Clear sky and bright sun.

In the valley, blue sky and white clouds are like Eyrie within reach.

In the long and simple hall of the castle, I saw the elder sister who had not been seen for many years. As the younger sister, Lady Lysa did not have a good face, and the ugly dwarf appeared here, which made her full Disgusted.

Because Petyr Baelish liked Catelyn more than herself since she was a child, Lysa didn't love her elder sister much, so she said that she was not.

"You brought him here without permission and let him defile my home?"

Her IQ was originally not high, and she was fooled by Littlefinger, as her son He governs the valley in the name of, but does not teach him how to rule. In front of the nobles and knights of Eyrie, and the elder sister who is Lady Stark, he still behaves very nervously.

To the six-year-old son who has not been weaned and has poor mental and physical development, said: "Robin, your aunt did a bad thing, a very bad thing, you still remember her, right?"

Looking at the sick boy with pale skin and thin face, who was still lying on his mother's arms at the age of six and feeding in front of everyone.

Catherine Lady really didn't want to understand how her younger sister, mother, was too incompetent. It was not like a member of House Tully who put her family and relatives first.

Ignoring the weird look of the elder sister, Lady Lysa spoiled her son: "He is handsome, right?"

"And very tough, Jon knows, he finally His last words are'Strong and tough, he wants everyone to know that his son will grow into a good and strong man. Look at him, Lord of Vale of Arryn."

Lady Catelyn said resolutely "Lysa, your letter to me talks about House Lannister, you warn me..."

Lady Lysa who heard this suddenly became excited and blamed: "I warn you to stay away from them! And Didn't bring one here!"

"Mummy, is he the bad guy?" Robin in her arms stopped to feed.

Lady Lysa: "Yes."

Robin: "He is so short."

"He is Tyrion Lannister, he killed you Father, he murdered Hand of the King!" Lysa said, getting excited again.

Tyrion couldn’t help teased: "Oh, his death is counted on me? I'm really a busy killer."

Lady Lysa coldly said: "Attention Your words! These people are the knights of Vale of Arryn, everyone loves Jon Arryn, and everyone is willing to die for me."

Standing behind Lady Stark and Tyrion.

Annie really didn't understand what the people of Vale of Arryn thought, and let the sick mother and son take charge of the valley.

Just want to speak.

Lannister, who is not afraid of the threat of the crazy woman in front of him, calmly said: "If I get hurt, my big brother Jaime will know who did it."

Sick and manic The six-year-old boy broke free of his mother's arms: "You can't hurt us, no one can hurt us here! Tell him, Mommy! Tell him!"

"Hush, my Little Darling, he just Bluffing threatened us, House Lannister is a liar, no one can hurt my child." Lysa calmed her son.

Robin: "Mommy, I want to watch this bad guy fly"

'Good mother' Lysa said: "You will see it, Little Darling"

Catelyn hearing this quickly opened the mouth and said: "This man is my prisoner, I don't want him to be hurt."

The neurotic Lady Lysa was not stupid and thorough: "Sir Vadis, I The elder sister’s distinguished guest is tired, take him down to rest and let him see Maude."

Annie hurried forward, opened the mouth and said: "Lady Lysa, I’m Annie Claude from House Claude , Came for the death of Lord Jon Arryn.

Eddard Stark Hand of the King has investigated the death of Jon Arryn from the tears of poison Reese, and the poisoner was Jon Arryn’s former servant of Sir Hugh.

So I hope Lady can return to King's Landing to assist in the investigation."

Find out who murdered Jon Arryn.

Annie's words undoubtedly hit Sir Vadis and the others who sent them up to Eyrie.

Vadis asked rationally: "Are you sure it’s Hugh?"

Annie explained: "It’s not that I’m sure, it’s Hand of the King, because the poisoning is only Only those who are close to Lord Jon Arryn can do it, and Hushou Huff became a jazz overnight after Jon Arryn's death."

Vadis knew what happened to Tourney: "But Huff died. ."

"So I came to ask Lady Lysa to go to King's Landing to help Hand of the King find the secret mastermind." Knowing that the neurotic Lady Lysa sympathizer Littlefinger murdered the former Hand of the King, Annie couldn’t directly speak out.

Because this is Eyrie, Lady Lysa, who is in power, has a slander, and she has difficulty even getting out of the Vale of Arryn.

Lysa escaped back to Vale of Arryn!

After finally leaving King's Landing, how could it be possible to go back?

even more how Eddard Stark has found that the person who poisoned Jon Arryn was Huo, and she and Littlefinger are already not far.

"secret mastermind is Tyrion Lannister!"

Annie shook her head and said: "Lady, we have no evidence."

hearing this, Lady Lysa stood excitedly Get up: "It's him! It was Tyrion who murdered my husband!"

Seeing such a younger sister who lost self-control, Lady Catelyn quickly said: "Lysa, calm down!"

Looking at my love rival and elder sister Catelyn, I begged myself to go to the female knight in King's Landing. Tyrion looks like a theater. An angry Lysa said again: "Sir Vadis, take Imp to Maude right now. !"

That's it.

Unlucky Tyrion was locked in Eyrie’s characteristic Heavenly Prison.

Tyrion is detained. It's not that Annie never thought of saving people.

But Lysa said he was the secret mastermind of the former Hand of the King, the Duke of Vale of Arryn, Jon Arryn, who killed the former Hand of the King. The entire Eyrie people can’t wait to tear it up right away, and plan to shut it down for a lifetime without pleading guilty. Maybe you let Annie go to see him?

I don’t even have a chance to meet the last time. How can I save people?

I don’t have enough brains. I want to use a raven to call Arthur for help, but Lady Lysa doesn’t allow it!

As for publishing the truth about Lysa's murder of her husband?

Although Annie wants to prevent war and maintain the peace of the kingdom, she still has a sense of reason. She clearly knows that she will fall through Eyrie's moon gate die without a whole corpse!

And Lysa let go.

She said that Annie was from Lannister, and brought Imp back to King's Landing to help him get rid of his crimes. She was unfamiliar with her here, so she didn't even bother to find someone to talk to!

I grew up with the big brother and the younger brother. I was raised as a male child by my father. Because the family is a knight and soldier, she can fight and fight, but she doesn’t have the wisdom and wisdom of Hein Rikai.

When there is nothing you can do, you can only use the method suggested by Arthur.

——Throw a note!

It does not directly indicate that Lady Lysa and her lover Littlefinger poisoned Jon Arryn.

She also wrote that Jon Arryn wanted to send Robin Arryn to Dragonstone as Stannis Barra Theon’s foster son, so she was afraid of losing her son and could not control the power of Vale of Arryn alone. Poison.

And Jon Arryn broke through news about Lady Lysa and Littlefinger being murdered, and created rumors.

Take advantage of the nobility of Eyrie.

I hope they can stand out after reading the note.

But she is still too naive.

Therefore, during the time Tyrion was locked up, Eyrie rumors were full, but the nobles in the city just didn't move!

The instigator Annie, with Arthur’s repeated instructions, did not get help spreading the rumors, and left Eyrie depressed, who did not welcome her.

Stark and Lannister were caught by Tyrion and could not be rescued.

War is inevitable!

Rather than continuing to waste time in Eyrie, it is better to return to King's Landing where Arthur said a major event occurred.

Annie entire group just left Eyrie.

Tyrion in Heavenly Prison finally succeeded in bribing the jailer Maud with gold and offered to confess her guilt to Lady Lysa.

The neurotic Lady Lysa was very proud of confining him to Heavenly Prison to confess his guilt: "Go ahead, Imp, face the gods with honesty."

In the lobby, Yue The Imp hearing this by the door brewed for a while, and began to vomit about the bad things I had done since childhood: "Adults, ladies, where should I start?"

"I'm a scumbag , I admit, I have countless sins and evils, both swindle, eating, drinking and gambling. Although I am not very good at committing violence, I am very good at letting people abuse me. It seems that you want to hear the details."

"When I was seven years old, I saw a maid bathing by the river. I stole her clothes. As a result, she could only go back to the castle naked and wiped tears. I closed my eyes and I could still see her. *|的*|**** Jump and jump."

"When I was ten years old, I stuffed my Uncle boots with goat shit. When I was questioned, I blamed it. A squire, the poor boy was fiercely whipped, but I escaped the justice."

"When I was twelve years old, I slapped a tube in front of a pot of turtle soup. I shake my little snake continuously, shake its skin, let its bald head run into water, and shoot*|into that pot of turtle soup, because I know this soup is for my elder sister to drink, and I hope she is really big Take a bite."

"Another time I bought a jackass and a honeycomb and brought it into the brothel..."

"Shut up!" Listening to Imp's nonsense , Lysa got furious, but foolish child Robin was curious to tear down the stage: "What then?"

Lady Lysa stopped her son next to him, and asked Tyrion angrily: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Tyrion as it should be by rights said: "Plead guilty and repent."

Catherine Lady reminded: "Master Tyrion, you are accused of pushing my son Bran down the tower and abetting Prince Joffrey assassinated him, and the husband who conspired to murder my younger sister, Hand of the King, Lord Jon Arryn."

"Oh, I'm very sorry, I don't know anything about the murder. "Imp denied it with an innocent expression.

Refusing to plead guilty, Lysa didn’t bother to waste her tongue: "Don’t try to make fun of us, I think you’ve had enough trouble, Maude, take him back to Heavenly Prison, this time I will find a more space. Give him a cell with a smaller floor and a more sloping floor."

Tyrion: "Is there no reason in Vale of Arryn?

You accuse me of guilt, I deny it, and you put it I threw into the Heavenly Prison, starved and frozen, where is the justice of the kingdom?

You can accuse me, but I want a fair trial!"

Lysa scanned the hall Everyone in the game glanced at: "If the verdict is guilty, according to the laws of the kingdom, you have only dead end!"

Tyrion nodded: "Of course I know."

The benevolent Lady Lysa lets people open Go to the moon gate, tell Tyrion that her son will listen to every word, and then *| makes a judgment, offering two choices of leaving from the gate or from the moon gate.

Obviously, no matter how much he argues, he will be sentenced to death. Tyrion decisively demands that Westeros decides and resolves disputes the best way-trial by force!

hearing this, the knights of Eyrie are eager to fight, all hoping to take care of the murderer of Jon Arryn.

Lady Lysa looked around and found that someone was silent, she immediately asked: "Sir Vadis, you are very quiet, don't you want to avenge my husband?"

Vadis: "Lady, I am honored, but Imp is only half as tall as I am. Killing such a person and calling it justice will put me to shame."

Imp is very Agrees with Vadis, and therefore proposes that Jaime Lannister be the agent knight in a duel.

Kingslayer is well-known.

When he heard this, the Eyrie nobles in the hall whispered to each other.

"Kingslayer is a hundred miles away." Sir Vadis may be difficult to beat the famous Jaime Lannister, how could Lady Lysa let him come to the duel.

Imp confidently said: "Let the raven send him a letter, I am happy to wait for him."

Lysa shook her head: "The trial is today."

"Is anyone willing to play for me?" The dwarf asked, only the contempt and ridicule of all around Eyrie nobles in the hall.

"There is no one? Is no one willing?"

But Bolong stood up: "I will compete for the dwarf."

This mercenary To get ahead for Tyrion, the nobles in the hall basically concluded that Sir Vadis would win because he had no armor.

Looking at Sir Vadis, who values ​​the duel, is fully armed, and holds a heavy shield.

Everyone agrees that the final result is not suspenseful.

Especially the mercenaries in shivering clothes don't even need a shield, and only a sword is arrogant.

As a mercenary, I live a life of mixed food every day.

Bolong has his own set against the enemy.

Heavy full body armor, plus a heavy shield, Vadis has become a tank-like existence, basically not afraid of a poor ghost mercenary who can only hold a sword.

Unfortunately, Life and Death Battle is not a knight duel.

Bolong adopts the method of fighting, provoking and tentatively attacking Vadis, constantly dodges and escapes with flexible steps, consumes his physical strength in heavy armor, and does not confront him at all. .

When Vadis slows down, he finds a weak spot and it is very ruthless trauma!


Extreme physical exertion, coupled with bleeding from his injuries, Vadis was cleverly brought down by Bolong, and then stabbed to death with a sword and threw it down from the moon gate.

Lady Lysa angrily said: "You are not honorable for playing!"

"Yes." Bolong was honestly nodded, pointing to the moon gate, for the fallen Vadi Stone Road: "He is honored."

Tyrion triumphantly asked Maude to remove the handcuffs, walk to Master-at-Arms Rodrik, get his money back, and then complete his promise with Maude, proclaiming: " Lannister must pay his debts!" be continued...

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