(AN: I won't put that much of an explanation on the information that you guys surely know already.)

[ 6th Floor: Jungle ]

The one who is tasked with the creation of the Floor Guardian on this floor was Bukubukuchagama.

But what she created is not just a Floor Guardian, but Floor GuardianS, since she made two entities for the role. A twin to be exact. A girl and a boy.

She named those two as, Aura Bella Fiora, for the girl, and Mare Bello Fiore, for the trap.


[ 7th Floor: Lava ]

The Floor Guardian here was called Demiurge. He was created by Ulbert Alain Odle.

There's not much of a difference if someone were to compare this Demiurge to the original one since Yuki didn't meddle with his creation.


[ 8th Floor: Wilderness ]

The one who is ȧssigned to create the Floor Guardian for this floor is Ancient One.

Actually, Ancient One just accepted the task out of pure excitement, but at that time, immediately after he accepted it, he suddenly realized that currently, he has some circumstances.

So he just made an excuse that he won't be able to do the creation right away since he need to do something first. Actually, he even thought that he should just refuse the Guardian creation, but he was too embarrassed to say it. Not after he excitedly accepted the task.

But Yuki, seeing through Ancient One, knowing that there's a lot more to his excuse, had immediately grabbed the opportunity to talk to him and volunteer himself to create the Guardian for the 8th floor.

At first, Ancient One tried to refuse since he already knows that Yuki had done a lot of things already inside their Guild, and that he was also tasked to create the Floor Guardians on multiple Floors.

He was hesitant to accept Yuki's offer since he felt like he is taking advantage of Yuki's goodwill.

But in the end, due to Yuki's nonstop persuasion, acting like a devil whispering in his ears, he finally gave up.

He just let Yuki do his supposed to be job while wondering, why does he want it so bad? Do he really want to create Floor Guardians that much? But in the end, he left these questions be, since he already knows that, there's just no way for him to see the exact answers.

But after all those events, Yuki immediately started the creation for that certain NPC/Floor Guardian.

In the Original Timeline, the ȧssigned Floor Guardian for this floor is named Victim.

Though Yuki can understand this NPC's usefulness, he's just really not a fan of it and finds the idea lame.

Victim is surely strong, Yuki can't deny that, since he has an ability that can stop an advancement of 1,500 Players when Nazarick got invaded in the Original Timeline.

But Yuki is sure that he can do or create much better than that. And that's exactly what he tried to do, and why he's so adamant to be the one to create the Guardian here.

So for the creation, It took Yuki a whole two days before he finally finished creating the supposed to be Floor Guardian.

He spent a lot of money, time, effort, and materials just to create this thing that, he can consider already as a Masterpiece. But he doesn't have a single regret for this decision.

So the masterpiece that he created is obviously, a Female.

But unlike the others, this NPC isn't Heteromorphic, nor a Demi-human. What he created is, a Human. A very surprising fact.

But overall, this NPC is not just a normal Human, but an Immortal Human.

And to make things better, out of all the current Floor Guardians in Nazarick, this NPC is arguably the second strongest.

Yuki named this Floor Guardian, Sakura.

Well, Yuki thought that the name he choose is so fitting since he made the NPC reside on the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary.

A place where there's a lot of Sakura trees.

(Here's how she looks like.)

So after Yuki created her, he immediately sets her role and sends her to the 8th floor so she can finally begin her duty as the Floor Guardian.


9th~10th Floor: (Citadel)

This is Yuki's floor so of course, Yuki is the one who will create the Floor Guardian for this floor.

Though it is not like someone told him to do so. In fact, his Guildmates even said that they should be the ones to create the NPC for this floor already, since Yuki created the floor itself.

But Yuki, being the NPC Maniac that he is, strongly refused their goodwill. He's like a hissing cat from his friends' perspective.

Seeing Yuki's reaction to them, his Guildmates just let it be since it's his own floor anyway. They're just offering their help to lessen Yuki's burden.

And besides, they already know that Yuki's rich anyway. They don't know how rich he is exactly, but seeing how much money he spends inside the game and somehow, still doing so, they all thought that he might be a son of some Billionaire. That or he has Sugar Mommy.

So overall, Yuki is the one who created the Floor Guardian on this floor.

But actually, unlike his other creations, Yuki's created NPC/Floor Guardian for this floor is... somewhat different than the others.

If someone were to look at his created NPC, they'll surely notice that all the NPC that Yuki created so far, are all Women.

All his friends or Guildmates cannot guess why's that or what's the reason for that?

Is the Female stronger than the Male? Bullish*t.

Are there any hidden effects or rewards if someone were to create a certain number of female NPCs? No one knows.

But they all doubt that and just think that Yuki loves or preferred to create female NPCs rather than the Male ones for some... unknown reasons that only he knows.

So what made his created NPC/Floor Guardian for the 9th and 10th floor different from the others is, he didn't make a Female NPC, nor a Male one, or any Monster-looking NPCs.

What he created looks like... a Chicken.

The void heard it right. A normal-looking white chicken ????.

The reaction of being surprised about this is pretty normal, as Yuki's Guildmates, when they saw it, was also the same.

~~~~~~ Peroronchino's Reaction ~~~~~~

"... Raizel! There you are. I've been looking for you ya know. Last night, I found some good Western Por— Wait, what's up with the chicken?" Said by Peroroncino as he was telling Yuki about his great discovery, but was suddenly interrupted when he saw the Chicken that's sitting on Yuki's head.

"... Oh this? It's the new Floor Guardian I created for the Citadel."

"... Pfft— That's funny."

"..." [ ???? ]

"..." [ ???? ]

"... Wait you're serious?" Peroroncino followed up as he saw Raizel's piercing gaze.

"... Yeah."

At this point, Peroronchino is trying to understand what Yuki's thoughts are. He's trying to figure out why did Yuki create a Chicken when all he does is either Loli NPCs, or Onee-san NPCs. Rarely, some Milf. But no chicken or any Animals.

But after a minute of pondering, Peroronchino exclaimed, looking like he finally realized Yuki's intention for this one.

"... Oh I see! So a Beast now eh? [ ???? ]. Well, personally I like Nekos more, but if you're into Chickens, I respect that." [ ???? ] Said by Peroroncino while nodding his head in approval.

"... Uuh, no. It doesn't transform." Yuki said passively, freezing the smile on Peroronchino's face.

"... It doesn't?"

"... Yeah. It's just a chicken. No human form."

All of sudden, an eerie silence had erupted between the two as they both stare at each other.

Then all of a sudden...

"... Who are you?" Peroronchino suddenly asked Yuki a strange question.

"... What?" Yuki replied while sounding confused.


~~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~

Though every Guildmember that also saw the supposed to be Guardian of the 9th and 10th Floor, was greatly surprised too.

But their reason for being surprised is much different from Peroronchino's reaction.

All of them had already been in the Citadel once, and they definitely don't want to be there ever again, so they find it surprising and a bit funny that a Chicken will manage a place like that.

Imagine being in a place full of horrors and hardships, then you suddenly find yourself facing against a White Chicken for the Boss battle.

It's just weird and hilarious in some way.

But even though the appearance of this Floor Guardian is just a normal-looking chicken, the creation process for this NPC/Floor Guardian is nowhere near Normal at all.

And small it may be, this Chicken is literally the strongest being in the whole Nazarick. As in WHOLE Nazarick. Yuki included. That's right, Yuki created something that's much stronger than him. And since that's the case, saying that the Chicken is the strongest being in the whole Nazarick, is not wrong.

Well, to others, this might come as a surprise, but given by the process of its creation, this should be an expected outcome already, since a World Item came into play.

Three of Yuki's World Items to be exact.

Well, a Void might ask why Yuki did this, as he should know that this move is already a pretty risky move?

Well to answer that. First, Yuki already knows the circumstances of his strength. That he'll run out of juice someday and be weak. So when that time comes, when he doesn't have the power to defend Nazarick, he need someone to depend on. Someone that's benefiting to be Nazarick's last line of Defence. At least until Yuki gained strength again to do all that.

Lastly. Even though the Chicken is much stronger, Yuki programmed it just to be a simple Chicken. To act just like a normal, gullible, cute chicken. In short, Yuki's pet.

Though it may sound complicated, Yuki actually made the Chicken much faster than any Custom NPC he had created so far. Actually, he felt that it's even harder to decide on the name than the creation itself.

Since Yuki's naming sense is not that great, he had a bit of a hard time thinking of a really great name that will fit the chicken. But after running out of any cool Names, he just settled with the simplest name he could ever think of.


Trivia: The Three world item that's used to create Frank-hen-stein is like a synergy type of World Item. Meaning, one is used to another so the other can be used for the other one so that the other one can be used to combine them all into one and be used to that specific item so this unique effect will be created that leads to the creation of Frank-hen-stein. Get it?


11th Floor: (Royal Suite)

To be continued....

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