The wind and beautiful weather is very suitable for the contest.

Outside King's Landing, beside the black liquid river, people with poor entertainment form a tidal sea, squeezing shoulder to shoulder around the tourney, making the field congested.

The first winner of the lance contest has a Golden Dragon prize of 40,000, and the second place also has a Golden Dragon of 20,000!

The first place in the archery competition has 20,000 Golden Dragon!

In this ordinary commoner, you can't earn a few Golden Dragons throughout the year. The little nobleman earns no more than a few hundred Golden Dragons of Westeros. The winning prizes for these two competitions are huge and breathtaking!

As Varys said, holding such an event, attracting crowds of people, seems to really reflect the prosperity of the kingdom, and help merchants such as brothel boss, tavern boss, hotel boss, or other shop boss earn money It has to be full.

The most important thing is to be a nobleman of the ruling class, so he gets the opportunity to show off one's military strength and can compete for generous bonuses based on ability.

As Eddard expected, the conference filled individual pockets with gold coins.

Arthur didn't have the ability to participate in this tourney, and he didn't have the mood to join in the fun. He came to tourney because Annie asked him to support her friend Heinrich Wetting.

Heinlikai Weiting is the only girl participating in the archery competition in this tourney.

The contest belongs to men. It is the stage for them to gain honor. Heinlikai appeared in the arena with a bow, and all the men were repelling it.


Participate in an archery competition?

Sorry, they really don't welcome women.

If it weren’t for cooperating with Stark, Lannister, and House Tyrell to do business, and for being king’s bastard, and having a little influence in King’s Landing, Arthur, who generously sponsored the competition, led the way to sign up, she would even be eligible to participate. No.

"To be honest, I admire the fascinating self-confidence in you." Since coming in, because the girls around you are hostile by all around men, Arthur was stared and uncomfortable by them. "But I really I don’t want to be a shield for you anymore..."

Heinlikai immediately cast a contemptuous look at him: "Annie used her life to send you the news. Can't do it?"

Arthur smiled bitterly: "But I didn't expect this."

Heyin Likai shook his head in disgust: "What a coward."


"..." Hearing this, Arthur, who was already in a bad mood, was so depressed that he wanted to cry.

After the tourney is over, there will be a major event on King's Landing. He has made a lot of preparations for this, and he can't go away!

To fight to prevent the war from breaking out, he had no choice but to ask Annie to stop Lady Catelyn from catching Tyrion doing stupid things.

Annie is Arthur's only friend in this world.

Without mentioning the danger of Kingsroad, if Lady Catelyn fails to prevent Tyrion from catching Tyrion, she will go to Eyrie to expose that Duke of Eyrie Jon Arryn was poisoned by Lady Lysa.

When sending Annie away.

Actually, Arthur felt like he was sending her to death...

"Arthur Blackeye, although you will abandon your surname to become Maester in the future, you don’t have one yet, don’t show Is it okay to be like a crying lady?"

Seeing Arthur, who was showing the youngest daughter of his worried friend, Heinlikai was full of disgust.

With a longbow next to him, Chris hearing this, who also participated in the archery competition, frowned and said: "Miss Weiting, you are in the competition venue because of Arthur. Isn't that too much to say? "

"Oh, then I'm sorry." Heinlikai shrugged.

It’s useless to care about too much with a girl. Arthur quickly stopped Chris from getting angry and asked him to keep playing in his best form: "Forget it, don’t worry about so much, the game is about to start, you are ready to prepare "

In the archery competition, because there is no need for armor and the threshold of a steed, you can come by signing up, and the number of people is more than ten times that of a spear.

There is a longbow, and everyone who can pull it is here.

The bonus of 20,000 Golden Dragon is worth fighting for everyone!

Archery is a sport that Arthur doesn't know much about. After practicing archery, aiming and releasing arrows, he is still a layman, so I think the game is a bit boring.

The sun in the sky changes from rising to falling. Participants go to the court and shoot arrows in rounds, then retreat and change players. It was almost the night before the top ten was decided.

Chris, who had undergone rigorous training, was eliminated.

And Heinlikai, this girl who speaks without mercy has several points of skill, and she has won a place among the top ten with her impressive archery skills!

Won by a woman, many people who lost in the archery competition have no face.

The Weiting family is as thin as House Claude.

The three brothers of the Weiting family all died in the War of the Usurper, leaving three siblings respectively, becoming Baron Weiting of Kingsguard, and Thomas of the quartermaster at 1st Infantry Regiment Weiting and Heinly Kai Weiting.

In Westeros, where culture is low, most people believe that men should be responsible for things like wars and martial arts, while women only need to sleep and give birth to children.

The two cousins ​​of Heinlikai, Baron and Thomas are the same!

Won the top ten archery competitions. As Kingsguard, Baron, who came here to maintain order, didn't feel that the younger sister who didn't like red outfits and armed forces was winning glory for the family, but was ashamed!

What's the difference between letting a woman play in a game and telling others that the man of the Weiting family is dead*|Light or not?

"Heinlikai, come home with me now!" Baron Weiting rushed over in angrily, grabbing the hand of the ignorant younger sister.

I was dragged to a stagger, but Heinlikai did not panic at all, looked back at the somewhat stunned Arthur, and shouted: "You promised Annie to help me!"

" ......"

Arthur sighed and quickly led Chris to follow, out of the crowded venue, and immediately ran in front of Baron: "My lord, please wait a minute."

"Don't get in the way!" Seeing the guy who took his younger sister to sign up for the competition, the unhappy Baron Weiting immediately glared at him and drank.

Arthur wants to earnest and well-meant advised to explain the whole sequence of events, hoping to let this Kingsguard understand the younger sister's ideals and support them: "Bahlong, big brother, calm down, I have no malice. , I promised Annie to help my younger sister to compete..."

Unexpectedly, Baron had a bad attitude, and his tone was very aggressive: "Annie, is the stone nv the same as my younger sister? Get out of here. Stay away, or don't blame me for being impolite to you!"

Although Chris is bastard, he is also related to Annie, and is often helped by her. He immediately became angry when he heard these words: "Speak carefully! "

"Big brother, don't say this anymore." Heinrich shakes off his cousin's hand with a calm face.

Baron also realized that he had made a mistake, coldly snorted shut up.

But Chris a trifling bastard also dared to threaten him. In addition, his anger at the younger sister's participation in the archery competition without permission was still unsatisfactory. "Go away!"

Arthur took a step back.

Chris is completely motionless, eyes full of fury at him.

"Do you want to do it?" Baron held his sword hilt.

"Annie is also my friend! Do you want to fight here and make trouble to Your Majesty?" Heinrich stopped her cousin and said to Arthur and Chris, "I said to him I apologize, he was unintentional."

"Indeed, I shouldn’t be Annie right or wrong."

A natural ally, Baron didn't want to offend his ally, so he simply admitted that he was wrong.

"But today this is not over, you go back with me!"

Heyinlikai said: "You can go back, anyway, it's already late, and the final ten finals are tomorrow. It's held, but you think I won the top ten. It will suddenly be out tomorrow. What will others think of our Weiting family?"

Baron will be mad at this rebellious younger sister: "You! " be continued...

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