wei's family, old uncle."

Here are three more. Although the old uncle is not here, the name of Saros itself is worthy of the position of the Lord of Miracles.

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