This is a Miracle

Chapter 94 Fairy magic is the ability to do whatever you want

As for looking ugly. . .

Is this also a problem? !

Lilith can heal the small wound caused by this non-miraculous power with any magic, allowing the girl to regain her beauty and self-confidence.

Since the second awakening, Lilith has the power to restore people to the original, and the first person to enjoy this miracle in the entire Duchy of Aden is Aleia.

Lilith healed her eyes and restored the fertility she lost by devouring the Eclipse.

Eclipse is a well-known poisonous weed that all Aton children know, it cannot be eaten.

But eclipse grass itself is too similar to other herbs. As a child, Aleia couldn't tell what it was because she couldn't see it, so she ate a lot.

As a result, not only was she in a coma for a few days, but she also bled a lot, and since then, Aleia has never had a menstrual period.

Fortunately, the power of miracles allowed this tragic woman to recover and regain her light.

Although she is still not used to the bright world, and she usually still covers her eyes with a white cloth, in terms of physical fitness and understanding, Aleia is definitely second only to senior sister among the adult Adonites.

At Aleia's request, she formally joined the training plan formulated by her uncle, and conducted Aden's military training with her senior sister and Bai Yinuo.

Of course, that's really nothing.

The most powerful part of fairy magic is actually its powerful plastic surgery ability.

As long as you can become a high-level witch, your face, height, and figure will not be a problem.

"You stay with them first, and we will have other arrangements when we arrive at the destination."

"Thank you, thank you."

Inai thanked her repeatedly. She respected Gonia so much that she even became obsessed: "I, I will work hard, I am willing to do anything!"


Gonia did not sympathize with Inai. If it was more miserable and lonely, Gonia would be considered a pitiful person, but she never thought of being miserable and would not sympathize with anyone.

Gonia is a pure sage, she never takes things too seriously.

Ina is valuable, then Gonia will take care of her, nurture her, that's all.

As for whether she can become her own person and companion in Gonia's eyes, it depends on Inai herself, whether she can be willing to be loyal to Bai Luo and become a native of Adon.

"Now, everyone gets on the ship one by one, and then undergoes the next step of testing."

A group of teenagers and girls followed Gonia to the largest ship, while Elsa and Fiora stood on both sides of the entrance of the ship.

Elsa holds a wand, and every time she passes a child, she uses it to extract part of the other's memory.

Fiora acts as a escort, along with the other tree elf sword dancers, to prevent accidents when Elsa's magic power is insufficient.

The kids had absolutely no idea what she was doing.

They have never heard of miracles, and they have never heard of the power of miracles.

But the master is in need, and as a slave, he naturally dare not resist and disobey.

"What's your name?"

"Ju, Junono..."

Junono was the first to board the ship, which was randomly selected by Gonia: "Hello, what do I need to do?"

"Stand still."

In terms of appearance, Elsa is younger than Junono, but the aura of the two is not in the same dimension at all.

The existence of the power of miracles makes Elsa far more confident and temperament than these ordinary young girls who have never been exposed to the power of miracles.

Therefore, Junono, like other girls, was very afraid of Elsa and did not dare to talk to her.

In contrast, Fiora seemed to get along better.

In fact, it was the first time Elsa had come into contact with so many outsiders, and she was actually quite uneasy.


Bai Luo taught her: 'When you're uneasy, it's okay to have facial paralysis, as long as you're cold enough, others won't see through you. ’


Elsa nodded and said nothing.

The high-cold demeanor is unmistakable.

The snow-like girl took out the wand in her sleeve and tapped it on Junono's forehead.


Junono was taken aback, she didn't know what the stick was, and nothing happened to the children in front of her.

But the fear of the unknown made Junono take a step back.

"Don't move!"

When Elsa's indifferent voice came, Junono didn't dare to move, and just let him do it.

Afterwards, Elsa took out some white gas from Junono's forehead, which was Junono's memory.

Of course, the children couldn't see this special scene.

Only witches with fairy magic can perceive the changes in the power of the fairy.

For example, Gonia, she just saw Elsa tap Junono's forehead with her wand, that's all.

"Is that all right?"

Gonia had heard of the magic of fairy magic, but she really saw it, and it was still very strange.

"All right."

Fiora explained to Gonia in a low voice: "Elsa copied her memory from seven days."


Gonia smiled, only listening to Elsa say: "She is basically fine, but for more detailed memories, I have to wait until I go back and ask Ms. Lilith to help."


Gonia nodded, and then said to everyone without changing her face: "Others, one by one, take the test."


Elsa completed the memory reenactment one after another, but facing the figure in front of her, Elsa was stunned for a moment.

"What's the matter with you?"

Elsa is petite, and she is only about one meter five when she is dead.

But the person in front of her was like a wall to Elsa.

This is a strong male, very tall, about two meters or more.

And this is nothing, what makes Elsa even more horrified is that from the information observed in the other party's memory, he is only 12 years old.

"You're only 12 years old?"

Elsa couldn't understand why this guy who was younger than herself could grow so big.

"Is there something wrong with this guy?"

"No, I don't know."

Elsa couldn't judge, she decided to hand it over to Gonia, who asked Elsa: "Is there a problem with memory?"


Elsa didn't know if her spell had malfunctioned: "His memory, I looked at it roughly, and the thoughts over the past seven days can be summed up in one word."




The three girls were stunned for a long time, and finally determined that the big man in front of them was an imbecile.

There is no miracle power in him, it is impossible to resist the magic of Elsa and others, and seeing such a guy, the first thought of the three is the descendant of miracles.

In this way, it is even more impossible to refuse.

"This, let your Majesty, let my lord and eldest father judge."

"What's your name?"

Gonia couldn't figure out the situation of the big man for a while, and only heard the big man say angrily: "I am called the big man, and others call me that."

"It's not like he's pretending, he should be a real fool."

In her previous life, Gonia could definitely become a great detective, which is why Bai Luo asked her to examine the new population.

Soon, one hundred and twenty boys and girls were copied by the two witches.

Unless the other party is a child of miracles, or has been protected by miracles, without the power of miracles, there is no way to resist the fairy magic of witches.

"Count the number of people."

"120, all arrived."


Gonia asked everyone to enter the cabin: "You rest in the cabin first, and after lunch, I will tell you what to do next."

"That's it, that's it?"

Ilona looked at the people who left in puzzlement, and all the tree elves left.

On the other hand, Gonia and Beard completed all the transactions and paid the deposit.

"Then, thank you."

The mustache is not short of money, but these spices can flatter more people for him and obtain the rights he desires most.

"Next, does Miss Gonia have any special requirements for slaves?"

"No iron eagle man."

Aton and Iron Eagle are too conflicted.

Although it will not anger the people, but now is not the time to introduce the Iron Eagle people.

"Please rest assured, you will be absolutely satisfied."

The mustache left the boat, and the Adonites after the rectification were also led by Gonia, heading towards Aden Island.

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