An angry cousin Baron, Heinlikai's face is calm, as if nothing happened, and this rebellious heroine is not planning to go home!

"Arthur, you promised Annie to take care of me, so I don’t want to go home tonight. Should you give me money to stay in a hotel?"

Can't keep the corners of the mouth twitching*|twitching.

Why the past few days everyone came to ask for money?

Have I become a fat sheep to be slaughtered, a coin bag with a wide open mouth, they can just reach out and take the Golden Dragon?

"No money!"

"So stingy?" Hein Rikai couldn't help but sneered. She would not forget that Arthur brought her to sign up for the archery competition in the morning. How much is the tourney, "Suddenly become a miser?"

Shook his head and calmly said: "Don't worry, when I win the archery competition, I will pay you a thousand gold dragon when I get the bonus."

"Do you feel that you want to be too beautiful?" Arthur rolled the eyes and rode back to the city with the people.

Heinlikai’s expression remained unchanged, and he slowly rode up to keep up: “It’s okay if you don’t borrow money. Your workshop is so big. Impossible has no room.”

“You think you eat. Fix me?" Arthur said depressed.

Heinlikai unperturbed: "Don’t forget that you promised Annie."

He resented Annie’s request: "Yes, I want me to participate in archery. I will take care of you during the game..."

Because of the crowds, I returned to King's Landing, and night had fallen, and the earth was enveloped in the jewel-studded black color.

The Royal Capital in the dark is prosperous during the day. There are torch, candlelight, and lanterns dotted with light on the street, in the house or by the window. Places such as pubs, hotels and brothel are even more lively than during the day.

So, the hotels in the city are basically full of guests.

"Then I will live in your workshop." With money but no room, Heinlikai is very depressed, but it doesn't affect her good mood for winning the top ten.

"Out of town now?"

King's Landing was messy at first, and now during the tourney, there are many speculators who will turn into robbers and gangsters at any time. With Chris alone, Arthur didn't dare to keep dangling in front of those people.

Heinlikai looked at him with contempt: "I am not afraid of a minor girl, what are you afraid of?"


It’s really hard to keep calm when talking to her, Arthur took a deep breath, nodded and said: "Well, now Chris sends me back to Red Keep, when the time comes, you go to work with him Fang."

Heyin Likai: "Really no seed."

Too lazy to talk nonsense with this owed girl, Arthur rode his horse back to Red Keep.

Back at the door of Red Keep, the gatekeeper's golden robe acquaintance didn't wait for Arthur to say goodbye to Chris, so he hurried over and asked: "Arthur, is she the Wetting girl who participated in the archery competition today?"


Until Arthur who is hearing this speaks, Hein Rikai nodded and said: "Yes, are you okay?"

Golden Robe suddenly showed a flattering smile, in a flattering tone Said: "Miss Wei Ting, His Highness Joffrey wants to see you."

"Are you sure it is His Highness Joffrey, not King Your Majesty or Queen?" Hein Rikai is still calm. Look, but Arthur could feel the anger hidden in her when she asked this.

Being a big show in archery competitions during the day, as a Royal Family, the bored Joffrey of course saw her looks and demeanor, she is in adolescence, tyrannical minor changes*|The state will also move in spring*| Heart!

However, Heinlikai is not a nympho girl like Sansa.

The golden robe guard said with a smile: "Miss Weiting, this is the invitation of His Royal Highness Crown Prince."

"It doesn't seem to be very good... Arthur remembered that Tyrion had found a female daughter for Joffrey, and it turned out that those two female daughters one killed another injured. What good results would be seen by the little sadomasochist?

Looking at the flattering golden robe, Heinrich suddenly smiled and looked at Arthur and said, "I am going to spend the night in his room tonight."

"What? Arthur was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood that she was using herself as a shield!

The golden robe guard fell down and looked at him with a groaning look: "Arthur, you know His Highness Joffrey will get what he wants after all."

Hearing this, Heinlikai sneered: "Joffrey is just Crown Prince now, and has not yet become King."

The golden robe guard's face suddenly sank: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Heyin Rikai hearing this makes an aloof and remote arrogant look, expresses the aristocratic attitude vividly and thoroughly, imposing manner and contemptuously said: "Don’t forget, I am the lady of the Weiting family, and all my relatives are King. Your Majesty has made great contributions and is the founding hero of the sacred Lorraine kingdom. In what capacity do you dare to speak to me like this?"

The golden robe guard is just a civilian who wants to cling to Crown Prince and Lannister. The identity of the nobleman and knight, his face was gloomy, and he was very angry with these words.

Chris coughed slightly and looked at Arthur and said, "Should I go back first?"

Arthur: "..."

Hein Likai waving this: "Be careful on the road."

"...Okay." Seeing the young employer’s face tangled and depressed, he wanted to talk but couldn’t talk helplessly. Chris shook the head and rode away.

The golden robe sub-guard coldly snorted, quickly disappeared from the sight of the two.

"Go, why are you still here?" Seeing Arthur standing still, Hein Rikai urged impatiently.

"Where to go?"

"Where else to go? Your room!"


yan Whatever happened, I could only yell. The bed was occupied by Heinly Kay as Arthur had expected, and she was warned with a sword pointed at it.

"Annie asked me to take care of you. I should have done it. Can you take care of me?"

Lying on the floor covered with blankets and cushions, depressed Arthur no matter what The body or mind is very uncomfortable, and I can't sleep at all.

"Don't be so grieving." Hein Likai, who occupied his bed, was also not asleep, but it seemed that he was about to fall asleep and spoke very softly.

"Joffrey can refuse to see you, why use me as a shield?!"

Finally low-key, faded out of Joffrey's vision, not giving him a chance to make trouble, but Used by Heinly Kay as a shield to attract firepower, and get into trouble for no reason, how could Arthur feel resentful?

Heinlikai: "Are you afraid?"

"I don't want to cause trouble!" Arthur said.

"Are you afraid? Actually, I am also afraid...Do you know what Joffrey did to Annie?" Hein Rikai sat up slowly.

Don’t think too much, the silent Arthur can also guess a little bit, after all, Joffrey is a changeable little dominatrix!

"Queen's consent was obtained that much changed*|, will Joffrey QJ swear allegiance to his female knight in the future?" Hein Likai's voice was very low. , Very cold, and full of anger, "Are there any girls in the city?" Arthur really didn’t know what to say on topics like this: "I didn’t know she had such a Experience..."

Heinlikai hearing this sighed, pondered then said: "Actually, you really shouldn't go to Citadel again."


As soon as Hein Rikai’s voice changed, he asked: "How much did you make from doing business in King's Landing?"

"Not much, most of them are cooperating with me. The nobles took it, and my income was basically spent after I changed hands." Arthur smiled bitterly, and it was all his money to expand the workshop, purchase materials and tools for research, and hire mercenaries and workers.

"Oh, how much is that actually earned?" Hein Likai just wanted to know a number.

Arthur shook his head and said: "I can't give you the exact numbers, but I only have less than five hundred Golden Dragons left."

Heyin Likai whispered: "That's it. It's a pity, I actually want to suggest that when Annie comes back, you take her to Essos..."

No matter what the purpose of saying this, Arthur thinks she has the meaning of setting a flag, which is very unreasonable. ominous, thinking of Annie leaving King's Landing, he was worried and uneasy. be continued...

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