For the Wildling witch of unknown origin, she just happened to see her doing an evil ceremony, and she didn’t know what harm she was going to do.

Since it is discovered that there is a witch who wants to cast evil spells, no matter it is king, lords, knights, smallfolk, they are all obliged to kill them.

No one can guarantee that the witch who casts the spell is harming who, and King’s team goes north, and the knight who explores the path discovers the evil witch that may threaten the safety of king, queen, prince, princess and all accompanying aristocrats, Not afraid of 10,000, but most afraid of the case, the witch who is burned to death is a good witch, so for the sake of safety, it is absolutely impossible to save her life.

The breeze slowly, the leaves rustle, and the hooves rattle.

Quietly following Jaime Lannister, Joffrey brought his Hound, the younger brother of The Mountain Gregor Clegane, and Sandor Clegane.

In the woods, there were thirty or forty knights, squire and soldiers who caught the witch, but they were all quiet. They were tied with two large pieces of thick*|legged wood in the wood pile. The witches on the cross kept their distance as much as possible, not daring to get too close.

Passing through the crowd around the witches, I saw an old woman with protruding eyes and buck teeth tied up on the cross with dark spots, scrawny and foul-smelling old woman.

Thinking that the captured witch was a beautiful, fair-looking, and capable beauty, Arthur felt like a blow in his heart.

This world is too unfriendly to yourself!

Well, you can't judge a person by appearance. Maybe this old woman is not very good, but has incomparable abilities, which can help promote technological development and progress, and lead people to a better future?


Reality soon slapped him in the face again. The old witch on the cross opened her mouth full of rotten teeth and said aloud the unknown incantion. , Arrogant and arrogant, scared all around knight and squire back slightly.

Joffrey staggered back a step when seeing the complexion changed, and was also a little frightened.

Born in modern society, has previous life experience, was taught to believe in science since childhood, even if I have seen many kinds of webnovel, I have some understanding of magic, and I have not seen the horror and terrifying of magic with my own eyes. Arthur couldn't understand why they were afraid of an old witch chanting a spell.

Seems to be afraid that others will see his lost self-control. Joffrey turned his head and looked around. Fiercely fiercely said to Sandor Clegane who was following behind him: "Hound, go and hack her to death!"


hearing this, Hound put his hand on the hilt, but hesitated.

Arthur lightly coughed and whispered to Joffrey: "His Royal Highness, don’t let anyone present the witch’s belongings for review, then conduct a just trial?"

"Check the belongings, proceed Justice trial?" Joffrey hearing this was taken aback, "Why?"

Arthur heard this corner of the mouth twitched, but fortunately he didn't ask too loudly, otherwise the knight around him shook his head helplessly. Just patiently said to him: "Holding evidence to interrogate and pronounce a sentence will deepen the recognition of nobles and knights, and also reflect the noble majesty of your highness."

Reflect your own noble majesty, Joffrey likes to listen to this. Nodded, who was convinced, ordered the surrounding knights: "Bring the items found from this old witch."

I have searched the witch's belongings once, and the knights can confirm that there is no danger. In order to please the Crown Prince who will succeed to the throne in the future, they immediately brought the smelly animal skin scrolls and sheepskin books.

According to the memory of the original owner, in front of squire, Arthur opened the animal skin scroll and parchment book to Joffrey for viewing.

seeing that there are pictures of human anatomy in the book, Joffrey suddenly became interested and snatched himself from him.

Jaime came over and reminded: "It’s time to be executed."

But Joffrey is interested in the torture methods in the book at this time: "Don’t worry, this Prince has something to say. Ask her."

hearing this, Jaime frowned, but he is Kingsguard, loyal to King, serving the Royal Family, Crown Prince is not easy to refute, and Joffrey is his son, twin sister He has always been pampered, so he can do whatever he wants.

"Don't get too close."

Joffrey nodded, aloof and remote walks to the old witch on the cross: "Tell this Prince if the ceremony in the book is completed and you can learn magic ?"


Hearing this, the old witch let out an unpleasant laugh like a crow: "Young prince, do you want to learn magic? Then quickly Let me go, I can give you incomparable power!"

Joffrey is arrogant, but not so stupid that he is hopeless: "Damn witch, answer this Prince's question right away. Don't let this Prince Let the methods in the book apply to you!" The old witch who heard this eyes shined, and began to struggle fiercely on the cross.

Joffrey was a little frightened by her struggle again, took a half step back, and then his eyes were full of fierceness and ordered Sandor Clegane: "Hound, teach her a lesson!"

Raising his hand, Hound cut off the witch's right arm with a lightning strike.

Joffrey: "Quickly answer this Prince's question!"

The tormenting situation has a lot of impact on Arthur from the modern civilization: "This is not good... ."

"Shut up the unkind idiot." Joffrey pushed him away boredly, "Don't disturb this Prince's interrogation."

He cut off the witch's right arm, drenched with blood. However, the tyrannical Joffrey did not hear the screams and wailing he had expected, and he could not see the slightest pain on the face of the old witch.

She even made oozing laughter, as if the arm that was chopped off and the blood that couldn't stop the torrent of blood did not belong to her!

Have previous life experience, but Arthur was just an ordinary librarian in his previous life. He has never seen murders, dead people, or tortured people. Even killing chickens is rare. The scene of flying flesh and blood made him nauseous: "His Royal Highness, let's stay away."

"Shut up the coward!" Joffrey really annoyed Arthur so much that he actually prevented the future four times and three times. King interrogated, turned around and kicked fiercely towards him.

For the evil witch, the native Westerosi grew up listening to their murderous stories. In front of the evil witch, Clegane cut off one of her right hand and did not dare to relax.

The surrounding knight, squire, and soldiers are all weird palpitations of blood and laughter for the witch.

"Enough!" Jaime picked up the torch, not wanting his son to die again, lest the weird witch would be against Joffrey.

However, he was a step slower.

The witch's right arm that was chopped off by Clegane and fell to the ground suddenly moved!

Her blood that ran to the ground turned pitch black and it was boiling!

"Run!" Upon seeing this, Jaime hurriedly threw the torch into the woodpile, but the witch, who lost her right arm and lost a lot of blood, broke free from the cross and jumped out of the burning woodpile.

"jié jié jié jié, it’s late to run now!"

Looking at the boiling black blood flying up and connecting to the broken right arm, he spread his five fingers and grabbed it at himself , Joffrey was completely frightened and stood motionless.

Clegane, who was on guard against the witch, swung his sword and attacked, and there was no time to estimate his Prince Joffrey for the time being.

Jaime draws the sword from waist, but it's still two steps away, and there is no time to rescue!

Arthur just got up and saw that his hand was about to grab Joffrey, and everyone around him was stunned. Clegane dealt with the witch, only Jaime rushed over but couldn't keep up.

He didn't think much about it, subconsciously lifted his foot and moved towards the nasty Joffrey and kicked it.

"no! "failed to grab Joffrey, he was cut a few times by Clegane, his body was covered with scars, and even the neck was cut with blood, but the witch was still vigorous and lively ignoring these injuries, "I want you to die!"

The Kingslayer with superb sword skills has already been killed, and Hound has dealt with the witch. Arthur quickly took the opportunity to grab the right foot of Joffrey, who was gnawing at the mud, and dragged him. Leave the fighting range of a few people.

Knight and soldier are not stupid. They immediately came over to protect their Prince.

Thinking that he feels safe with the weapon, Arthur snatched the crossbow from a knight squire into his hand.

"Give it to me!"

Because the damn witch lost a lot of face and was seen by these soldiers as losing self-control, Joffrey's heart was raging and he saw Arthur The crossbow, which was finely stringed and loaded with arrows, was immediately captured and quickly aimed at the witch who was fighting with Jaime and Clegane, fiercely pulled the trigger.

Jaime Lannister is Joffrey's uncle on the surface, but actually his biological father, and Clegane is working for House Lannister, a guard who is loyal to him, but the mean, cruel and ruthless Joffrey is not afraid of accidental injury.

Fortunately, Joffrey, because Robert, the brave King, has poor sword skill and bow skills, but his bow skills are quite accurate.

A sharp arrow flew by Jaime’s ear and hit the witch’s head. He was taken aback. The witch leaned on his side and was grabbed by Clegane grab. The ugly head was chopped off with a sword. Jaime threw the body into the fire.

In the raging flames, the ugly head that was cut off by Clegane reunited with the body in a blink of an eye, and burned to ashes after a few screams. be continued...

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