The branches and leaves of the trees shade the sky, causing the forest to be colorful.

one after another The light passing through the gap between the leaves and branches is like a knife, but it cannot penetrate the haze under the shade.

Barristan is more than 50 years old, and his body is still healthy. The Peak sword skill in Westeros has not fallen behind because of his age.

King is younger than him, and not much weaker than him. He didn't expect trifling a wild boar, and it would suddenly break him!

Looking at Barristan pushing the wild boar away, seeing King's stomach wound, blood bleed all over the floor, and even the intestines came out, Heinlikai has no master.

Such a serious injury...King was rescued...

"Go and get the first aid kit I put on horseback!" came back to his senses, Arthur immediately shouted to Heinlikai, who had a deathly pale face, "I can save him!"

The lost Heinlikai was still in a state of brain failure.

But when Barristan heard what he said, he immediately thought that he was going to Citadel to study. Recently, he made a lot of strange things to make money. Although he was young, he was quite capable. He thought he should know some medical skills and came to them immediately. Shi's direction rushed back.

Now it’s important to stop the bleeding from King’s wound. Arthur ignores the others. He covers the bleeding wound and yells to Heinlikai again: "I need fire, Heinlikai help me quickly Make a fire!"

"Fire? Make a fire?" Heinlikai muttered blankly. I don't know why, but he still obeyed his words and hurriedly lit a fire with something beside him.

Robert looked at the big bloody wound on his stomach and the bright red intestines exposed, weakly said: "seven hells, didn't expect I will be turned over by a wild boar."

Arthur: "Your Majesty, please stay awake and calm, I can save you!"

Barristan flew back at this time, got the first aid kit Arthur said, and brought it Everyone who is nervous about King's safety.

Scalpels, hemostatic forceps, dressing forceps, high alcohol, cotton, catgut and so on, he has been preparing medical supplies that can be made from selling soap to making money.

I have seen the methods of making penicillin by benevolent medicine and the native method, plus moldy bread and oranges, even with simple tools, the final product is forced to have touching purity, stability *| touching and so on. .

But in this era, there is no better treatment.

Now you can only be a dead horse as a horse doctor, fight for it!

I hope I won’t be allergic...

Disinfect scalpels, stitches and other tools, clean the wound with alcohol...

No People dare to bother.

Because everyone can see how badly the wounded King was injured, Arthur has become their only hope.

The woods are quiet.

At nightfall, the sun's rays were unable to shine into the lush woods. Before night came, darkness suddenly struck like a tide.

King’s wound stopped the blood, and Barristan waited for Kingsguard and Renly to hold the torch all around with worry, illuminating Arthur who was performing the operation, and constantly talking to Robert to keep him awake .

"Will this save my life?" Robert asked weakly as he watched the wound stitched up by his bastard without bleeding anymore.

Arthur could not guarantee his operation, and whether the crude penicillin was effective, he was not sure: "I will observe for a few more days."

"So I might still die. "Even though he was seriously injured and had too much blood loss, Robert was still the same Robert, "Then what are you waiting for? Send me back to Red Keep immediately!" Arthur quickly stopped King who wanted to get up, to the surrounding Humanity said: "Don't move, or the wound will be easy to open, you go and make a stretcher."

According to Arthur's instructions, Barristan immediately took someone to chop off two large*|thick legs. If there is no cloth, I use animal skins and harness cushions to make a strong stretcher, and then cautiously carry the big fatty King up.

At this time, Heinlikai recovered his calm, and his plan to expose the treason was also stopped.

Because Robert was seriously injured, he managed to control his injury. He was so tempered that he heard that the former Hand of the King was murdered. Myrcella, and trying to rebel against these things, will definitely explode in anger.

What should be revealed will be revealed, but not now.

Because the seriously injured King cannot tremble, everyone needs to be carried on a stretcher. It takes only half a day to ride a horse and it is estimated that it will take until dawn.

Leaving the forest, walking on the sleeping ground covered with black quilts, the faces of the people holding the torch were very worried under the light.

"What's going on?"

At this time, Ryan, who was supposed to go to Sanshan City, returned with 20 1st Infantry Regiment infantry.

Seeing Kingsguard Barristan, Master of Laws Renly and King on the stretcher, I suddenly ran over nervously.

"Is it Ryan?"

Hein Likai was specially sent for the call. Arthur and Hein Likai were not surprised by his appearance, but Barristan and Renly saw But frowned.

Looking at Ryan and twenty fully armed elite infantrymen, Barristan asked in a deep voice: "Why are you here?"

Ryan looked at Heinli Kay, dismounted and walked over. When he saw King on the stretcher, he suddenly said angrily: "What's wrong with Your Majesty, who dared to murder the Kingdom King?" Excuse me, shook his head and said: "Ryan, Your Majesty needs a rest. This is not the time to talk about this."

Ryan looked at Hein Likai sharply: "Hein Likai, you inform me that someone wants to To seek rebellion, now something really happened, who is that person?"

Renly's expression suddenly became serious: "Ryan, don't talk nonsense, do you know what you are talking about? This will cause kingdoms. It's a mess!"

"Master Renly, someone really wants to seek rebellion." Heinlikai said and looked at Lannister Lannister, who had been staring at King as a squire.

Barristan’s eyes revealed a murderous aura, and he asked in a deep voice: "Are you serious?"

Hein Rikai said resolutely: "No one dares to take this I'm kidding."

Looking at King who was weak and sleeping, and then at Lancel who Heinlikai looked at, Renly showed a bit of clarity on her face and asked, "Who is it?" "

Hein Likai violently rushed towards Lancer, fiercely knocked him down with a punch, then snatched the wine bag from him and threw it to Ryan: "You know wine well, see. How is it different from ordinary wine?"

"Is it poisoned?" Renly asked.

Ryan brows tightly knit, who took the wine pouch, only opened it and sniffed.

"Isn't it fierce?" Heinly Kay glanced at Arthur with a frown, and some blamed him for not coming to this place.

The nodded expression of Ryan’s face: "It smells really strong."

"The wine should not be poisoned. You can taste it to see if it is more than ordinary wine. Lie." Hein Likai said again.

hearing this, Ryan hesitated, but still took a sip, frowned: "It seems to be three times stronger than ordinary wine."

Heinlikai: "Ruolan Ser Lannister has been drinking this kind of wine for Your Majesty. In fact, he doesn’t need a wild boar, and he will definitely fall off his horse."

Balister’s face immediately pulled up and was knocked to the ground by Heinrichie. Lannister of shiver coldly.

Three times the concentration of spirits, it is difficult to define rebellion as evidence, but whether or not spirits are used to conspire, someone must be responsible for King's injury!

"Wait, Sir Barristan, don't be impulsive, you must be cautious about treason, we need him to live!" Renly saw this and quickly stopped.

Heinlikai suggested: "It is true that we should be cautious, we better wait until tomorrow, Your Majesty's injury stabilizes before discussing."

Barristan hearing this temporarily closed She started killing intent, threw away Lancel angrily, and shook her head: "Then we will return to Red Keep as soon as possible."

Renly shook her head: "Wait, I think it's a bit strange."

"What's weird?" Barristan frowned.

Renly: "When Arthur was treating Your Majesty, we sent people back to King's Landing, but they haven't come yet..."

.. .... to be continued...

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