"Hand of the King."

Eddard Stark, who had just left, suddenly returned, and the blacksmith Tob Mott hurried over.

"Torb, I want to buy armor!" Ryan took out the coin bag and raised his voice, then approached him and asked in a low voice, "Is there a quiet place where anyone can interrupt?"

Tob Mott was stunned, seeing Ryan taking out a Golden Dragon from the bag, suddenly nodded like pounding garlic, and led everyone into the room in the smithy.

Jory and Chris pulled the horse to the door of the blacksmith's shop aggressively, Ryan and Varian pulled the blacksmith, and in a puzzled expression with Gendry, they returned to the shop to look at the armor, while Aisara casually guarded Outside the room.

"Arthur, today we are going to talk openly and honestly." After closing the door, Eddard Stark's often stern face became more serious.

"How did you know Jon's life experience?"

"Guess it." The answer was reluctant, but Arthur, caught off guard, didn't have a better explanation, even if it showed He is a transmigrator, knowing their past and future, Eddard is also impossible.

Eddard frowned tightly: "How did you guess it? From the Battle of Tower of Joy?"

Arthur: "Well, if I were Rhaegar, I would never have three for no reason. The powerful Kingsguard was sent to guard the Tower of Joy. He must do this to protect the important person... and I guess this important person is your younger sister...Jon...in the tower. Born..."

"After all...Your younger sister, your lord, was sent back to Winterfell after this battle."

It's still a far-fetched statement. Eddard Stark, hearing this, was silent for a long time, but didn't ask the same question again. He only looked directly into Arthur's eyes and said solemnly: "Swear to me, never tell this matter again!"

"I swear." Arthur obediently nodded, "This secret will always be hidden in my heart, and I won't say it again."

The expressionless Eddard still makes people unable to see the emotions: "Okay , Tell me now, what do you know about the death of the former Hand of the King Jon Arryn?"

This can only be answered after careful consideration.

Because the answer is not good, the kingdom will break out of war, leading to loss of life.

However, Eddard who waited for a while did not give him any more time to think, and shouted sternly, "Don't think about it, answer immediately!"

Arthur was so depressed that he vomited blood: " I... Former Hand of the King... I really don’t know much information..."

"You said you don’t know much information, which means you don’t know much, but still Know a little!" Eddard easily grabbed his language loopholes, "Tell me what the information is!"

"Master Jon Arryn...was poisoned." Consider it, Arthur temporarily Only dare to say so much.

Eddard: "So, I guess he was murdered right?"

"...Yes." Arthur was bitter and nodded.

Lord Stark who was hearing this no longer had no waves on his face, anger burned in his eyes, solemnly asked: "Who is it?"

"I don't know." This time Arthur answered quickly.

"You're lying!" But Eddard, the upright northern guy, couldn't deceive him: "You know who it is!"

Arthur killed him without admitting: "I really don't I know."

Eddard was very angry, and even put him on the list of suspicions: "Why are you hiding the murderer?"

Under the imposing manner of this Lord Paramount of the North , And the murderous aura of the soldier who went through the war, Arthur felt a heart palpitations, and he swallowed.

Hesitate opened the mouth and said: "I... can't tell now..."

"Why?" This Lord of Winterfell, silent The wolf calmly showed Northman's toughness.

Arthur was helpless to the extreme: "Because you will tell King if you know it, and then cause the country to unrest*| break out war."

The style is tough, Eddard Stark is not stupid:" So the person who killed Jon Arryn was in a high position, or was it a nobleman?"

"Are they from House Lannister?"

Arthur sighed, depressed: "No, but with They are related."

"How are they related?" When the wolf saw its prey, he chased after him. Eddard Stark, the silent wolf, is the same.

"I told you there is absolutely danger. This is King's Landing, and you can't protect me, and I shouldn't talk about it." Arthur confessed that he was afraid of death.

Eddard: "What do you mean?"

Arthur sighed: "Soon, probably the past few days, you will meet again to a bastard daughter and her mother, Then flip through the "Kingdoms Seven Great Lords Pedigree" and you will understand."

At this point, Eddard Stark temporarily let go of Arthur.

Because what he wants to know, he already knows the same, and now only important evidence is missing.

Ryan has a bold and unobtrusive personality, and he can get along with anyone. During the time Arthur and Eddard talked, he had already gotten acquainted with Gendry, who is also bastard.

Of course, Ryan still didn't tell Gendry that he was actually king's bastard, nor did he say why he looked like him.

This guy is also very thick-skinned, showing a face of slaughtering a fat sheep, walking towards Arthur, and said: "Dear younger brother, I have chosen the armor. It is still thirty Golden Dragon."


Arthur sighed helplessly and asked Chris, who was standing at the door, to come in with money, and silently loaned out Golden Dragon to pay the bill to Ryan who was both happy and excited.

I was not in the mood for shopping anymore, so I went back to Red Keep with Eddard and Jory in a depressed mood.

I desperately want to know what information is hidden in the "Kingdoms Seven Great Lords Pedigree". Returning to Tower of the Hand, Eddard sent Jory to send a letter to King Robert, who has a rice bucket with Huang Yin.

Unfortunately, just like in the original drama, Jory failed to deliver the letter. Not to mention, he was stopped by Jaime on duty and got angry again.

return to room.

Arthur was actually quite nervous.

In order to reveal the death of Hand of the King before, I am afraid that Lannister and Littlefinger will be uneasy.

I am even more afraid that Hand of the King Eddard Stark suddenly asked him to stand up and correct the murderer, and then be hated by all influence.

It is clear that the doors and windows of the room are closed tightly, but he always feels that someone will suddenly break in, there will be a dark arrow from the window, or the raging fire can only wait for death in despair.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ~"

Thinking about it, suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Arthur, who was lying on the bed*|, frightened and drew his sword immediately.

"Arthur, are you in there?"

It is Annie's voice.

Finding that she was looking for herself, Arthur suddenly relaxed, and temporarily let go of his hanging heart. He felt that he was oversensitive because of fear and was almost suffering from persecution delusion.

Seeing Arthur who opened the door, his face was not so good. Annie said with concern: "I called you a lot and didn't respond to me. What's wrong?"

After today's bad experience and Unfortunately, the somewhat haggard Arthur shook his head weakly: "It's okay."

Annie: "You don't look like you are okay."

"Come in."


Arthur sighed and told her to come into the room to talk.

"What did that Norman Braun do to bother you?" Annie came in and sat down and asked.

"No." Arthur shook his head, "He is not worthy of my troubles, nor is he qualified. What I'm annoying... is the national major event."

Annie looked at him and asked "Can you tell me something?"

"Do you think that the people of House Stark have captured the people of House Lannister, will the two families go to war?" Arthur said with a deep thought.

Annie, who heard this, was sure nodded: "Lannister must pay back the debt."

"Do you think there is any way to stop it?" Arthur shook his head depressed after speaking.

Heart: It’s useless to prevent Lady Catelyn from catching Tyrion. Eddard Stark will still find out that Joffrey and Tommen are the lunatics of Cersei and Jaime.

War cannot be avoided, otherwise he would not have made so much preparation for war before.

Annie: "Why didn't you tell Your Majesty?"

"It's useless, Stark and Lannister have a deep grievance, and the war is really fighting, and King can't stop it." Arthur was very true. Melancholy.

Annie asked in an annoyed way: "Since you think nothing is useful, why bother here?"

Arthur: "I..."

Annie stared at his eyes and asked: "Actually you have a way, right?"

"I don't know if I can succeed..."

"Don't care if you can succeed in the end." Annie behaved more like a man than him, sonorously and forcefully: "Go ahead! Even if you fail, you will at least work hard without regrets!"

...To be continued...

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