This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 224: it's impossible

Falling in love with, this is my primitive tribe

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A vicious circle, I made up yesterday's today, and today I haven't finished writing it. I'll get up early tomorrow to update it. It can't go on like this.


Jiang Xuan walked into the stone tool workshop with the glowing stone the size of a washbasin.


The glowing stone was placed on the thick wooden table, attracting the attention of everyone in the stoneware workshop.

The old man Heishi immediately put down his work, walked to the front of the table, stared at the big rock for a long time, and gently stroked it a few times, as if he was not facing a rock, but a lover.

As a stone tool maker, the love for stones is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"What a beautiful stone."

The old man Heishi watched for a while and exclaimed in amazement.

Jiang Xuan said with a smile: "I plan to divide it into two and grind it into two round stone balls. As for the leftovers, they can be ground into ornaments."

"Okay, boss, you can rest assured and leave it to me, and I will polish it into the most beautiful stone **** and accessories according to your requirements."

The old man Heishi stroked the texture of the stone. Several decomposition schemes quickly appeared in his mind, and he chose the best one.

Immediately afterwards, the old man Heishi took out all kinds of tools, and regardless of Jiang Xuan's presence or absence, he immediately started to work.

"Ding ding ding..."

The old man Heishi held a stone hammer and a stone chisel, and tapped along the texture of the stone in a hurry.

This kind of luminous stone is relatively brittle. After the old man black stone knocked it around, the whole stone suddenly cracked from the middle and divided into two parts.

Next, the old man of Black Stone used a piece of lime to draw lines on the stone, and first determine what each part is to be made into, so as to prevent the waste of materials to the greatest extent.

After drawing the line, the old man Heishi made another "ding ding dong" knocking, completely decomposing the whole stone.

After the decomposition, the old man Black Stone polished the stones piece by piece, chiseled off the redundant parts, and polished the needed parts smooth.

This is a very time-consuming job. After Jiang Xuan watched it for a while, he temporarily left the stone tool workshop. After all, he still had a lot of things to do.

It was not until fifteen days later that the old man Heishi finally finished the polishing, and personally brought the finished product to Jiang Xuan's house with his apprentice.

The finished products are packed separately in several animal skin bags, and those finished products are wrapped in soft deerskin to prevent bumps.

When Jiang Xuan closed the door and poured out the finished product in the animal skin bag, soft green rays of light illuminated the whole room.

There are two of them, which are round and fat stone balls, which were polished very smooth by the old black stone.

The old man Heishi also thoughtfully matched the stone ball with two wooden bases, which were made by people from a wood workshop.

Jiang Xuan put one of the stone **** on the base and placed it in the middle of the table.

The round stone ball exudes a soft green light, like a lamp, very beautiful.

Except for the round stone balls, the remaining relatively large leftovers were polished into pendants by Old Man Blackstone.

Smaller leftovers were polished into bracelets.

It can be said that the whole piece of stone is wasted very little.

This is the experience and technology of the old stone tools.

"It's so beautiful, as expected of a master of stone tools."

Jiang Xuan was very satisfied with the finished product, and he also praised the old man Heishi.

Elder Heishi was very happy, and a long-lost smile appeared on his always serious face.

Afterwards, he picked out a pendant from the pile of finished products, handed it to the old man Blackstone, and said, "This is for you."

"No no no... I can't have..."

"Take it, you deserve it."

Jiang Xuan stuffed the pendant into the old man Heishi, and didn't give him another chance to refuse.

The old man Heishi held the pendant and was very moved. It was a very lucky thing to meet a good leader like Jiang Xuan.

Some bosses, no matter how much you do, you won't get any reward, and you will even pick up flaws.

The old man Heishi was not good at words. He stood in the room for a while and felt a little uncomfortable, so he said goodbye to Jiang Xuan and returned to the stone tool workshop to work.

When the people from the stone tool workshop left, Jiang Xuan immediately gave another glowing stone ball to Chishao together with the base.

As for the remaining pendants and bracelets, Jiang Xuan intends to keep them and give them to those who have made great achievements in the future.

Only with rewards and punishments can the tribesmen of the Vine tribe be more loyal to the tribe.


After the fall, the weather gradually cools down.

After the autumn harvest, the rattan tribe held a grand autumn sacrifice ceremony.

After the sacrificial ceremony, the strength of the warriors of the Vine tribe has been raised by another level.

Not only that, because Shenteng has become a great god, all the warriors of the Vine tribe have been endowed with some special abilities of Shenteng, such as extremely powerful vitality and quick healing of wounds.

With these talents, Vine tribe warriors can have a great advantage when facing those medium and small tribes.

After the sacrifice, the weather gradually turned cooler, the grass and trees gradually withered and yellowed, and winter was approaching.

On September 11, in the sky to the south of the Veng tribe, a dozen large black-toothed birds flew over.

These black-toothed birds carry a large amount of cargo on their backs, as well as the warriors of the black-toothed tribe's expedition.

Among them, the leader is Wu Yu, who has traded with the Fuji tribe several times.

When Wu Yu rode the black-toothed bird to the vicinity of the Vine tribe, he suddenly felt frightened, and the black-toothed bird did not dare to fly forward.

"Could it be that the patron saint of the Vine Tribe broke through again?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how long does it take?"

Wu Yu's face was full of disbelief. The speed of development of the Vine tribe can be said to have completely subverted his cognition.


The follow-up content is repeated, and it will be updated at noon tomorrow.


Jiang Xuan walked into the stone tool workshop with the glowing stone the size of a washbasin.


The glowing stone was placed on the thick wooden table, attracting the attention of everyone in the stoneware workshop.

The old man Heishi immediately put down his work, walked to the front of the table, stared at the big rock for a long time, and gently stroked it a few times, as if he was not facing a rock, but a lover.

As a stone tool maker, the love for stones is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"What a beautiful stone."

The old man Heishi watched for a while and exclaimed in amazement.

Jiang Xuan said with a smile: "I plan to divide it into two and grind it into two round stone balls. As for the leftovers, they can be ground into ornaments."

"Okay, boss, you can rest assured and leave it to me, and I will polish it into the most beautiful stone **** and accessories according to your requirements."

The old man Heishi stroked the texture of the stone. Several decomposition schemes quickly appeared in his mind, and he chose the best one.

Immediately afterwards, the old man Heishi took out all kinds of tools, and regardless of Jiang Xuan's presence or absence, he immediately started to work.

"Ding ding ding..."

The old man Heishi held a stone hammer and a stone chisel, and tapped along the texture of the stone in a hurry.

This kind of luminous stone is relatively brittle. After the old man black stone knocked it around, the whole stone suddenly cracked from the middle and divided into two parts.

Next, the old man of Black Stone used a piece of lime to draw lines on the stone, and first determine what each part is to be made into, so as to prevent the waste of materials to the greatest extent.

After drawing the line, the old man Heishi made another "ding ding dong" knocking, completely decomposing the whole stone.

After the decomposition, the old man Black Stone polished the stones piece by piece, chiseled off the redundant parts, and polished the needed parts smooth.

This is a very time-consuming job. After Jiang Xuan watched it for a while, he temporarily left the stone tool workshop. After all, he still had a lot of things to do.

It was not until fifteen days later that the old man Heishi finally finished the polishing, and personally brought the finished product to Jiang Xuan's house with his apprentice.

The finished products are packed separately in several animal skin bags, and those finished products are wrapped in soft deerskin to prevent bumps.

When Jiang Xuan closed the door and poured out the finished product in the animal skin bag, soft green rays of light illuminated the whole room.

There are two of them, which are round and fat stone balls, which were polished very smooth by the old black stone.

The old man Heishi also thoughtfully matched the stone ball with two wooden bases, which were made by people from a wood workshop.

Jiang Xuan put one of the stone **** on the base and placed it in the middle of the table.

The round stone ball exudes a soft green light, like a lamp, very beautiful.

Except for the round stone balls, the remaining relatively large leftovers were polished into pendants by Old Man Blackstone.

Smaller leftovers were polished into bracelets.

It can be said that the whole piece of stone is wasted very little.

This is the experience and technology of the old stone tools.

"It's so beautiful, as expected of a master of stone tools."

Jiang Xuan was very satisfied with the finished product, and he also praised the old man Heishi.

Elder Heishi was very happy, and a long-lost smile appeared on his always serious face.

Then he picked out a pendant from a pile of finished products, handed it to the old man Blackstone, and said, "This is for you."

"No no no... I can't have..."

"Take it, you deserve it."

Jiang Xuan stuffed the pendant into the old man Heishi, and didn't give him another chance to refuse.

The old man Heishi held the pendant and was very moved. It was a very lucky thing to meet a good leader like Jiang Xuan.

Some bosses, no matter how much you do, you won't get any reward, and you will even pick up flaws.

The old man Heishi was not good at words. He stood in the room for a while and felt a little uncomfortable, so he said goodbye to Jiang Xuan and returned to the stone tool workshop to work.

When the people from the stone tool workshop left, Jiang Xuan immediately gave another glowing stone ball to Chishao together with the base.

As for the remaining pendants and bracelets, Jiang Xuan intends to keep them and give them to those who have made great achievements in the future.

Only with rewards and punishments can the tribesmen of the Vine tribe be more loyal to the tribe.


After the fall, the weather gradually cools down.

After the autumn harvest, the rattan tribe held a grand autumn sacrifice ceremony.

After the sacrificial ceremony, the strength of the warriors of the Vine tribe has been raised by another level.

Not only that, because Shenteng has become a great god, all the warriors of the Vine tribe have been endowed with some special abilities of Shenteng, such as extremely powerful vitality and quick healing of wounds.

With these talents, Vine tribe warriors can have a great advantage when facing those medium and small tribes.

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