"Hiding behind a woman, what kind of man are you? There is a kind of one to fight!"

Listening to this man’s call, the guarded Arthur shook his head silently. I didn't care about it or didn't want to care about it, because this is Red Keep, the Royal Palace of the kingdom!

It's not a vegetable market where you can do whatever you want!

And he is bastard, Annie is the guard knight on duty in the Red Keep, and strictly speaking is a servant serving the Royal Family.

No matter how these nasty hedonistic sons of rich parents die, they also have the identity of nobles. Their families and elders are still there. As long as they are not grossly wrong, no matter how they make mistakes and mischief, they can be favored. .

Before Annie is not killing or hurting people too much, it's best to stop here.

Because there is no benefit in continuing to fight.

"Coward, don't you dare to fight?"

"Or the slut who gave birth to you forgot to give birth to your *** together?"

It is said that the mother who has the kindness of birth and nurturing for him, even if he is not the original owner, has little memory and affection for the woman who died, but Arthur also had a mother in his previous life.

Can't bear it!

But the courage of one man is meaningless.

"What's your name?" Still remaining sensible and calm, Arthur looked at the aristocratic youth solemnly asked who was clamoring for a single challenge with him.

"I am Norman Braun of the Braun family!"

"Very well, Norman Braun, you will know tomorrow, duels are more than swords , Death is not the most painful thing.” Arthur’s threat sounded weak, and the hedonistic son of rich parents like Norman Braun just wanted to laugh.

"What are you doing?"

From the garden on the other side, finish talking with Littlefinger.

I learned that my own movement was clearly felt by others. Red Keep is as Arthur said before. There are people from Queen and Varys everywhere, and even Littlefinger arranges someone.

Eddard feels that this Kingdom Royal Palace is no different from a sieve.

The pure and straightforward Northman, not so much spending money, just the country's huge debt, and the troubles caused by tourney during this time, have made him annoyed.

It is speculated that the death of Hand of the King before has another hidden story, and there is still 60 to 70% certainty. The troubled Eddard is in a very bad mood and his thoughts are extremely complicated.

Littlefinger also revealed the news about this, saying that Jon Arryn used to follow Hugh, and he became a jazz one night after Jon Arryn's death. This Hugh is very likely to know the inside story of his death.

And I found out that Jon Arryn had frequent contact with a blacksmith in the city who lived in the big house at the highest point of Street of Steel a few weeks before his death.

Plus the trust problem that Littlefinger suddenly mentioned.

Eddard, a sincere man, confused!

So when I went to this courtyard, I saw a group of people with swords drawn and bows bent, and two of them were knocked down to the ground. They were frowned and opened up displeased.

"Hand of the King..."

When seeing Hand of the King Eddard Stark, Norman Braun and the aristocratic dudes' faces suddenly Broke down.

Looking back at the 2-Layer aisle of the castle, His Highness Joffrey, who had blonde hair and hoped that they taught Arthur, was gone, and there was no one else around the courtyard.

This is completely different from what they expected!

Arthur is the squire of Hand of the King Eddard and the business partner of their House Stark.

This time things are up, needless to say, Lord Paramount of the North must also favor bastard, who works for him and cooperates with interest.

It's a slapstick dude, that's right.

But Norman Braun, they are not stupid*|zi!

If any Kingsguard, or councillor or nobleman came over, they would definitely kill Arthur and Annie and make them extremely unlucky, but this Lord Stark from The North, although he wouldn’t say no Knowing these sloppy dudes, but surely not pleasing to the eye.

The situation is unfavorable, and Norman Braun decisively admits: "My lord, we are just playing around."

Compared with the hedonistic son of misbehaving in King's Landing all day long. rich parents, Eddard believes in Arthur more, so he casts a stern look at him: "What the hell is going on?"

Arthur asked Annie to retract the sword and said truthfully: "They're making trouble for me."

hearing this, afraid of the Lord Paramount of the North and Kingdom Hand of the King Norman Braun hastily said: "Master Hand of the King, don't get me wrong, we are really just playing around, no Other meanings."

"Yes, Master Hand of the King, we didn't bother him."

Cooperate with Great Family such as Stark, Lannister, Tyrell, etc. Business has this level of interest, and most nobles will not provoke or offend Arthur casually. But he is still in trouble now, contacting the attack a few days ago, it is not difficult to guess that someone specifically targeted him.

After this time of getting along, Eddard already knows Arthur quite well and is sure that he will not have trouble for no reason. Therefore, he feels that these hedonistic sons of rich parents who trouble him are fueled by someone behind him. .

Since he is an ally of House Stark, the upright Eddard will not sit back and watch Arthur being bullied: "Need help?"

"My lord, thank you very much for your help, but no , I can solve this by myself."

Arthur rejected Eddard's kindness because he wanted to teach Norman Braun with his own methods and methods.

"Okay." If you encounter trouble, solve it yourself. Eddard, who values ​​honor, appreciates such a man. "If you can't solve it, you can ask me for advice."

Arthur nodded and said: "I know."

"You all have a good time." Having a dislike for Norman Braun, the dude who do nothing all day long, Eddard waved them away.

Norman Braun, they are only afraid of being Lord Paramount of the North, Lord of Winterfell, and Kingdom Hand of the King, the powerful Eddard Stark.

As for Arthur, the bastard who has no inheritance, no status, and no influence?

It is a joke to say that it is simply a joke to solve it by yourself. They, this group of hedonistic sons of rich parents, are completely uneasy, and plan to find another good opportunity to educate him and Annie to be humans.

Long stay in Japan.

They are all living in King's Landing, the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him, sooner or later today’s place will be found!

Looking at the dudes who failed to find fault and were still being taught by Annie, they ran away in despair.

I watched Lord Eddard back in the direction of Tower of the Hand. Annie took a deep breath and asked Arthur, "How are you going to teach them?"

Arthur hearing this, raised the corners of his mouth and asked, "How much do you think the Norman Braun family spends every day?"

"I don't know." Annie didn't understand what he meant by this. shook the head and firmly grasped the longsword hilt with the sheath retracted, "I'm very upset now!"

Will not expose the scars of my friend, Arthur ignored the reason for her anger and asked: "If let His family’s daily expenses increase tenfold, and then go bankrupt and owe huge sums of money. Will you feel relieved?"

"How is it possible?" Annie thought he was impossible to do.

Arthur hearing this shook the head, said solemnly: "It's actually very simple, just go out and let people operate for a few days."

"Oops, I'm going to find Princess! "

"I can't neglect my duty anymore. I'll talk about it when I rest."

Annie didn't understand what he was going to do, but as a guard, she failed to guard Princess Myrcella. By my side, because of beating and losing, I realized that I had made mistakes one after another, and immediately chased them in the direction where they left.

Looking at her rushing to chase Princess Myrcella, who didn't know where she was going, Arthur smiled helplessly and walked towards Tower of the Hand.

He was looking for someone to work outside the Red Keep...to teach Norman Braun...

To the Tower of the Hand.

Jory was ordered by Eddard Stark to go out to find Sir Hugh.

They all left Red Keep to the outside of the city, and the two people who had the same route went together.

But the tourney outside the city is not in the same place as the workshop. Jory intends to make a detour and send Arthur to the workshop safely.

However, Arthur thanked him for a while and resolutely said: "I'm impossible and will always be protected by you." So he ran towards the workshop alone.

When I arrived at the workshop and arranged for someone to deal with the Braun family, Arthur felt at ease in his heart when he got busy. It seemed that all crises and troubles could be solved by working hard to arrange them!

...to be continued...

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