Because of their noble status, Arthur and Selena were fortunate enough to be taken to Kaiyan City and became hostages under house arrest.

Disembarking at Lannister Port, he has been observing the captain.

I am very curious about who this guy is.

The man who can gain Ryan's trust without directly revealing his identity to Lannister...

Quirs, that wizard?

Or other forces?

For a while, Arthur got more and more confused as he guessed, and could only helplessly continue to stare at Selena.

As the capital of Lannister, it is in a standoff with King Robert, Riverlands, Valley and The North who are going north. Kaiyan City is fully armed with three thousand troops.

In non-war time, there are five steps, one post and ten steps in the city. It is not easy to escape from troubles here.

Stay in a specially prepared guest room.

The castle on the rock seems to be closer to the starry sky and bright moon. Through the window, listening to the ebb and flow of the tide and the roar of the sea breeze, Arthur, who was under house arrest in Kaiyan City, stayed quietly in his room.

I lost the trace of the captain, did not stare, after all, he was not at ease, his movements were limited in the room, and he could only be with the teenager. Selena was very upset: "Aren't you afraid of your identity being leaked?"

"I'm not afraid." Arthur looked thoughtful and shook his head, "He wanted to say it earlier."

"Then who do you think he is?"

Arthur said with a bitter smile: "Can't think of it."

"We are here to wait for Lannister to contact you...your family, and then pay the ransom and go to Citadel?"

Listening to Selena's worried words, Arthur also knew that staying too long in the enemy's base camp would not do any good.

When you come in, let go of the spirit strength and try your best to investigate the structure of Kaiyan City and the position of the sentry.

If the spirit strength is not enough, I closed my eyes and rested. I was able to recover and then continue. Repeated twice, basically found an escape route.

Withdrawing the open spirit strength, Arthur breathed a long breath, then pondered then said: "Who the captain is, we can only find out later."

Selena : "Is there a way to get out of here?"

"I want to rest for half an hour." It is not easy to use spirit strength to check the situation.


The candlelight goes out.

In the darkness, Selena held her big sword and waited against the wall.

As the night gets deeper, Kaiyan City is only left with the sound of the sea breeze blowing over the rocks, and the castle is silent.

The regained Arthur woke up, awakened Xiao Yang's Selena and began to leave Kaiyan City.

Sealth silently.

Except for longsword, the butterfly sword created in King's Landing, Arthur has never left.

I don’t know how to sneak into the war and how to act assassin.

But he has played the assassin creed!

Choose a place where there are few people, and kill them immediately when they are found. There is no alarm for the entire castle. The corpses are handled carefully, and they have spirit strength to detect the terrain.

Arthur quickly touched Selena*|to the stables in Kaiyan City.

It's easy to leave the castle.

It's a bit troublesome to run out of Lannister's collar, you must have a horse.

“There are at least thirty soldiers in the city gate.” After observing for a while, Selena told her in a low voice, constantly looking at the prince behind.

"Okay, follow the plan*|Things, I'll go open the city gates, and you can bring the horse here quickly."

After Arthur said, he drew his sword and rushed towards Entrance to open the door.

Both of them blessed and moved quickly. When the soldiers at the city gate reacted, the young longsword who lit up the flames had cleanly killed five or six guards and successfully occupied the hallway.

"Enemy attack!"

"Come on!"

The officer on the head of the city saw the situation and immediately drew his sword and rushed down.


The butterfly sword in his left hand is erected, and the officer swinging the sword attack wants to move again. Arthur right hand another butterfly sword has been sent to his abdomen.


Follow closely from behind, the soldier who rushed down roared and raised the longsword in his hands, like an axe, to split the young man with double knives in half!

Even the Hercules holding a large axe, not reaching the level of Robert's, blessing the blessing of power, Arthur has never been afraid of such a slash.

The old technique is repeated, one block, one stab, and another person immediately falls.

The butterfly sword is too short.

With the protection of the Holy Shield, the effectiveness of close combat is not high.

Arthur quickly took back a handful, then drew the sword with his right hand, and then sheathed the butterfly sword with his left hand.

This kind of action is actually very dangerous. Faced with an expert, he will definitely be attacked, but he can easily do it even if he opens the plug-in!

No one can stop!

As the soldiers reacted, Arthur who made a corpse immediately opened the city gates.

As the gate opened, the alarm bells in the city were mastered.

Next, Selena, who wielded a big sword and set fire to chaos, grabbed Ma Chong from the stable to join her.

There were shouts, patrol guards put out the fire, the soldiers clenched their weapons and rushed to the city gate, they wanted to travel to kill the invaders!

"Hurry up!"

After all, there are heavy soldiers deployed inside and outside Kaiyan City!

All are elites who have experienced baptism!

In just a few minutes at this time, hundreds of people have responded quickly!

It won’t work for a moment!

Arthur even the war horse blessed and shielded, and then lashed the horse violently: "Follow me!"

Selena calmly swung the big sword and chopped down the horse The knight killed, and smashed the densely packed spear: "Don't worry, I don't want to die yet."

There is no problem in the horizontal and magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

A troop of hundreds of people trifling could not stop Arthur who opened up.

The light of the torch doesn't shine in the dark environment, and the army can barely see clearly when it approaches.

The two of Arthur and Selena shrouded in pale-gold light are extremely clear.

"Damn, they are definitely not little nobles!"

Watching the two escape from the castle.

The members of House Lannister sitting in Kaiyan City are extremely crazy.

Obviously he already understands that Arthur not simple, absolutely impossible is the son of the little nobleman who came from the valley and was sent to the Citadel!

"Call everyone now!"

"They must be brought back to me, regardless of life or death!"

The pale-gold light protects the two impervious to sword and spear can block sharp arrows. Through the rumors heard during this period, this House Lannister member can vaguely determine the identity of Arthur.

There is no equal power.

More people.

In front of Arthur who masters Holy Light Power, all are just decorations!

"Stop them!"

More than 500 people were stationed in Kaiyan City, more than 1,000 people were stationed in the military camp outside the castle, and more than 1,000 people were stationed in Lannister. Between the port and the castle.

Hearing the alarm, the cavalry mounted their horses, and the infantry carried shields and spears.

breakthrough the siege of the cavalry, rushing through the square of the infantry, Arthur was relaxed and calm, and occasionally smashed the Fireball.

Thousands of Lannister soldiers thought they had met an epic magical hero!

"There are enemies ahead!"

Arthur also saw the enemies coming in a hurry. Selena's reminder was to pay attention to the state of the horse, after all, he had to leave Lannister. The collar depends on the mount that runs wildly.

"We should grab a few more horses, preferably one person and three rides."

Selena couldn't help rolling the eyes: "I don't have such a good technique, I can only Stop, but if you stop, you will be surrounded."

"Then kill it."

Fearless to trifling more than two thousand enemies.

Arthur swung his sword to kill several oncoming cavalry, immediately pulled the truce horse, and quickly grabbed the reins of the horses that had lost their masters.

"Your movements are too slow!" When he took a few horses, the cavalry that had been killed aggressively was surrounded by them.

Listening to Selena, who was closely following him, said in a deep voice, Arthur was a little helpless: "It's so messy, if it weren't for the light of Divine Shield, it would take a long time to find a horse rein."

While fighting, he quickly fastened the horse's rein. The young man was so fierce to seize a longsword stabbed by knight, and then cast a flame enchantment.

When two longswords ignited raging flames, the surrounding Lannister soldiers were immediately suppressed.

You are familiar with the double swords, and it is not a problem to control the double swords. Even if you wield two fire swords, the sword skill looks a little ordinary, but it has a shocking effect.

The Holy Light Power in the body is abundant, and it took a little effort to break out of the encirclement unscathed, and ran wildly in the morning light. be continued...

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