This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 223: shining stone

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After the busy autumn harvest, the granary of the Teng tribe was filled up again.

Coupled with the more than 2,000 giant wild boars that have been smoked into jerky, the food reserve of the Vine Tribe is very sufficient.

In terms of safety, there is a vine **** as a guarantee, and there is no worry in terms of food. In terms of labor, more than 1,000 prisoners have been added.

When everything was relatively stable, Jiang Xuan was finally able to free up his hands to do something else.

The first thing is the problem of roof leaks.

The roofs of the rattan tribes are mostly bark and thatch structures.

Such structural raw materials are readily available, no special tools are required, the production process is simple, and there are many benefits.

However, this kind of roof has a fatal flaw, that is, its short service life.

It only takes one or two years. Under the triple action of wind, sun, and rain, the thatch and bark are easily rotted, and then eaten by insects, causing water leakage.

Especially if it rains for a long time, or it rains suddenly for a long time, the situation of water leakage will be very serious.

In the houses of the Teng tribe, except for the granary, the roof is often repaired to prevent water leakage, and other houses are generally repaired once a long time.

Even Jiang Xuan's house is the same, it is a common occurrence that it rains heavily and leaks.


The follow-up content is repeated and will be updated tomorrow morning.


After leaving the altar, Jiang Xuan did not return to his yard, but rode the crescent moon to the north of the tribe, in a forest beyond the vine wall.

This forest is only separated by a wall from the Vine tribe, and the terrain is relatively flat.

More than a thousand captives of the wild boar tribe are temporarily imprisoned in this place.

After Jiang Xuan entered the forest, he saw a simple wooden fence, like a pigsty, surrounding people.

Around the fence, soldiers of the guard team patrolled day and night to prevent any prisoners from escaping.

Jiang Xuan came to the gate of the fence, and the soldiers of the guard hurriedly opened the door and let Jiang Xuan in.

The person in charge of this side is the leader of the second guard team, Xan Er. As soon as Jiang Xuan entered, he immediately greeted him and poured bitter water towards Jiang Xuan.

"Boss, so many people, it's not enough to keep them locked like this. Even if you eat one meal a day, you have to consume a lot of food, or you can kill them."

At present, although the strength of the Vine tribe has increased, the site has not expanded much, and the original site is still being developed, and all the current manpower is still sufficient.

But in this way, these prisoners are embarrassed. There are too many of them, and the existing territory of the Vine tribe does not need so many people.

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "No, these people can't be killed. As long as they are human, they are useful, not to mention that they are all soldiers. It is a pity to kill them."

Cocklebur said helplessly: "Then what should I do? I can't keep it like this forever, it's a waste of food."

Jiang Xuan pondered for a moment, and said, "Our Teng tribe's territory should also be expanded, so let them stay and cut wood to open up wasteland."

Xan'er said with an embarrassed face: "If we untie the ropes on their bodies and let them go to cut wood to open up wasteland, we don't have enough people to guard the second team."

The second guard team is guarding the east bank of the Feiyu River, which is the heavily guarded primitive industrial area, which itself requires a lot of manpower.

Now, with another half divided here, the manpower is even more stretched.

"You let me think about it, there will always be a way."

Jiang Xuan looked around, and finally turned to the Vine Tribe. To be precise, it was the tall vine wall of the Vine Tribe.

A simple wooden fence cannot prevent the prisoners from escaping, but a tall and thorny vine wall can!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan said to Xang Er, "You can work harder, look after these captives, and I will go back to the tribe."

After speaking, Jiang Xuan turned around and left.

Xanthium watched Jiang Xuan leave, opened his mouth, but did not say anything after all, and could only continue to guard the prisoners in a depressed manner.

burning text

On the other side, Jiang Xuan rode the crescent moon back to the tribe and found Chishao.

He first talked about the situation of the captives, and then said to Chi Shao: "I plan to find the Vine God. Outside of our existing territory, we will use a vine wall to enclose another piece of land. If the tribe wants to continue to grow, it can no longer guard the present. It's territory."

Chi Shao asked, "Are you planning to enclose the forest in the north?"

"Yes, but it's best to circle it alone and not connect it with the current territory. After all, those captives still hate the Vine tribe now, so it's best to keep them in a separate place."

Chi Shao nodded and said, "I'll ask the rattan **** first. If the rattan **** agrees, we will expand a territory."

"it is good."

Chi Shao turned to face the incomparably huge God Vine in the mist, closed her eyes, and communicated with the God Vine.

After a while, Shen Teng responded, "Yes!"

Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao heard these words, and both of them had smiles on their faces.

Soon, in the fog behind the altar, a huge green vine flew out and quickly grew towards the forest north of the vine tribe.


The huge vines sprinkled a lot of divine liquid around the forest, and the rich breath of life permeated the entire forest.

When the vines on the ground came into contact with the divine liquid, they immediately merged into the stems and leaves.


The vines grew like crazy and intertwined, forming a vine wall.

Subsequently, the vine wall became higher and larger, and each vine was thicker than a bucket.

The vine wall has been raised until about 30 meters before it gradually slows down and finally stops growing.

"It's done!"

When Jiang Xuan saw the vine wall, he was very excited and excited.

Because any place surrounded by the new vine wall will be the territory of the vine tribe in the future!

"To enclose a forest today, to enclose a forest tomorrow, the territory of our Vine tribe will become larger and larger, and one day, we can become a real big tribe!"

Jiang Xuan clenched his fists, and the scene of the Fuji tribe having a vast territory in the future appeared in his mind.

After the construction of the vine wall was completed, the huge vines of Shenteng went to the surrounding big trees again.

Every big tree that has been touched by vines has grown eyes and mouths, giving birth to a little wisdom, and at the same time possessing the ability to act.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

These tree people were happy, pulled their roots out of the soil, and ran around excitedly.

At this moment, Shen Teng's grand voice came: "Guard this territory!"

When the tree people heard the voice of Shenteng, they stopped immediately, some returned to their original place to take root, some chose a new location to take root, and then stood still.

With these treemen, the security of the new territory of the Vine Tribe will be more secure.

After everything was over, the **** vine took back the vine, and the fog shrouded again, and the **** vine was looming and unpredictable in it.

"Thank you Fuji God."

Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao sincerely thanked Fujishen, and then Jiang Xuan went to the forest to the north again.

The new vine wall is a fence, because it is currently mainly used to hold prisoners, so there is only one doorway facing the direction of the vine tribe.

In this way, the soldiers of the guard team only need to guard that doorway, and those prisoners cannot run away, and the difficulty of defense is greatly reduced.

"Xan Er, is there any problem now?"

Jiang Xuan walked to Xanthium again with a smile on his face.

"No problem, no problem at all, the leader can rest assured, we will definitely guard these prisoners!"

Jiang Xuan nodded and said: "With the vine wall, plus those tree people, plus your soldiers guarding the second team, the security of this place should not be worried."

"However, you can't take it lightly. If something happens, I'll ask you!"

"Don't worry, boss, there will be no problem!"

Jiang Xuan nodded and said: "Starting today, untie the ropes on the prisoners and let them start working. The food of the Veng tribe is not for nothing, even the prisoners have to work before they can eat. ."


Under Jiang Xuan's order, Xanthium immediately brought a large number of people and untied the ropes on the prisoners.

Afterwards, he distributed tools to a thousand captives to cut wood and build their own houses.

The first thing a small group of prisoners do after they get their tools is to attack the person who gave them the tools.

However, the Vine tribe warriors were well prepared, and just as these prisoners were about to attack, they were killed by several times their guard soldiers.

Xanthium held a **** bronze spear and stood in front of the captives, his eyes stern: "Who else wants to die?"

Those captives didn't dare to speak. After all, survival is the instinct of human beings, and there are only a few people who are not afraid of death.

Cang Er looked around and said, "Since you don't have it, then grab your tools and work hard. If anyone dares to mess around again, I don't mind sending him on the road!"

Cocklebur waved his hand, and the corpses were immediately dragged away and pulled outside the vine wall to feed the tree people.

Although the remaining prisoners were reluctant, in order to survive, they could only obey Xanth's words and start working with tools.

The first thing to do is to cut down the wood, because the trees in the forest are so lush, and part of them must be cut down to have extra space for building houses.

After building the house, they have to cut down more trees to open up wasteland and cultivate various livestock.

It won't take long for this new territory to produce something, and it may even evolve into a new production base for the Vine tribe in the future.

After dealing with these things, the time has come to autumn.

The annual autumn harvest of the Veng tribe has begun again.

This year's grain and vegetables were damaged by the war, which made Gan Song and the members of the planting team very sad.

Fortunately, the vine tribe has a large area of ​​arable land, and also planted a large amount of tuber food. Even if part of it is damaged, the remaining food and vegetables can still meet the needs of the vine tribe.

After leaving the altar, Jiang Xuan did not return to his yard, but rode the crescent moon to the north of the tribe, in a forest beyond the vine wall.

This forest is only separated by a wall from the Vine tribe, and the terrain is relatively flat.

More than a thousand captives of the wild boar tribe are temporarily imprisoned in this place.

After Jiang Xuan entered the forest, he saw a simple wooden fence, like a pigsty, surrounding people.

Around the fence, soldiers of the guard team patrolled day and night to prevent any prisoners from escaping.

Jiang Xuan came to the gate of the fence, and the soldiers of the guard hurriedly opened the door and let Jiang Xuan in.

The person in charge of this side is the leader of the second guard team, Xan Er. As soon as Jiang Xuan entered, he immediately greeted him and poured bitter water towards Jiang Xuan.

"Boss, so many people, it's not enough to keep them locked like this. Even if you eat one meal a day, you have to consume a lot of food, or you can kill them."

At present, although the strength of the Vine tribe has increased, the site has not expanded much, and the original site is still being developed, and all the current manpower is still sufficient.

But in this way, these prisoners are embarrassed. There are too many of them, and the existing territory of the Vine tribe does not need so many people.

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "No, these people can't be killed. As long as they are human, they are useful, not to mention that they are all soldiers. It is a pity to kill them."

Cocklebur said helplessly: "Then what should I do? I can't keep it like this forever, it's a waste of food."

Jiang Xuan pondered for a moment, then said: "Our Teng tribe's territory should also be expanded, let them stay and cut wood to open up Cocklebur said with a face full of embarrassment: "If we untie them The rope on their body, let them go to logging to open up wasteland, we are not enough to guard the second team. "

The second guard team is guarding the east bank of the Feiyu River, which is the heavily guarded primitive industrial area, which itself requires a lot of manpower.

Now, with another half divided here, the manpower is even more stretched.

"You let me think about it, there will always be a way."

Jiang Xuan looked around, and finally turned to the Vine Tribe. To be precise, it was the tall vine wall of the Vine Tribe.

A simple wooden fence cannot prevent the prisoners from escaping, but a tall and thorny vine wall can!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan said to Xang Er, "You can work harder, look after these captives, and I will go back to the tribe."

After speaking, Jiang Xuan turned around and left.

Xanthium watched Jiang Xuan leave, opened his mouth, but did not say anything after all, and could only continue to guard the prisoners in a depressed manner.

On the other side, Jiang Xuan rode the crescent moon back to the tribe and found Chishao.

He first talked about the situation of the captives, and then said to Chi Shao: "I plan to find the Vine God. Outside of our existing territory, we will use a vine wall to enclose another piece of land. If the tribe wants to continue to grow, it can no longer guard the present. It's territory."

Chi Shao asked, "Are you planning to enclose the forest in the north?"

"Yes, but it's best to circle it alone and not connect it with the current territory. After all, those captives still hate the Vine tribe now, so it's best to keep them in a separate place."

Chi Shao nodded and said, "I'll ask the rattan **** first. If the rattan **** agrees, we will expand a territory."

"it is good."

Chi Shao turned to face the incomparably huge God Vine in the mist, closed her eyes, and communicated with the God Vine.

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