"Who are you?"

We’ve seen all the crew members of the ship, who don’t have any weird men with blue lips. Selena who saw him stretched out her hand and held it. Hold the hilt of the big sword on your back.

"Don't be too nervous." Feeling that the thin man in front of him was not malicious, Arthur stopped the female mercenary who wanted to do it.

Ask: "You are a wizard from Essos, right?"

The thin blue-liped man nodded: "Yes, my honorable Highness Arthur, I'm from Quairs ."

To find yourself specifically, there must be a purpose, and this purpose is nothing more than Daenerys, who has a dragon and is still making a big fuss in Quells.

Arthur didn’t talk nonsense about this, and asked directly: "Did you come to me to deal with Daenerys?"

"Yes, my dear Majesty Arthur, we heard about you Want to get that beauty, and we want to get her dragon." The thin man said.

Having suffered in negotiations with absolute advantage, Arthur didn’t want to make the same mistake again, with a contemptuous expression on his face, he shook his head and asked, "What qualifications do you have to cooperate with me?"

The blue-lipped man said: "I heard that His Royal Highness is very interested in magic. We Quells happens to have a lot of magic inheritance."

"This is quite tempting*|confusing, but I refuse." Arthur sneered. He didn't know whether it was useful or not. He wanted to get the dragon, thinking I didn't know the role of the dragon.

"If I can get the dragon and want any magic, I can get it from any sorcerer who desires to stay by the dragon and feel the magic."

The blue-lip man hearing this was silent for a moment "His Royal Highness, it is not easy to control the dragon. You need our help. Besides, Daenerys is in Slave Bay. Without the help of Queers, it is very difficult to deal with her!"

"This does not require you Worry." Arthur didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, "It's okay to leave."

The blue-lipped man: "It seems that your Royal Highness is not satisfied with us taking all the dragons, so we can let out a dragon. ."

"hehe, I not only master the Holy Light Power, which can cross the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, but also magical, and more destructive power than the magic you master." Arthur is not polite. Hands gather Fireball.

The blue-lipped man looked at Arthur for a while before he was silent for a while, then slowly said: "It seems that Your Highness could not reach a consensus with me, but it doesn't matter, I believe we will cooperate happily in the end."


The voice fell, and the figure of the blue-lipped man gradually disappeared, disappearing into the cabin in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the female mercenary around him drew his sword in amazement, Arthur dispersed to the Fireball, patted her shoulder and said: "Don't be too surprised, this is just a low-level blind eye technique, even can't be called Illusion Technique."

"Is this not surprising?"

"If he has the strength, why should he come to me all the way?"


The ships heading south from The North will first pass through the valley, then the land of Lannister, and then arrive at the imperial collar, Stormlands, and Dorne.

We sailed away from the rain clouds and broke through the waves, and soon we arrived outside Lannister Harbor.

Because of carrying the prince who has the orthodox sacred Lorraine bloodline, the captain specifically ordered to accelerate this voyage.

However, it is speeding up rashly to make them look more suspicious.

Especially Tywin Lannister was killed by Tyrion!

Martial law in Lannister Port!

It didn't take long for the merchant ship sailing on the Narrow Sea to be chased by the lion flag battleship, and the captain suddenly panicked: "Your Majesty, we are caught up by Lannister's battleship."

Developing holy light skills in the cabin does not mean that Arthur doesn't understand the situation outside.

The speed of the ship suddenly increased, and he guessed something was wrong.

I glanced at the Lannister battleship on the side through the window, frowned for a moment, and then said to the nervous captain: "Don't panic, keep the ship speed, and try to get to the shore."

"Okay." Hearing what the prince said, the captain was puzzled and nodded, but he immediately ordered the sailor to operate the merchant ship in this way.

After the captain walked away quickly, Selena noticed something was wrong, and whispered to Arthur, "Your Highness, I think there is a problem with the captain."

"It doesn't matter. "Suddenly accelerating outside Lannister port, just like a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure, Arthur is stupid so that he won't find something wrong with him.

But on the ship, it’s too far from the shore, it’s no good to find out the situation now.

Selena: "Then we are still in the cabin?"

Arthur calmly looked at the window: "Don't worry, you can see how far offshore is here. Pay attention to the speed of the ship."

To the south is Lannister's site.

An unknown merchant ship from the north has attracted the attention of the battleship. The lion family battleship of rich and imposing does not know what polite is.

"His Royal Highness, two battleships appeared in front of us to block us!" The captain ran over again at this moment.

"Let's go out and have a look."

Watching the distance to the coast, Arthur hearing this nodded, who thought he could swim back, got up and went to the deck with Selena.

There are sails with lions on all sides flying.

"We are surrounded."

Hearing the captain's worried voice, Arthur was not nervous at all, and continued to ask him to order the crew to move to the shore.

"They are coming up!"

Lannister's battleship flew close to the ropes, and the soldiers who jumped to help swung their swords and fell.

Arthur did not let the sailors on the merchant ship resist, and did not even glance at the captain beside him. He calmly raised his hands and said to the murderous Lannister soldier: "We surrender!"

"Stop the ship!"

The fierce soldier leader yelled and told the sailors to stop.

"Who is the captain?"

The captain who was asked immediately trembled. He looked at the calm prince, and then pretended to come out: "I am."

"Why are you speeding up suddenly?"

The captain stammered and couldn't speak when he was asked, his eyes kept looking at Arthur.

Perceiving that the young man seems to be the principal, the sailor's boss immediately casts a ferocious look on him, and yells: "Boy, don't swipe the flowers in front of the big*|Master, answer the questions obediently, or you will Throw it into the sea to feed the fish!"

"I have a letter." Arthur said slowly, reaching out his arms and taking out the specially prepared letter.

The sailor took the letter in doubt and opened it to check: "People of Vale of Arryn, want to go to Citadel?"

Arthur: "Yes, I want to go to Citadel to become Maester, if If you stop me, I will feel very happy."

Lannister borders the valley to the north, even if at this time the valley nobles have all turned to King Robert Baratheon, they want to be enemies with Lannister, and some come from there. It is not surprising that the children of the nobles will go to Citadel to study.

Accelerating outside Lannister port is definitely a guilty conscience.

"You can check this ship!" Returning the letter to Arthur, the sailor did not continue to entangle him, but rationally searched the ship.

Tywin Lannister is dead.

Now everyone can see that Lannister is starting to lose control of the South.

Kavon Lannister attacked Riverlands, tried to break The Twins, and all the soldiers and horses going north withdrew.

At King's Landing, the Church of The Seven rises up, dare to fight Queen and the new emperor Tommen.

Without the Helmsman of Tai Wen, Lannister faced King Robert's anger, I am afraid that he was bode ill rather than well, so the sailor with a little brain was in charge and didn't want to do things too terribly.

The goods carried on the merchant ship are also ordinary goods from the North, and are not prohibited items such as ordnance or weapons.

But the identity used by Arthur is the aristocratic identity of the valley.

In other words, it is also a hostile state. The sailor routinely said: "Please come back to Lannister Port with us and rest for a few days.

Responsibility, please don't take offense."

It was only at Lannister Port. Arthur believed that not many people knew him. When he went, he waited for the nobles of Lannister's power to talk nonsense with the valley.

With his current strength, he dared not say that he was invincible, but he did not feel any difficulty in leaving Lannister's territory safely.

"What do I do now?"

Set foot on Lannister's port, because with Selena's brows tightly knit, who has not been confiscated, she looks at this dangerous place.

Arthur: "See you step by step."

...to be continued...

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