"Finally solved them."

Seeing that there are no more ghouls rushing towards Jorah, Jon, Annie and the others, Daenerys consciousness that controls Zhuo Geng returns, Greatly sighed in relief.

I always listen to Arthur and they say how powerful Others are.

In this battle, the Dragon Queen finally saw their power with her own eyes, and even the dragon flames that could melt stones could not burn to death!

"This is not enough, we have to burn all the corpses." Arthur did not relax like her.

Because as long as Others approach, the fallen corpses will be resurrected into ghouls.

Flying directly from King's Landing to Wall, experiencing successive high-intensity battles, and constantly spitting flames, Daenerys felt that Zhuo Geng and Rego were tired: "My dragon also needs to rest."

At this time, the violent cold wind and big snowflakes have weakened.

After hearing the words of the Dragon Queen, Arthur understood nodded and said: "I know, you take me back to Xiqiaowang and put it down, and I will organize soldiers to clear the battlefield here."

"Good." Daenerys nodded, who became more swift and decisive, asked Zhuo Geng and Rego to take Arthur, Jaina, Heinrich and Ambrosius back to the Night's Watch castle.

"You brat still knows to come back?"

Looking at the youngest son who rode with the silver-haired girl from the dragon's back.

Without the threat of Others and the ghoul crisis, Robert is angry that he is fascinated by the woman of House Targaryen and leaves Wall who is ready to go to war.

"Sorry, Imperial Father, I know I was wrong."

Looking at Arthur, who had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, Robert's anger did not go away. Instead, he was even more towards him and the dragon on his back. The remnants of the previous dynasty were even more angry.

Be angry*|Zhang Dao: "What is the use of admitting mistakes? Can I revive the sacrificed warriors if I am wrong?"

See Arthur being angry and reprimanded by big fatty , Daenerys frowned: "He left Wall with me for the hundreds of thousands of residents of King's Landing."

When he heard the remnants of the previous period, Robert, who could have restrained himself, suddenly shouted: "Shut up. , It’s you, the female cousin who wants to abduct my son!

If it weren’t for you, and Arthur was supporting me at Wall, Nishiqiaowang would never sacrifice all these soldiers!"

"Your Majesty, please be careful!"

As a Kingsguard, Barristan has been loyal to House Targaryen. Not to mention these former royal family's favors, but Daenerys brought dragons to support and help eliminate Others At this point, Robert shouldn't have said that.

So he immediately opened the eyebrow King: "She helped us eliminate the General Others who controlled the ghoul!"

Robb also said: "Your Majesty, only us. Soldiers, there is no way to destroy so many ghouls at once, and it is impossible to attack and find Others."

Arthur: "Imperial Father, Daenerys is now our ally."

Occupy King's Landing , The Dragon Queen who is in charge of the Unsullied Legion and the Dothraki cavalry has not heard others scolding her female cousin for a long time, and she immediately confronted Robert with anger.

Seeing the two giving tit for tat, Arthur hurriedly said: "Alright, Imperial Father, Daenerys, let's stop quarreling, now cleaning the battlefield and burning the corpses is the most important thing!"

"Yes, I will immediately take people down and gather the corpses." Robb immediately agreed with nodded, and then ordered the soldiers to bring firewood and Fire Element to move.

"hmph!" is sane. Although Robert hates the people of House Targaryen, he needs Daenerys dragons to deal with Others and ghouls.

Daenerys also has no good feelings for Robert.

If it weren't for the Others crisis, she would definitely let Zhuo Geng spit out the dragon flame and burn the fatty to death!

"I'm leaving now!" Bringing Zhuo Geng and Rego to flew to pick up Chora, Jon, Angela and Liadrin, the two dragons directly spread their wings and soared south.

Annie, Selena, Gawain, Lancelot, Lan Mallok and the others who are clearing the battlefield feel a little strange. It's strange how the Dragon Queen waits for the corpses to be gathered, and then asks Zhuo Geng and Lei Ge burned and left.

Arthur frowned and said: "Imperial Father, the Eastern Sea Wang Varian, and the Wildling settlement in the eastern part of the Night's Watch land grant are still fighting. I need Daenerys and her dragon."

"Damn it, Daenerys, Daenerys, can you not mention her?" Robert was still unfettered, and it was the limit to stay sensible.

Hearing his son keep mentioning the descendants of the Long Family, he was really upset: "Eddard and Varian, we go back to support, I don't need her help!"

Arthur : "Okay."

Barristan had no choice but to shook the head.

Fortunately, Robb is not here, otherwise, if you hear King's words, there must be 10,000 heads of grass*|mud*|horses passing by.

If there are dragons carrying them to support, they will soon be able to rush to the Eastern Sea Wang and Wildling camps, and Daenerys will delay the military aircraft, and it will increase the difficulty of support!

The soldiers are urged to hold the indeterminate torch and gather all the corpses that have lost the control of Others and burn them.

Robb immediately ordered some people to repair the damaged fortifications, and then found King and asked: "Your Majesty, are we going to support Eastern Sea Hope and Night's Watch in the land grant?"

The soldiers have gone through a series of battles, and there is no way to rush to the rescue overnight. Robert thought for a while and said: "I will take Arthur and the others to support Eddard, and you will stay in West Bridge and look here to direct the battle."

Robb nodded: "Then I will let people prepare horses, equipment, dry food, drinks, torch and other items overnight."

"Go ahead."

Simply deal with Xiqiaowang After inspecting the castle and Wall, Robert, who was angry with Arthur, hurried away and said, "You go to Eastern Sea overnight to see what happened to Varian." He went back to the castle room and fell asleep.

This is a pain to Arthur.

Under Barristan’s helpless and bitter smile, let Annie, Heinrich, Gawain, Lancelot and the others satiate in a hurry, then go to the ice wall and continue braving the wind, snow, and cold. Hurry up.

When Arthur rushed to the east at the extreme west of Extremis Wall.

Bear Island in Frost Bay.

Without the Valyrian Steel sword, face the mighty Others and the tireless and fearless army of resurrected dead ignoring the pain.

Bear Island people who only have Dragon Crystal weapons can block the ghouls for a while, and even cooperate with them to kill.

But the Night King himself led the army.

The horrible snowstorm makes people's visibility less than five meters, the cold is shiver coldly, and the horror is constantly spreading in the heart.

In the end, the Bear Islanders can only retreat steadily.

No one in Bear Island who became a warrior is greedy for life and fear of death, they will fight to the last minute!

But as more and more people died in battle, under the power of the Night King, the dead were constantly being resurrected as ghouls!

Death is not terrifying.


Death is not the end yet. The corpse will be controlled by Others to kill relatives and friends. Seeing that the fallen warrior stands up again, he wields his weapon frantically and kills everyone!

Who can not fear?

Without a transcender, with Skinchanger inheritance, someone from the Mormon family can control the bear to fight, but only animals are not opponents of Others.

After Kexiong is killed, he will stand for the tiger!

There are many people who died, and there are fewer and fewer people who are alive and able to fight. Alexandre Mormont, in the end, can only choose to let the younger sisters escape.

I took some people and stayed behind.

Waiting for the soldiers to fight to the beach west of Bear Island, Bear Island Instructor and other warriors sacrificed everything, leaving only three or two big cats and kittens, protecting the only remaining Lyanna Mormont while carrying the boat. Fleeing desperately to the unicy sea.

For those survivors who managed to escape to the sea, the Night King didn't even look at it.

Because of the capture of Bear Island, it has been supplemented by manpower resources!

You can attack Deep Limburg south, and then *| attack King's Landing in the hinterland of The North, or attack the last Hearth City, Night's Watch land grant, Wall coalition camp in the north!

...to be continued...

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