The dragon flame dissipated, and the bleak wind brought chill again.

Under the falling snow, the cold-smelling Others melted black smoke and steam into the frosty mist. Holding huge ice crystal blades, they exploded with evil power, and opened their mouths to let out a terrifying roar.

The ghouls all around are swarming!

Owning a Valyrian Steel sword, I have fought against Others*|. Annie and Jon are not afraid of the aura emitted from them. The dark sisters, long claws and the protection of the Holy Shield in their respective hands emit light. golden rainbow!

The power of the silver light of The Seven is condensed in the sword. Angela who has faith has the incomparable belief. Facing the Others and the ice crystal blades in their hands, she still holds the ordinary steel weapons and fights!

Because her younger sister Liadrin, in addition to the longsword, also holds the Dragon Crystal dagger, I believe the tacit understanding of their sisters can use the Dragon Crystal dagger to kill these evil magical creatures.

Throw the Dragon Crystal spear.

Lanmarok never thought that it would cause a strike certain kill to the powerful Others.

But he who clasped the fish beam to make a spear, firmly believes that the Dragon Crystal spear head of the spear in his hand will penetrate the head with ice blue eyes!

It's too late to say, it's fast then.

I saw the ice blade swinging a blue light mark, and the two Others easily blocked Annie and Jon's attack.

In the face of the dazzling white light longsword and the hidden Dragon Crystal dagger's flanking attack, the other Others did not retreat but moved forward. The ice crystal sword momentum is big, power is deep swept across.

The steel sword is broken, the white light is scattered!

If Liadlin had quick eyes and hands, she quickly pushed her elder sister away and sacrificed her steel sword. Angela, who became Saintess of The Seven Church, died on the spot.

Lancelot, who saw Liadrin gritted her teeth and ventured to launch a culling with a Dragon Crystal dagger, saw the opportunity*|The incident’s Lancelot immediately charged and took the indestructible lake light like lightning. Others Throat!

But the blue ice armor on Others spreads and freezes up to the neck.

With a sound of "clam", the sword was blocked by Others' magical ice armor. Even though the blue ice on the neck was broken, the blade did not penetrate its neck.

And losing the first hand, Others still lifted the ice blade and hit the slash without falling into the wind!

The fish-beam Dragon Crystal gun meets Others’ ice crystal knives, Lan Mallok still has no advantage. If the welcome is fast enough, after the fish-beam gun barrel is split, he is in a different place or cut in the waist. Two halves.

Use the Dragon Crystal dagger to fight.

Having the experience of going to King outside the Great Wall, Gao Wen and Selena knew very well that they must find the right opportunity to strike a certain kill, otherwise it would be easy to lose their lives.

Without the Valyrian Steel sword, I have only heard about the power of Others and the sharpness of the ice crystal blade. Qiao La, who observes carefully, becomes more and more frightened.

I also understand that the female mercenaries around me and knight are not moving.

Daenerys controls Zhuo Geng, and leads Rego to hover at the ghouls spitting fire toward the tide.

Enclose the crowd and Others in the circle of fire, as if turning them into gladiators!

See below several people playing surrounded by perils with Others.

The two Others who did not take out the ice blades on their backs and participated in the battle were making ice crystal spears and throwing them to protect the dragon queen's body. .

"Gawain, you use my Night Pro!"

Hearing the words of the prince, the Valyrian Steel sword flew down in front of him, and Gawain immediately pulled *| out, and then turned into a burst The strong wind rushed towards Others who raised the ice crystal spear.

The ghouls blocked by the dragon flame hissed.

The hunting flame illuminates the awe-inspiring killing intent of evil magical creatures in the eyes of everyone.

Jaina and Ambrosius, riding on the back of the dragon, blessed Heinrich's bow and arrows with magic, but she drew the bow and did not send it.

Waiting for the best opportunity to strike certain kill!

The magic power is poured out, and the smashing flame spell can only interfere, and it does not cause effective damage. Arthur decisively switches the holy light skill.

Use the holy light javelin to force another Others holding the ice crystal spear to get tired of blocking the energy arrow.


Lancelot wrestled with Others, Liadrin avoided the ice armor on it, turned the Dragon Crystal dagger to the small*|leg, Instantly caused the magic creature to move.

And when Angela saw it, the younger sister cooperated tacitly and madly instilled white light into the Dragon Crystal dagger in her hand, turning the black Dragon Crystal into blazing white, and fiercely penetrated the ice from the back of Others First.

Under the pain, Others had some parry beyond Lancelot's sword.

Seeing magical creatures wrestling with Lancelot, Heinlikai finally shoots*|The Dragon Crystal arrow that blessed Wind Element spell and was infused with magic power!


The sharp arrow flew without a shadow, and it shot into the eyes of Others with deep blue eyes like ice in a flash!

The magic instilled by Jaina suddenly exploded, and the heads of Others all split up and in pieces, and then the body shattered into powder and drifted away with the wind!

"Kill one!"

Others who were entangled by Gao Wen, and Others who were fighting with Annie and Jon were unable to Avatar.

Lanmarok lost the fish beam Dragon Crystal spear, but with Arthur's remote support, it was evenly matched by keen movement, and stabbed Others with Dragon Crystal daggers and broken spears from time to time.

But he can't armor piercing.

Several people fought fiercely with the Others. Daenerys couldn't breathe dragon's breath, and all directions were ghouls. The bones that burned into coke and returned to death have piled up into small hills.

Looking up from the West Bridge, he was injured by ice crystal spear fragments, but with Penelope's treatment, King and Balistan still have the power to fight.

Looking at the fierce battle between several people in the circle of fire and the Others, the belligerent fatty wanted to participate, but was held back by Kingsguard Captain and Robb, and did not want him to take risks.

Holy light javelin, holy light arrows attacked one after another, Others were harassed and annoying.

Seeing the opportunity, Qiaola took the Dragon Crystal dagger and sprinted suddenly. When he reached the Others, he bent and glided with two*|legs, and he disappeared directly from the sight of the tall Others when he was a short stature.

Without waiting for the stunned magical creature's reaction, the Dragon Crystal dagger pierced between its legs from bottom to top!

One shot lore!

At this time, Jon is also free to join the siege of Others.

Two Valyrian Steel swords confronted Others’ ice crystal blades. Selena drew their swords decisively and attacked the Others who were fighting Annie’s back with the powerful total annihilation of the thunder.

Does not attack a body covered with ice armor.

Giant sword has father inheritance. Even if it is not the Valyrian Steel handed down, she is not willing to be ruined, so sword edge will target Others' double legs as soon as it turns!

While Ice Blade is held back by Annie's dark sisters and Jon's long claws, Jora is waiting for the opportunity while holding the Dragon Crystal dagger.

Then he staggered.

Annie, Jon, and Jorah all caught the weak spot, the Dragon Crystal dagger took the plate again, the long claws cut off the arms of Others, and the dark sisters took the head straight!

Look at the remaining two Others.

Everyone who owns four Valyrian Steel swords has gained an absolute advantage.

Gawain and Lancelot cooperated with the siege. Annie and Jon joined forces to fight each other. Lan Mallok quickly seized the opportunity and picked up another Dragon Crystal spear that was shot. Stabbing at the back of the Others to kill them!

"The last one left!"

On the back of the dragon, protect Daenerys and control Arthur, who controls Zhuo Geng's fire breathing, and has seen a large number of ghouls fall back to death.

Faced with four Valyrian Steel swords, three transcenders mastering magic, and two dragons, General Others is no match for the strongest.

Even if Others dances the ice crystal warblade with great vigor.

In addition to the Valyrian Steel swords of Jon, Annie, Gawain and Lancelot, there are also Dragon Crystal weapon attacks that are tricky like poisonous snakes!

Wind, fire, and magic are bombarded by turns!

Soon, the evil magical creatures drifted away in the wind, and the ghouls controlled by them all turned back into corpses. be continued...

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