One person and two rides, alternate horses and gallop at full speed.

Avoid towns with people, and specialize in remote mountains and forest trails.

There is Arthur who has gradually learned to use spirit strength, and the two can perfectly avoid all chasers!

Different World of Ice and Snow from The North.

The south in the long summer is still so green and full of vitality.

However, no matter how beautiful the deserted green hills and green trees are, young people have long been bored with it and can't take any interest in it.

The two horses, because they ran so hard, completely got rid of the chasing soldiers, they were exhausted before long, and the sacred healing technique had no effect at all.

The boy and the female mercenary got lost in the mountains and forests under the clear sun on foot...

Chewing the roasted rabbit legs, Arthur asked boredly: " Selena, you seem to have never told me about your life experience. Would you like to talk to me?" Annie knows it, you don’t need to know too much."

"Don't want to say it." Arthur shrugged, "Do you want to be Knight?"

Selina's mouth Aroused and smiled: "I believe you will canonize me."

hearing this, Arthur bitterly laughed: "female knight, Annie lost her only relative, and she got the official credit for her rescue The canonization of..."

Selina learned from him and shrugged: "I understand how exclusive the nobles are, but I know you will ignore them, just as you believe that Annie makes me your guardian."

Arthur laughed: "Actually, you are with Annie and Heinrich, and you have the chance to become knight."

"But I don't like that." Selena sternly said, "Don't Forget, I am a mercenary."



While chatting, the two finally saw the crowd !

"Wait!" Seeing that the prince was about to walk over, the vigilant Selena hurriedly stopped him for a large group of people building houses in the wilderness.

"Let's observe for a while and then go over."

Arthur smiled and shook his head: "Although there is nothing wrong with being vigilant, you don't have to be so nervous, I have seen someone I know."

"Acquaintances?" Facing the doubts of the female mercenaries, the young man walked towards the group with a smile.

Yes, Arthur has seen this place in the TV series. They are going to build The Seven Temple. The half-faced Hound Sandor Clegane is here!

"The Seven shelters you."

Friendly greetings, this group of church members who are building the church immediately responded.

As King Robert’s bastard, he was brought into the Red Keep as a squire since he was a child, and he was loyal to Lannister. Hound has been following Joffrey to know Arthur.

When he saw him appear in front of him, his face suddenly became gloomy: "Why are you here?"

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble here. I will leave later. ."

Feeling the sincerity and kindness of the young man, Hound stopped talking, silently continued to use his axe to cut wood.

"Hello, child, may The Seven protect you." The cultivator Elder, wearing a seven-pointed star necklace, came up: "You guys seem to need help."

Arthur said with a bitter smile: "We are lost and want to know where this is."

Cultivator Elder immediately replied: "This is Silent Peninsula."

Silent Peninsula? Why does it sound like Silent Hill? Song of Ice and Fire World Is there such a place?

Seeing the dazed color flashing on the boy's face, the cultivator Elder immediately explained that this was the junction of the Lannister collar and the Riverlands and Vale of Arryn, between the Trident River and Crab Bay.

Go west, Kingsroad, you can cross the bridge and go south.

"So we have arrived in the Central Zone of Westeros." After explaining, Arthur quickly recalled the map he had seen and knew the location.

"Thank you so much."

The people here are very kind. Although they avoid Lannister's soldiers, there is no guarantee that the chasers will not find here, so Arthur doesn't want to stay too much. For a long time, bring disaster for them.

"Child, we will soon have dinner time, why don't we stay for dinner?"

See the boy and the female mercenary who have endured the hardships of a long journey When the road was over, he was about to leave in a hurry. The cultivator Elder looked at the sun slanting west, and the merchants who rushed to the carriage full of goods, quickly opened the mouth and said.

Arthur shook his head: "No, we are being chased by the soldiers of House Lannister. Staying will hurt you."

Hound Sandor hearing this, seriously said: "He said That's right."

"You are still just a child." Cultivator Elder wrinkled frowned tightly, worrying about what happened to the young Arthur.

Hound: "He is a king's bastard, not an ordinary child."

Driving in a carriage, a businessman in his fifties came to find the cultivator Elder at this time. Hearing Hound’s words, The color of thought flashed across his face, and he immediately opened the mouth and said: "No, Clegane, this majesty is not bastard.

He is the prince who was recognized by King Your Majesty and gave his surname."

"Alonthos, are you kidding?" Sandor Clegane's eyes widened in surprise, and immediately said to Arthur: "Then you have to get out of here!"

Hound wanted to drive himself away, Arthur just smiled nodded wryly: "I know."

Cultivator Elder shook his head: "No matter what he is, he is always a child in my eyes, and a child who needs help, The Seven will never ignore it.

His Royal Highness, stay and eat something, and then take a good night’s rest. We will protect you. I will let Alonthos take you there tomorrow morning. North."

Arthur shook his head: "Thank you very much for your kindness, but I can protect myself. Staying will only hurt you, so I must leave."

Businessman Alonthos solemnly said: "His Royal Highness, I used to be the son of a little nobleman in Riverlands, please don't doubt my loyalty."

Cultivator Elder also said: "My people from Riverlands are all Alonthos rescued him. He was a good man with integrity and promises."

Looking at the prince who showed admiration for the businessman, Sandor shook his head: "He is the son of King Robert. It’s different for you to save those people!"

He believes that cultivator Elder and businessman Alonthos are good people, and he understands Hound: "Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, if Lannister’s chase asks , You just say go west."

Selena is full of vigilance and defensiveness towards them, impossible and agrees to stay.

Because the prince possesses extraordinary powers, she is not afraid of being surrounded by Lannister soldiers, and can retreat in danger, but she is not so capable.

Seeing the young man’s persuasion, the cultivator Elder sighed helplessly, and said to his old friend businessman: "Alonthos, you have a carriage, I can only ask you to send your Highness away now."

Alonthos: "His Royal Highness, please let me take you to a safe place."

"Okay." It's better to sit in a carriage than to walk.

With the approval of the prince, the businessman Alonthos immediately moved the vegetables and fruits and bacons and daily necessities that had been transported to the cultivator Elder to make room for the two to sit.

"Mr. Alonthos, can you buy us some fruit? We have no money."

Help move things to the church members here, Asked Arthur, who had only eaten half a rabbit's belly after leaving Kaiyan City for so long.

The merchant is not stingy: "No problem, your lord, you can take it whatever you want."

Looking at the prince and the mercenary sitting on the carriage, moved towards the setting sun beginning to the west Gradually, Sanduo was greatly relaxed, but cultivator Elder was still worried.

On the carriage, Selena took advantage of Alonthos who was driving and asked in a low voice to the prince beside him: "Aren't they afraid that they will betray you?"

Arthur shook the head , Asked the businessman who drove the horse: "Mr. Alonthos, is it hard for you to be a businessman?"

Alonthos: "Fortunately, I think this way of living is very fulfilling."


Arthur: "So the income is good?"

The businessman hearing this gave a wry smile: "I can't make a lot of money."

Selena couldn't help but ask Said: "Then you have the status of a nobleman, even if you are a little nobleman, you don't have to work so hard, right?"

"What about a nobleman?" Alonthos sighed, "Identity doesn't mean everything."

Arthur: "You are a man with a story."

Alonthos: "His Royal Highness, Frankly, I have been to Citadel to study and successfully wear five necklaces to become Maester. I was also assigned to Dorne Blackport City.

But Greyjoy rebelled. This sudden war caused all my family members to die in the disaster. Riverlands is even more a loss of life. ..

Maybe I have seen too many tragedies.

So I feel that learning knowledge to become a Maester can not really help the world in need, so I chose to give up the honor, no Go to Blackport City.

Instead of staying here, I hope to walk among the people to understand how to really help the world..."

...not finished To be continued...

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