The North, the Castle Black section where the Wall of Extremis collapsed, outside the Night's Watch castle half turned into ruins, the coalition camp has disappeared, and only a long ice retaining wall and several Unclear, turned into a corpse of coke.

I have experienced desperate wars, I have seen the power of Others, the horrible number of ghouls, and the evil gods who seem insignificant and humble, even Old Gods and The Seven are invincible. .

Fortunately to survive Winterfell, Mars, Mikal and the others still need to do their best to survive.

In order to avoid the ghouls, they knew that Winterfell stored a lot of food, but they didn't dare to stay for a long time. They just went to the kitchen to quickly take away a small amount of food that could be taken away, and they fled to the World of without much living supplies. Ice and Snow.

But after they ran away, they ran out of luck. They encountered ghouls in the wild many times and were chased and killed.

Wandering around to avoid a large number of resurrected dead, trying to reach the last Hearth City, but found that a rock giant 30 meters high was attacking the city, and then watched the castle be kicked and destroyed by the giant.

Hurry up and continue to run towards the desperate Wall.

In the future, there will be time to send the information they saw about the giants. As many as one hundred thousand resurrected ghouls, from the Eastern Sea, are looking at the ice wall over there to collapse and head south!

Master the sacred white light and see an astonishing number of dead troops. The only remaining Mars and Mikal can’t afford the slightest courage to resist, they just continue to turn around in fear and run, relying on digging pits to hide Only escaped in the snow.

Finally ran to the Night's Watch land grant, and encountered ghouls wandering in the snow again and again.

They fought and fled. When the food was exhausted and there were no supplies, the two lived extremely hard, and finally managed to avoid the many crises to reach the coalition camp.

The Wall, which stood for a thousand years, collapsed, destroying half of Castle Black, and the coalition camp was empty without a single person or a tent.

However, the coalition forces tracked the Others and the ghoul to go south, and Night's Watch, whose duty is to guard the Wall, remained on the uncollapsed Wall and stayed in the Night's Watch castle where they should be.

Fleeing for a long time, and finally found a living person in the Night's Watch castle, Mars and Mikal feel incomparable.

As the chief bishop of The Seven Church, and the son of the chief warrior of the son of warrior.

The two were not unexpectedly received by Night's Watch.

While enjoying the hot food and feeling the warmth of the fire, I finally know what happened after the fall of Winterfell.

Learning that the army of ghouls is going south, the coalition forces are pursuing them, and the two men are mutually glanced at each other, and they ask Night's Watch to give them horses to continue to deal with the evil Others and ghouls, and then the new appointment Night's Watch commander melancholy Eddie, as the new Night's Watch Maester Samwell Tully, took the two of them all the way east, to the Eastern Sea to catch the battleship anchored on the sea.

Losing the sight of the Eastern Sea, the battleship moored on the surface of the Bay of Seals moves south quickly.

After all, the ice wall is gone, the castle and the dock are gone. Except for the Night's Watch battleship, the allied battleship has all gone to White Harbor. It is better to go south than to blow the cold wind at the Bay of Seals.

It was during the time when Fatty Sam was on the boat.

The Twins' Robert, Ryan, Varian, Daenerys, Robb, Stannis, Landau Tully and the others still haven't detected the movement of the third ghoul force.

And the ghoul forces that continued to move south and east, one was about to kill the Three Mountain City, and the other invaded the Lannister collar.

No matter how much they estimate about the ancient Ability God behind Others, they can only venture out!

Ghouls are everywhere.

But what is really important is Others, but they are hidden deep.

Destroying these magical creatures that master ice magic and can resurrect the dead for manipulation is the key to winning the war!


Something unexpected happened to them.

The lonely Night's Watch battleship headed south, and when it was about to reach White Harbor, I saw the Iron Islands fleet sailing in howling wind and torrential rain, shuttled through the raging waves, and attacked White Harbor unstoppably!

All the battleships of the coalition fleet, the Dorne fleet, and the Daenerys fleet are anchored in the sea off the port of White Harbor.

Allied forces, Dorne forces, Legion the Unsullied, and Dothraki have all moved south, and the huge White Harbor has only a temporary garrison of less than two thousand people!

This is for Ironmen.

White Harbor is just a girl without clothes!

Under the cover of rainstorm, a huge number of Iron Islands battleships hit every ship anchored in White Harbor. The golden group aggressively landed ashore. Under the leadership of the mighty Crow’s Eye Euron, it launched a torsion and destruction. The mortal onslaught.

The largest port city in The North, was attacked by barbaric mercenaries and pirates in a blink of an eye!

Then, the Night's Watch battleship, which dodges the pirates at full speed, watched them plunder food, supplies, wealth, and robbed all the battleships.

Allied forces and the Dragon Queen’s navy disappeared without a trace after this battle!


Back to Riverlands.

Arthur and the others don't know what happened when White Harbor was attacked by the Iron Islands fleet, and they are still trying to find the withered, pale, and icy Others.

The fish beams of Qianmianyu are completely destroyed.

Except for the three-eyed crow and the last Greenseer Bran, the ability of other Skinchangers to control animals has been greatly reduced. In the past, they controlled animals and their consciousness could occupy the animal body for as long as possible.

But now, without the power of Old Gods and Heart Tree, ordinary Skinchanger can control ravens for up to half a day, wolves, dogs and other animals for up to three hours, Shadowcat for up to one hour, and large animals such as bears for ten minutes. limit.

Even Daenerys with increased bloodline, enhanced spirit strength, and control of a powerful giant dragon cannot exceed two hours at most.

The three-eyed crow once had a thousand and one eyes.

Although it is a ballad, it also illustrates the power of Blood Raven Blinden River.

As his successor, Bran is a carefully selected and taught heir. The talented man has grown up and is now stronger than the three-eyed crow before.

Thousands of ravens flapped their wings and flew back like a dark cloud across the ground.


With so many eyes, Bran, who was investigating in Riverlands inch by inch, still failed to find the location of the evil magical creature.

"Since we can't find those damn Others, we can only support Sanshan City and go to Lannister to take it."

Listening to Robert's angry voice, Ryan, Varian, Robb, Stannis, and the others all shook their heads silently. They agreed to support Sanshan City, but they didn't want to help Lannister's Others.

Half of the Unsullied soldiers and Dothraki cavalry have been determined to be destroyed in Herrenborg, and the Westeros political center King's Landing with a population of 500,000, the Queen’s Hand Tyrion, nephew Jon, and Grand Maester Malvin and the others are missing.

Daenerys is in a very bad mood recently. Hearing everyone's cautious but unproductive strategy, he couldn't help but ask: "Can't we find a way to force the Others to fight a decisive battle?"

" We have been trying to fight the Night King." Varian smiled bitterly, "but it ignored it and ignored us completely."

Bran: "Without an ice wall, Westeros has become a paradise for Others. "

Ambrosius frowned: "Perhaps, the great decisive battle between us and Others will be when the Night King controls a million ghouls."

Ryan Sigh: "It could be worse."

For those who have the ancient rock giants, are still afraid of the cold, and worry about the battle situation, Arthur feels that they don't actually have to face the Others and the ghouls. They can choose temporarily. Avoiding the edge and waiting for the passing of Winter.

However, no one would approve of such a proposal.

Lost desperate Wall, in Westeros, there is no castle safe, ordinary person cannot get absolute protection, and there are not so many materials and food to survive the long winter.

"I think the most important thing now is to save people, divide the troops, and save as much as possible."

"Arthur, you know the number of ghouls, once the scattered soldiers Surrounded, there is only an end to destruction. When the time comes, if you can't save people, you will pay all the soldiers." Ryan looked at the stupid younger brother angrily.

Arthur worriedly said: "But the Night King hides and does not show up. We are still better than it. When it reappears, I am afraid that the entire Westeros will only be left with the coalition forces."

Varian: "Because you don’t think so seriously, trust us!"

There are transcenders, red god priests, giant dragons, giants, and they are still full of jealousy when dealing with Others and ghouls. The look of fear at both ends of the wolf hitting the wolf with a stick is very speechless.

Seeing Prince Arthur’s depressed expression, Robb shook the head and said: "Find the Night King and destroy it, and this war will end. We don’t need to do extra things to increase our worry."


"His Royal Highness, please wait patiently. In war, patience is an essential advantage for warrior and commander."

I worry about those unarmed people not being able to survive under the ghoul scalpel. I heard everyone Speaking of which, Arthur also understood their determination to eliminate the Night King and win.

The nonsense is useless, the action is the most practical.

Leaving the discussion tent to find Bran resting, Arthur asked: "Bran, except for the crow, can you control other animals to search for Others?"

Bran ​​seems to know the prince like an unknown prophet What to ask: "The raven can fly in the sky, regardless of speed, field of view, and number. It has a better advantage than other animals."

Arthur scratched his head: "I want to say...find in the sky Others, it may be that the Night King used a disguise spell, so...I suggest you switch to animal control."

Bran: "For example?"

Arthur pondered then said: "Mouse."

"Mouse?" Bran suddenly shook his head: "No, their actions are too slow, and the weather is so cold that mice can't walk on the snow at all."

Arthur refused to give up: "How can I know if I don't try it?"

"Okay." But the prince, Bran didn't agree with him after thinking about it, but after a turn of the conversation, he asked: "His Royal Highness has a way. Can you get enough mice?"

This is really troublesome, but when the method is mentioned, Arthur will find a way to do it: "Wait for me to hear."

In this way, the teenager who thought of trying to make Greenseer start a carpet search began to get busy with how to catch mice, without knowing that Cersei's Second Step plan had been implemented.

The situation is changing silently, and the situation will become more and more unfavorable for the coalition forces. be continued...

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