The ants are still greedy, let alone people?

In the carriage, Arthur, who has a strong desire to survive, completely calmed down the confusion and discomfort in his heart, carefully sorted out the memories in his mind, and tried to recall all the experiences of the original body, such as the basic common sense that any Westerosi knows, and everything about familiarity with his relatives. , What friends you know, what nobles you have ever met, and so on.

Only the clearer he masters, he can better integrate into this world and become Arthur Blackeye.

bastard was born in Royal Capital King's Landing and belongs to Crownlands. Basically, his surname is Waters. However, because of his mother from a foreign country, his pupils are different from ordinary people.

Even if it is a king's bastard, Arthur's status is not even comparable to that of an ordinary person bastard, and his future is limited early because of his good learning ability, and he can become Maester, but he is still in a low status and is allowed to swear King who is loyal to the future has a way out for servants who will not be starved to death.

The barbaric and backward kingdom, this kind of ruined place has no human rights at all.

The only relative who cares about and loves the original owner is the deceased mother. King impossible cares about him as a black haired and black eyed bastard. As for those half-brother sisters?

Think about Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen. Their birth mother is Cersei Lannister, from the famous House Lannister, the bloodline is very noble, and bastard is like dirt and gems compared to them.

If it weren't from King, bastard was related to them by blood, they would even feel that Lannister's reputation was tarnished.

What about half-parents?

How can a noble bloodliner and a servant of a low bloodline be a brother? How can there be feelings?

And king's other bastards?

The original owner did not leave much impression at all. After living in a Royal Palace for more than ten years, the impression that can be described is only a few words.

Except for their mother who came from nobility and the support and protection of the people behind them, those bastard brothers can do what they want, but they don't know anything else.

On the trip to the north, I didn’t receive much disdain and contempt from the nobility, but more ignored!

No one cares about Arthur, a lowly bastard.

There is only one Annie Claude with which she is barely familiar.

For this, Arthur feels very grateful, because then no one will find that his soul has been replaced, and no one will find that he is so different from the original owner.

While secretly rejoicing, I suddenly remembered that as a transmigrator, I should have a golden finger, which may have magical abilities, talents, or attached systems.

In Er Er’s heart, he meditated on the system dozens of times and tried all kinds of things. Nothing happened. Just thinking that novels are novels. When stories are made up to deceive people, a vagueness gradually appeared before his eyes. window!

System? ! !

No, no, this is not a attribute panel?

An attribute panel with only a name......

What's the use?

Upgrade? strengthen? Or summon? Or what skills are acquired?

...It's not a lottery, right?

Why doesn't it respond if I keep trying?

In a blink of an eye, two days passed, and I tried all kinds of methods to study the golden finger like crazy, but I couldn't figure out how to study it.

Arthur can only return to reality and continue to do his predecessor's work, as a page for Prince Joffrey.

What? You said that there is no page in western countries? Haven't heard the saying that people are hard to dismantle? Do you have to say that as a bastard, you have to serve as servants to others?

Life is not easy, even the present is full of difficulties.

Because he wants to serve Joffrey this little bastard!

This guy is arrogant, cold-blooded and cruel. Like his mother, he is easily out of control and has a sadistic little psychopath.

The original owner was bullied by his side.

There will be Annie’s care, and it is also King who wants to prevent the tyrannical Joffrey from killing his life, lest the Crown Prince do anything that disgusts the nobles and councillors and reduces the prestige of the Imperial Family.

At lunchtime, the army stopped to rest.

As a bastard, Arthur is not qualified to eat at the same table with King, Queen, Prince and Princess. Even if he is hungry at the meal, he can’t eat. Instead, he has to serve the Royal Family for lunch and serve as a tea delivery. Maid of the water.

There is the memory of the original owner who has specially studied etiquette, how to serve people, and Arthur can do impeccably according to his memory.

He was very, very uncomfortable in his heart, but he dared not show any trace, and tried to hide all his emotions to pour wine for King and Queen.

Tommen little fatty people are still good.

He is the only prince who smiles at himself. In the memory of the original owner, the two often played together.

At this time, a Kingsguard who looked very similar to Queen, was born tall, has fluttering blonde hair, shiny blue eyes on his face, and a sharp smile at the corner of his mouth, and left. come over.

He is Jaime Lannister, the great and famous Kingslayer, and the twin brother of Queen Cersei Lannister.

When I came to the simple but luxurious dining table, I knelt down and reported: "Your Majesty, we found a witch in the woods ahead."

"Witch? "

Hearing Jaime's report, big fatty King Robert stopped slightly rude eating and was about to talk, but Queen Cersei next to him was dissatisfied and asked first: "Why didn't you burn her to death?"


Jaime hearing this glanced at his twin sister, did not speak, but cast his eyes on King who was a little unhappy with his wife and talkative.

King Robert picked up the wine and took a big sip, handed the empty glass to Arthur beside him and motioned him to pour the wine, and then asked, "Are you sure you are a witch?"

Jaime: "When we found her, she was doing an evil spell ceremony."

Robert frowned: "Is that witch from The North?"

Jaime shook his head: "She is a Wildling."

"Then burn it." After speaking, Robert picked up Arthur's full glass of wine and continued to eat and drink, as if it was such an arbitrary decision that a life or death was an insignificant thing.

Understand that this world is cruel.

But in this way, Arthur has a deeper experience of the cruelty of this world, and he also feels that this experience will only continue to increase, and I am afraid it is difficult to reduce it.

"Yes, wait."

Jaime turned to execute the order, King asked him to stop, then pointed to Arthur who was holding the hip flask next to him and said, "Bring This kid, let him see the world."

"..." Arthur holding the hip flask is speechless, killing someone to tell me to see the world?

When I heard the royal father's words, he was nodded with Joffrey, who knew the little servant by his side, and said, "Yes, Arthur is too timid, not like a man at all. He should have seen the world, but I guess he will pee his pants."

The previous paragraph was very serious, but when it came to the back, the sarcasm and contempt in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

"royal father, I want to go too." Joffrey is interested in the rare thing of burning witches.

Robert: "Are you full?"

Joffrey repeatedly nodded: "I'm full."

"Then go and exercise." Robert No objection to my son learning how to deal with criminals.

With King's consent and Queen's acquiescence, Joffrey stood up.

Arthur could only put down his hip flask in silence, and reluctantly made a smile that looked like he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and followed Jaime Lannister to visit the burning witch.

"haha, Arthur, you are such a coward." Seeing his appearance, Joffrey felt very happy. "If you pee your pants later, don't get too close to me."

In other words, if Arthur remembers correctly, the beginning of a fantasy novel by a great god in his previous life was to burn a witch.

I don’t know whether to save the witch who is about to be burned, will he gain his allegiance, and then let the witch with magical ability serve as a productive force to promote the development of the kingdom and the progress of society?

Imagination is wonderful.

The reality is cruel.

For a moment of distraction, Joffrey, who was riding a horse, viciously threw a whip at his back: "What are you in a daze, get on the horse and follow me to uncle."

In long summer, The North is not too cold, but the clothes on his body are not thin, so the horse whip doesn't hurt at all, and he didn't even feel it. He only regained his senses when he heard the sound.

Looking back and seeing Joffrey still beating himself with a horse whip, Arthur quickly mounted and avoided as he remembered.

Then he realized that although the original owner could ride horses, he did not ride horses frequently. He was unfamiliar with riding. He sat on the horse's back unsteadily and swayed. He wanted to clamp but was afraid of urging the horses to run. , Seemed very flustered and embarrassed.

This makes Joffrey laughed heartily.

He likes to see others embarrassed.

When Jaime saw this shook the head, he didn't say anything to his son who would be poisoned to death in the future, but silently urged the mount to move. be continued...

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