As Jaime took Lannister soldiers away from King's Landing, Eddard was taken back to Red Keep by House Stark guards to treat his injuries.

At this time, the King's Landing frenzy is surging!

Heinlikai informed The North that the guards were very careful, but under the scrutiny of the caring people, they would still know what she did.

But it’s okay. Give a gift to Queen, and then send a letter to Littlefinger, Varys, Renly saying that there is a new business, and ask them if they want to talk about cooperation in a few days’ free time.

This confusion can buy precious time for them to temporarily let go of their vigilance and hostility.

Of course, Heinlikai’s approach still has many loopholes.

But she firmly believes that when Queen Cersei, Littlefinger, and Varys discover that the situation must have reversed, they have become passive!


In Red Keep Tower of the Hand.

Eddard woke up with a bandaged leg injury. King Robert and Queen Cersei were both here.

The lion and the wolf are enemies. Lady Catelyn captured Tyrion and Jaime attacked Eddard, but Cersei was a member of the Lannisters. She was accustomed to domineering and accused Eddard of attacking Jaime. It was his fault.

Then he went crazy and went to Robert again: "I salute you King. He attacked one of my brothers and kidnapped another. You should wear a skirt and be a woman, like a man in battle. Me!"

These words immediately angered the reckless King, and slapped Cersei's face with an unconscious mind, making her, who had long been murderous, immediately prepare for the murder of the king!

Knowing that beating a wife is wrong, Robert feels gloomy after the fight, Eddard can't take care of King's family affairs, and Stark and Lannister are about to start a war, and quickly changed the subject: "If we do nothing, the war will start at any time. "

Robert still sees it thoroughly: "So you should ask your wife to send the damn Imp back to King's Landing."

"She has her thoughts, But let this be over."

"Have you heard that? Let raven give her and put it to an end!"

Finally, I was able to catch the suspicion of retreating. The murderer of his son Bran going down to the tower, why did Eddard let him go like this? And she knows her stubborn lady very well, and she may not let them go after sending a letter.

But the loyal Eddard won’t listen to King’s orders and asked: "What about Jaime Lannister?"

Robert: "I owe Thailand half of my kingdom Wen Lannister, money, I don’t know what happened to you and that yellow-haired bastard, and I don’t want to know. The important thing is that if Stark and Lannister go to war, the kingdom will be in chaos!"

" That's it!"

He has never loved his bloodline brother and has little affection, but for Eddard, a friend who grew up with him, he is the same as his biological brother.

The opinions disagree, the exuberant material desire is not without his mind, but he just doesn't want to take care of things. After throwing the Hand of the King badge to Eddard, he has to leave King's Landing and go hunting outside.


Outside King's Landing.

Arthur went to the workshop to find Chris, brought more than 30 mercenaries, and joined Hein Likai, she also brought ten guards from the Wetting family.

The leaves rustle on the road.

The light breeze accompanies the warmth of the scorching sky, and the shade of the trees waits for King who is about to go hunting out of the city. Arthur and Heinrich are as easy as going out for a picnic.

"Arthur, are you here to send us off?"

Ryan and Varian, who were at the end of the vacation, happened to be in the city to gather the soldiers on vacation, ready to return to the 1st Infantry Regiment Three mountain city stationed.

"No, we want to go hunting." Arthur said.

Looking at Hein Likai with her facial expression, Ryan raised her brows at him and said, "You should practice archery more. Ask her to teach you."

"Thinking my stupid ladies don't understand what you are talking about?" Hein Rikai knew his intentions, rolled the eyes bored, and walked to the other side.

Varian asked: "I heard that Your Majesty is going to hunt, are you waiting for Your Majesty?"

"That's it." Arthur shrugged, "If If he wants us to join."

Varian shook the head with a smile, suggested: "Then you don't need to bring so many mercenaries, you should bring cooks, kitchen utensils and wine."

" seems right." Thinking of that exuberant material desire, King who likes to enjoy, Arthur did not know whether to cry or laugh.

Looking at the end of the greeting, Ryan and Varian, who are taking dozens of soldiers to leave, Heinlikai suddenly draws a bow and arrow, moved towards Varian and shoots*|with an arrow.

This arrow has no arrows and is wrapped in a white cloth. It is hitting the gap in the old armor shoulder of Varian's body.

"Fuck, what are you doing!"

Seeing that the younger brother was suddenly attacked, Ryan immediately drew his sword and turned his horse's head and rushed over.


The bearded Ang Tsang*|The one-eyed man, was the squire of Heinlikai's father, and experienced War of the Usurper. The scars on his face can Proving his bravery and honor, he failed to become a knight but also joined the Royal Knights.

Ryan, who was charging on horseback, swung a sword like a streamer, surprisingly fast, but he stood up and completely blocked it.

The last second is good for you and I have a good chat.

Suddenly there was a fight, and the mercenaries like Arthur and Chris were stunned. They were at a loss and didn't know who to help.

Arthur said anxiously: "Don't do it!"

Fifty-seven soldiers of Kingdoms 1st Infantry responded quickly. The moment the officer was attacked, they all drew their swords. The shield surrounded Heinlikai and the one-eyed man.

Ryan ignored Arthur's shout and glared at Heinly Kay, but his surviving sanity prevented him from ordering the murder, solemnly asked: "Why attacked Varian?"

Heinlikai still didn't have much expression on her face, turning a blind eye to the soldiers surrounding her, slowly putting away the longbow, and then looking at him silently.

Varian pulls the arrow out of the gap in the archery armor, and sees the words on the white cloth.

Opening it, his face changed drastically, and he hurried to drag Ryan away from the crowd for more than ten meters before handing the white cloth to his hand.

"What are you kidding?" After reading the content on the white cloth, Rhine's hands were a little trembling, and his expression was extremely complicated.

Varian came back as if nothing happened just now, and ordered the soldiers of 1st Infantry Regiment: "I'm fine, continue on the road."

Although he was puzzled, but As the victim of the attack, he said it was okay. Besides, it is their duty to obey orders. What are they doing?

Ryan hid the white cloth in the armor, silently mounted the horse, glanced meaningfully at Arthur and Heinlikai, and immediately went running away without stopping.

Arthur: "You won't tell them things, are you?"

Hein Likai: "Yes."

"How can this work!" Aren't you afraid of them leaking secrets?" Arthur was frantic.

Heinlikai said impatiently: "They are bastard just like you. They are naturally on your side. They will leak their secrets when they want to die."

Think about it, if Joffrey To proclaim the emperor, Lannister will definitely not be able to accommodate all bastard.

At this time, the target that had been waiting appeared, Heinlikai immediately urged Arthur to say: "King, they have come out, you go over."

It feels like Heinli has been affected by everything. Kay, the woman put her head down.

The transmigrator with golden finger, although it's a bit salty, but I have more than 20 years of life experience in my previous life, so Arthur is really depressed by her hu hu he he.

However, she is a reasonable and correct party!

What you want to do is right, and you can't refute it, let alone refuse.

My heart is very frustrated!

But he still rides to meet King Robert and the others obediently.

Robert looked at Arthur blankly: "Why are you here?"

"Uh...I also want to go hunting with Your Majesty... "Arthur is lacking in confidence.

Robert didn’t care: "Oh, keep up."

Thinking that he would be asked for the reason, he prepared a lot of manuscripts, didn’t expect fatty King at all. , Opened his mouth and was choked by what he was about to say...

Seeing the forty people following him and Heinlikai, Barristan frowned: "How do you bring There are so many people?"

Renly mocked said with a smile: "Haha, this seems to be his first hunting, so he doesn't bring more people to protect himself, but what if he is eaten by a wild beast?"

Arthur: "..."

This Master of Laws who likes men is considered to be frivolous.


The sunlight is blocked by the lush trees, reflecting the shadow of all kinds of strange things, and there are countless dazzling bright spots between the leaves.

Arthur, carrying a bow and arrow, passing through a ray of light, walked side by side with Heinlikai, following King Robert, Master of Laws Renly, Kingsguard Captain Ballistan and Squire Lansel.

Listening to King Robert talking about women in the past.

As a homosexual, Renly was asked by the King big brother if he had ever been to a woman in the river, and said with disgust, "I guess once."

"Guess?" Robert, who walked ahead with a spear in search of a gift, said, "I think you'd better remember it clearly. At that moment, unless you sleep in the seven duchy women and the women in the river, you will be even a man. No."

"At that time, we called'being eight'."

After Robert educated his younger brother how to be a man, he asked again: "Balister, you have Enough for eight?"

"No, Your Majesty." Barristan has become accustomed to this bastard King.

Hearing this King laughed heartily: "It used to be so yearning~"

"In the old days? When?" Upon hearing this, Renly felt a little upset and stopped. He leaned on a spear and asked: "You mean the Westerosi killed each other and killed millions of people?

Or before that, Mad King slaughtered the people because of evil thoughts in his heart, slaughtering women and women wantonly. Childhood?

When the giant dragon burned the town or earlier?"

"Speak carefully!" Robert put away his smiling face and stared at him sternly: " You are my younger brother, but don’t forget that you are talking to King!"

Renly is not afraid of the angry King Old Brother, but also dare to accuse him of being a fool: "I suddenly feel that you were really a bit Heroic spirit, drunk and drunk, thinking of'being eight', taking the poor river woman out of yu."

"Your Majesty, do you want to drink more?" Seeing and watching the younger brother Renly leave The king who was going was furious, and Lansel, who was his squire, quickly handed the flask.

Familiar scene.

As a matter of fact, when Arthur entered the woods, he planned to tell King that Lansel was murdering you with spirits.

But several times, he was stopped by Hein Likai.

Because it is not really dangerous, saying that Queen used spirits to murder King is completely nonsense to Robert, who loves wine as one's life, and he does not believe it.

Renly in anger means that King is getting closer and closer to the danger, and Arthur who can't hold his breath can't help but open the mouth and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

Robert, who was full of alcohol, was righteous on his head and gave him an impatient look: "You also want to disturb my hunting interest?"

Arthur: "No, I meant to say Lansai Uh..."

"Shut up!" Robert noticed movement ahead.

It's a big wild boar over two hundred catties!

"Get out of the way!" When he found this big guy, Robert immediately became excited, and aimed his spear at the black silhouette with sturdy body, stubby limbs and high pointed teeth, and then fiercely threw it!

He has drunk a lot of alcohol, and he is really drunk.

So the spear did not hit, and the startled wild boar howled, charging aggressively like black lightning!

Robert quickly snatched the spear in the hand of Arthur who was in a daze next to him, and stood upright, so that Arthur suddenly shouted at Heinrichie: "Hurry up!"

Without his reminder, Hein Rikai has already drawn a bow and set an arrow, aiming at the eyes of the wild boar rushing towards Robert and shooting!

"pu times~"

The arrow is in the middle of the wild boar's left eyeball, and it sinks into one third. The momentum weakens and Robert grab has a chance to pierce!

"Damn, are you trying to snatch prey with King?"

Robert's unhappy tone barely fell, two wild boars appeared in the direction the wild boar rushed over, one big size and one small, the big one is similar in size to the one that was killed, about two hundred catties, and the small one has more than one hundred catties.

They are the same family as the stabbed wild boar!

"The big end is mine, don’t grab it again!"

Seeing these two prey, he can no longer bother to scold Hein Likai for shooting arrows. The spear was drawn from the dead wild boar, and he was excited to meet him again.

This is not right!

Obviously, there will only be one wild boar in the original history. How can there be three of them now?

Arthur quickly drew his sword.

King is an out-and-out stunner, but also a brave warrior. Barristan never thinks that trifling wild boar can harm his life.

So I stopped Arthur and said, "Boy, don't get too close to obstruct Your Majesty."

When he heard this, Arthur was very mad, turned his head and wanted to refute, and bowed. Heinlikai shot another arrow, and got rid of the small one, which made him excited and applauded!

Barristan lightly said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, learn a little."


The thing that Arthur worries most still happened.

The wild boar rushed to Robert, who was drunk above him, and made him slow. When the critical moment took a slow shot, the spear failed to stab him and only pierced its neck.

Then the wild boar's fangs were sent into King's belly by its rush, knocking him down!

Heinlikai scolded because of King, and because Barristan believed in his strength, he hesitated after opening the bow. It was too late for the wild boar to approach and release the arrow.

Because of a little nervousness, this arrow didn't hit a critical strike and was killed!

Arthur looked like a fool*|.

"Your Majesty!"

Barristan drew his sword astonishingly fast, like a white flash, and instantly died of death, and returned to the photo, the wild boar who continued to struggle to attack Robert life.

"What to do..." Heyinlikai, who has always been endowed with extraordinary intelligence, panicked when he saw everything calmly. be continued...

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