[ 11th Floor: Royal Suite ]

If someone were to describe this Floor, then they'll surely say that, it doesn't fit at all and it's kinda out of place.

A void might ask why?

Well, it doesn't look like a place that anyone would find in YGGDRASIL, or in a place like Nazarick to be exact.

Unlike the other floors, which are specifically made for defenses, this floor was made for entertainment and non-security purposes.

Basically, a floor where they, the Guild members, can do or create whatever they want.

This floor as of now, contains various of things.

Personal Rooms, Communal baths, Cafeterias, Beauty salons, Clothing stores, Grocery stores, Fitness salons, Nail salons, and many other more.

Basically, the whole floor became like a Mall.

A place that no one will expect to see inside a Tomb.

Though these facilities were just for decorations, and doesn't serve any purpose at all, in-game that is.

They still did it nonetheless, just for the sake of having fun. But the one who actually proposed the idea for this Floor is Yuki himself.

That's also the reason why Yuki is the one who's been tasked to create the Floor Guardian of this floor too.

No, not tasked. More like, Volunteered. Yuki insisted and of course, his Guildmates didn't stop him from doing so since they know that, he'll just do it anyway no matter what they say.

They just can't understand why he is so obsessed on NPCs.

Basically, at this point, 70 percent of all the NPC in Nazarick are Yuki's creation, and that percentage are still growing. Not to mention that the majority of them has a High Level and Equipped with a set of High Class Equipments.

Just hearing about this can make anyone go crazy.

They just can't comprehend how he's managing to afford all this stuff.

But of course, none of them voiced that question out, since they already know what Yuki would say if they do.

"... Cause i'm rich."

Though Yuki created the Floor Guardian, that doesn't mean all the contents of the Floor too.

Everything that this Floor has, was Built by each and every Guild Members. This was their so-called, Entertainment Floor anyway. They just can't let Yuki do all the fun stuff.

Of course, Yuki built many things here too. Actually, he built a lot of things that it came to the point where there's no more space to build stuff, and this thing happened when not even half of his Guildmates had yet to touch the Floor.

That's how fast he had eaten the whole Floor for his own stuff.

So being the culprit of the situation, and not wanting to make his Guildmates hate him, Yuki made an in-game purchase to expand the whole floor itself just so he can make up for the spaces he devoured.

Well, due to that happenings, Yuki accidentally made this Floor, the second biggest Floor in the whole Nazarick. Second to the 13th Floor that, funny enough, Yuki also owned. A weird pattern is starting to arise.

Well, even though all of this served no purpose at all, they all are still so passionate about it.

But unlike the others who only see this as an eye candy, Yuki sees this place differently.

Although this place serves no purpose at all, he knows that it will be different soon.

But even though this place is described or made for a non-security purpose, that doesn't mean that this is just a Resting floor for the possible Invaders.

No. Just having Yuki's presence on this floor, made that very thing, unlikely.

Even though this floor doesn't have any traps that can hinder the Invaders, it has something similar at least. It's called, Lock Down.

What that does is basically locking down the whole Floor, preventing anyone from using any type of Teleportation Spells or Skills. Once activated, it also erases all the Teleportation Gate that leads to the Throne Room throughout the floor, making the stairs on the other side of the 11th Floor's entrance, the only way to go forward.

To others, that kind of function might sound Lame compared to others, but one must not forget that this Floor, house has the largest number of NPCs. Though they are all Maid-looking NPCs, all of them are capable in combat since the majority of them, are created by Yuki.

But honestly, this serves nothing but to hinder the Invaders, not to stop them. Why? Because what could this floor do if the Citadel, which serves as the last line of Nazarick's defense, got passed through by the invaders?

Yuki did all the stuff on this Floor while knowing all that, even so, he still created a Floor Guardian in this place cause, why not?

In the Original Timeline, this floor doesn't have a Floor Guardian, but why would Yuki not do it? An extra layer of defense, small it may be, is still beneficial for all of them.

Though what Yuki created for this Floor is not a Floor Guardian exactly, but more of a Manager. Or it can be both.

A Floor Guardian and a Manager of the Royal Suite.

Well, the Floor Guardian of this floor is actually the same NPC that Yuki created when he's with Peroroncino. He created this NPC/Floor Guardian at the same time as Peroroncino's creation of Shalltear. And it's the exact character that's supposed to be Shalltear's sister.

Yuki named this one, Nona Bloodfallen.

(Here's what she looks like.)

Obviously, Yuki took a reference from an Anime character he watched in his past life. He just thought that the very Characteristics of this character, fits the concept of the 11th floor itself.

Nona and Shalltear are somewhat the same, but also not at the same time.

They have a lot of similarities, but they also have a lot of differences in some parts.

For example, Yuki made Nona as the Elder Sister, so he programmed her to act more mȧturė and more dominant to Shalltear, and Shalltear to her, vice versa. She also doesn't have the same level of ŀėwdness or fetishes that Shalltear has, but of course, she still has some, because Peroroncino insisted, that its supposed to run within the family...

Other than all of that, Shalltear and Nona also don't share the same kind of Classes other than the True Vampire Class.

That means, unlike Shalltear, she won't go on a rampage and transform into a hideous thing when some conditions are met.


But, even though the Floor she was set to guard isn't a Floor that's actually meant for Defense, doesn't mean she is weaker than the others.

Yuki made her, so she's obviously strong to some degree.

A void might ask, how strong exactly?

Well, It depends on the circumstances. Though she is stronger than the majority of NPCs or certain Floor and Area Guardians in Nazarick, Status wise, she can still be beaten in some cases.

All NPCs have unique traits that makes them strong in their own aspects. Not all of them are relatively weak compare to the others, it's just that, some of them are much stronger or much weaker in some aspects, but all of them are still equally the same.

Even Gargantua that has the most higher stats in the whole Nazarick is not much of a different from the others.


I smell BS

This might be what Yuki's Guildmates would say if they hear those lines about NPCs.

They stopped believing about those facts for a long time already, because they knew that if it was created by a guy named Yuki, then it's surely absurd and overflowing with a Money Aura.


12th Floor: (Throne)

This floor is where the Throne is, obviously.

The throne where the Guild Master would sit on.

Though Momonga only sits there occasionally.

He would not do that for no reason at all, unless he want to be teased or made fun off by some of his friends for looking so edgy as hell.

The Floor Guardian of this Floor is of course. The Guardian overseer, the one and only, Best girl Albedo.

(AN: Do I really need to explain who she is?)


[ 13th Floor: Acropolis ]

Everything about this floor is pretty much a mystery to the rest of the whole Guild. No one knows or even entered this floor other than Yuki himself.

The information about to this floor is not known to others.

The only thing that they know is that, this floor has a Floor Guardian too.

Knowing Yuki, everyone knows that, its gotta be a female one.

How strong she was? No one knows, probably even Yuki himself.

Though up until now, no one has yet to know what Yuki did on this floor exactly. But judging from the time and effort that Yuki gave just to create this floor, everyone, even when they are standing from afar, can already smell the thick scent of Money, overflowing from it.

That's why they already stopped imagining what could it be because it's surely something that even their tiny and poor imagination couldn't comprehend.


[ Area Guardians ]

Yuki didn't manage to touch this area that much, since Yuki has been so busy on his own matters. Besides, just like how some of them are tasked with the creation of the Floor Guardians, the Area Guardians were also tasked on the other Guild members too.

Yuki just doesn't have an extra time to pursue this part any longer.

That's why if someone where to compare the Area Guardians that the current Nazarick has, in the Original Timeline, not much had changed.

All the Original Area Guardians are still there, but the areas that some of them guards, are now slightly different.

For example, Aureole Omega. In the OG Timeline, she is the leader of the "Pleiades Seven Sisters" and the Area Guardian of the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary.

She also controls all the teleportation gates in Nazarick, so If an intruder attempts to enter through it, she will use some sort of unknown portal to teleport or divert the intruders into the isolation area of her choice.

Right now, she still does all that, but since Sakura, Yuki's creation, occupied the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary first, she was now stationed in a different area instead. But it was still on the 8th floor, just on a different part.

It's also the same for the others, still there but some of their original positions had changed due to Yuki's work and presence.

Even Albedo's two sisters, Nigredo and Rubedo, still have the same roles, but different locations. Though Rubedo, the strongest entity in Nazarick, in the Original Timeline that is, is obviously not the strongest anymore, since Frank-hen-stein took the spot.

So overall, Area Guardians are still somewhat the same and nothing too absurd has been changed.


[ Guild Weapon ]



The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown takes on traits similar to that of the Greek God Hermes' caduceus. It is entwined by seven serpents and in each of the squirming serpents' mouths hold a jewel of a different color. Its grip has a transparent quality like crystal and emits a bluish-white light.

When touched, it spews a dark red aura. Sometimes, the faces of humans in agony would appear and crumble away dance on its surface. Such an effect from the staff is so vivid that it felt as though one could hear their voices of pain.


Nothing much to be mentioned, it was still the same.

Yuki didn't put his interest that much in the Guild weapon because he has so many items that are much better than their current created Guild Weapon.

What Yuki invested in is the place where their Guild weapon is to be kept. Since their Guild weapon is a type of item that symbolizes their Guild itself, it must be highly protected at all cost, because the destruction of the Guild Weapon is the time where the Dissolution of their Guild happens.

So Yuki did his best to hide this Guild weapon. And where would be the best place to keep it and make it as secure as possible? Yes, on the 13th floor of course.

Why there?

Simple, it's because not only do the Invaders need to pass through 12 high defensive floors where they need to fight a lot of entities and traps, which is almost impossible, they also need to break through the 13th floor, which by no means easy. Not to mention that they also need to face whatever abomination Yuki created there.

( The End of the Nazarick's overall Summarization )


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