
"it is finally over."

In the captain's room, Elsa and Fiora sat on the sofa without an image. The two girls took off their shoes and exposed their legs in white stockings to the air.

As for the stockings, they were naturally made by Lilith using magic.

"You two, weren't you very cold just now? No longer maintain it?"

"Don't, Sister Gonia, I'm a little nervous being watched by so many people."

It was the first time for Elsa to go out to work, so unlike Fiora, who was walking around in the courtyard, Elsa was nervous all the time, and she was afraid that she would not do well and cause disaster to the Principality of Aden.

"And after so many times of memory rewriting, the consumption of magic power is nothing, and the exhaustion of mental power is the most uncomfortable."

"Who told you to have more magic power?"

That's why Elsa was sent here—she's the most talented witch in the whole of Aden.

"By the way, Sister Gonia."

Elsa asked, "A few of these guys have a lot of problems, why do you want them?"

"There is a problem, it's just personality, but as long as there is no problem with loyalty, it's acceptable."

Gonia said: "In addition, this is not necessarily a bad thing, treacherous, liar, ruthless, we Aden, need all kinds of talents."

Gonia is not as pure as Elsa. Instead, she feels that most of these children have potential and are available.

"Of course, you have to teach (brainwashing) well."

The future spies, assassins, and envoys all need someone to do it.

But these are high-risk occupations, and Bai Luo definitely wouldn't want those close to him to do these things.

However, if the other party can't even guarantee loyalty, then Gonia will suggest to Bai Luo to get rid of it: "Today, Aden has laws and regulations, we can't arbitrarily decide a person's life or death, only Your Majesty has that right. ."


Elsa and Fiora nodded, both girls respected and admired Bai Luo extremely.

They want to build Aden into an orderly and civilized state, and those barbaric customs will naturally have to be corrected slowly.

"In fact, His Majesty's choice of the first batch of slaves as the imported population was a decision made by several old men after consultation."

Choose young teenagers because they are more receptive and better brainwashed.

Bai Luo will slowly transform and assimilate them over a month.

As for loyalty, that's not really an issue.

If they can accept the power of miracles, it also shows their sense of identity and belonging to Aden.

They are loyal to Bai Luo in the general direction, and have some bad habits. As long as they don't go too far and don't violate Aden's laws, Bai Luo can give them a chance to become Aden civilians.

Yes, civilians, not citizens.

The rank of the people in the Duchy of Aden is divided into three levels: subjects, citizens and commoners.

There is no distinction between subjects and citizens.

Any citizen may become a subject. The only difference between them is that subjects have the talent for governance and management, while citizens do not.

Commoners and citizens, the latter is absolutely loyal to Bai Luo, and can enjoy all the benefits of Aden.

But civilians, before passing the test, Bai Luo will only regard them as outsiders, not his own.

It will not give the power of miracles at will, unless the other party is determined to be loyal to Aden and Bai Luo.

"The new population, Gonia should have received it."

At the same time, in the castle of the Duchy of Aden, Bai Luo sat in the administrative hall, handling official business.

Standing beside him is the tree elf Lu Anya. Gonia has now been released by Bai Luo and is responsible for foreign trade and exchanges. Lu Anya has risen because of this and has become Bai Luo's assistant.


Auxiliary Officer, referred to as Secretary.

It's that secretary who has to do everything.

"Are you worried?"

"There's nothing to worry about," Bai Luo said. "There are so many tree elves going together, and there are two regular witches who can master spells. Even if they encounter a large number of sea beasts, they can easily repel them."

"Then you..."

"I'm just thinking, when this group of people arrives, how should I choose."

Bai Luo hoped that they would have excellent talents: "talent and loyalty, the two are like fish and bear's paw."


Lu Anya couldn't understand Bai Luo's words, so Bai Luo told her the story that you can't have both.

"I see."

Luanya: "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry about this."

"We plan the port to accommodate those civilians," Luanya said. "What's more, when we officially open to the outside world, the surrounding islands can also be inhabited."

"We in Aden have so much delicious food, vegetables, fruits, grains, what an abundance of produce."

"You said that when people do things, they should always conform to the law of interests."

Aton has food, drink and shelter. If you leave Aton, where can you go?

He was sold as a slave. If he really had that ability, why would he become a slave?


Bai Luo thought it was right, but he was over-hearted: "By the way, Flara and Little John, do you have any news to send back?"

After Aden founded the country, the old uncle suggested to Bai Luo to send someone to inquire about the pirates.

They can't sit still, even if they don't launch an attack, they must actively collect information, otherwise they will be beaten passively, which is too stupid.

Bai Luo sent Flara and John to Shipwreck Island west of Aden Island.

There is a hidden pirate gathering place, not only Morgan's forces will stay there, but even the pirates under the command of several other pirate kings, as well as the free pirate group, like to soak in there and be drunk.

"I heard from Grandpa that Shipwreck Island is a very free and unrestrained place."

"It belongs to the Western Pirate King 'Ogesell'," Luanya said. "He has no direct contact with us, and there is no conflict, so on the Shipwreck Island, even Morgan would not dare to shoot at will."

Safety is guaranteed, which is why Bai Luo dares to send people out.

"As for the island, how is the development going?"

Before, because of the small number of people, Bai Luo only sent a few teams to explore Aden Island.

And now, with the gift brought by the mysterious dragon, the tree elf's strength has been greatly improved.

As a result, Bai Luo sent 40 adult tree elves at one time, including many priestesses (witches) of tree elves. They rode on broomsticks and overlooked the earth directly from the air, which greatly improved the development efficiency.

In addition, there are some goblins of the rat tribe, who have used their mining talents to mine a lot of ores for Aden.

Before, because there were few people in Aden and mining was not safe, Bai Luo did not choose to move the mine.

Mainly because they don't use it.

The metals that Aden brought, and the weapons left by the pirates, which were smelted, had already met Aden's needs.

But now, with the development of Aden, there will be more and more places where metal is used.

Coupled with the skills tree elves of the Rat Race, who specialize in digging holes, Bai Luo naturally delegated the work to them.

In addition, because Lilith has evolved to the second stage, she has a new ability in addition to the healing ability.

how to say?

To put it simply, Lilith obtained a blessing similar to 'enchanting'.

Lilith can fix her fairy power on something, and let it generate a magic power cycle within itself, eventually turning into something similar to a magic item.

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