Fleeing Tyrion, Jon, Jaime, Malvin, Varys and the others.

Run into House Lannister’s site, but it has been devastated by war, the strength of the nobles in the cities has been greatly damaged, and gold mines are almost exhausted, and the growth of wealth is stagnant because of the war. The situation here is very bad. There is no army to stop the ghouls.

So, they became the plague gods, which castle they went to would be broken by ghouls.

The chasing ghoul will not be tired, ignore the terrain, can jump directly from the cliff, wade from the bottom of the river, and climb quickly on the rocky stone mountain.

Faced with such a bad situation, Tyrion, Jaime, Jon, and Malvin had no other choice but to continue to flee.

"Kaiyan City is after the mountain in front of you."

On horseback, Kingslayer, who was running uncomfortably, finally felt a sense of security.

Tyrion shook his head: "No, you forgot that we sent Unsullied to attack Kaiyan City, and you moved the army away from the castle, leaving no one inside?"

" So we can only go to sea."

Jaime also thought of his own tactics against the Dragon Queen, and his face was bitter, and he agreed with the younger brother's idea: "Then go by boat."

Lannisport is next to Kaiyan City.

Safety is at hand, everyone worked hard, gritted their teeth and insisted on riding their horses and running wildly, finally letting the exhausted horses die to complete their mission.

The Iron Islands fleet heading south, with their spoils of war, coalition battleship, Dorne battleship, and Daenerys battleship, brought Lannisport prosperity to Lannisport with a huge fleet, making the docks and ports full of ships, The advancement was prosperous, and the mercenaries of the Golden Group settled in, giving this port city a new life, and brothel and pubs sang songs every night.

When we entered Lannisport, the ghouls who were chasing had not yet approached, but according to the situation here, everyone thought it could not be kept, even if there was a prestigious golden group.

However, when Jaime asked to see the Chief-In-Charge of Lannisport, he only received the news that he was killed by the Ironmen. To meet the leader of the Iron Islands fleet, Euron in armor said nothing. Don't send it, become dumb.

Iron Islands people are having fun in Lannisport, drinking happily, and won't listen to Kingslayer's command to escape. Tyrion and Jon are even more enemies.

I couldn't persuade Ironmen to move, and almost started fighting.

The helpless Jaime can only tell Harry Strikeland of the Golden Group about the recent news of the dead Ghost General.

As a mercenary collecting money and doing things, knowing that Kingslayer is the twin brother of the lion queen, the homeless Harry didn't embarrass him, but he didn't pay much attention to the news of the ghoul army.

Thousands of ships are parked in the port.

The Golden Group accepts employment only as the dragon queen of the opponent. Dealing with ghouls is theoretically not in the contract. If you can defend the city, you can keep it. If you can't keep it, you can go by boat. What do they need to worry about?


Flee all the way, avoiding Tyrion, Jon, Jaime and the others who were chased by ghouls. When they arrived at Lannisport, there was no news about ghouls.

They don't seem to be chasing anymore.

It seems that there is no plan to attack Lannister's most important port yet!

From Jon's mouth, I knew that Others possessed no less wisdom than humans. In this case, think tanks such as Tyrion, Marvin, and Varys could not understand the purpose of these magical creatures for a while.

But when Tyrion saw the map, he immediately turned pale in fright and vaguely guessed the target of Others.

"Lannister is the emperor to the south."

Hearing this younger brother, Jaime immediately woke up with a look of shock and disbelief on his face: "If I were The King of Others, if you want to eliminate everyone in Westeros, you must have enough troops, and a place where you can get a large number of troops...

It is King's Landing with a population of more than 500,000!"

At Lannisport Conference Hall, Aisara, who was discussing in the audience, was suddenly lost: "It's over..."


"Angela, Leah Delin, I want to talk to you about something."

It's easy to find mice, but to find thousands of them for carpet search, obviously Arthur doesn't have the ability.

When he reached this step, he actually had no choice.

We can only ask God for help!

There are extraordinary powers in this world, including The Seven, Old Gods, Drowned God, Lord of Light, and ancient gods that show Divine Vestige. Gods are not ethereal.

Furthermore, it is not ashamed to ask Spiritual God for help knowing that the Others is behind the Cold God.

To find enough rats for Bran to control and detect Others, the best choice is of course to pray to Old Gods.

However, all the fish beams in Riverlands were destroyed. As Greenseer, Bran also said that Old Gods was not there. Arthur, who accepted the power of nature, could not feel the natural spirit of Westeros.

Old Gods can't help him.

The Seven continues to fail in the face of the evil Cold God. There is no stranger, warrior, only the power of Heavenly Father, Holy Mother, girl, blacksmith, and old woman, which can't compete with it at all.

The Seven can't help him either.


Now Arthur can only compromise with Lord of Light Rahlo!

He knows that Lord of Light contains evil intentions, and may control his mind, or take away the holy light that coexists with his soul, and even occupy his own body. God is present in the world.

As a cautious transmigrator.

Before he compromised with Lord of Light Lakhlo, he had to stay a hand to protect himself. For this reason, he found the two nuns of The Seven Church who mastered the sacred white light.

The two women were ordered to be loyal to the Dragon Queen, and the Queen, as the prince’s legal fiancee, was right next to Daenerys. They could talk at any time, but suddenly it was so formal that everyone present was a little confused .

"Gawain, Lancelot, Lan Mallok, you guys stay outside and don’t let people come close, especially the people of the Red Gods!"

I heard the prince’s words , Everyone guessed why.

I was just thinking about getting up and doing it again for Daenerys, who was in a separate space for his fiancé, and asked curiously: "You don't need me to go out?"

Arthur: "No, as long as you promise not to tell the red Those who teach the gods will do."

"Of course, I promise, we promise." Daenerys looked at Jora and Hui insect, and asked his subordinates to make a promise.

Arthur didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject: "I plan to compromise with the Red Gods and pray for the help of Lord of Light Lakhlo."

Daenerys frowned in confusion: "This Is there anything wrong with you?"

"Yes, there are hidden dangers." Arthur nodded, then looked towards the two nuns taught by The Seven, "I need The Seven's help."


Although she is called Saintess because of her mastery of the sacred white light, Angela knows how many catties and how many taels she can’t communicate with The Seven at all. What happened last time was a fluke, and suddenly some In embarrassment, considering the issue of faith, I resolutely nodded.

"What does your Highness need me to do?"

Arthur: "I want you to communicate with The Seven and let them protect me when I pray to Lord of Light."


"Communicate with the Highness of The Seven asylum?"

This is exactly what Angela is not sure about, and she immediately becomes nervous. The prince will ask for help from herself, surely it is hidden. Is dangerous, what will happen if you can’t help?

If something unexpected happened, she couldn't imagine...

Hurry up and said nervously: "Your Majesty, I'm not sure to communicate with The Seven..."

Liadlin said: "No, we will do everything possible to communicate with The Seven and provide help to Your Highness!"

Think for a moment, Ambrosius I couldn’t help but reminded: "His Royal Highness, compromise with the Red God Sect, Lord of Light may not specifically lower Divine Vestige."

"No, as long as I go to complete the ceremony mentioned by Melisandre, Lord of Light will definitely respond, but I need to be fully prepared." Arthur said.

Old wizard: "In that case, what can I do for Your Highness?"

Hearing this, Arthur thought about it, and said to Jaina on the side: "I need to do for myself Protect your spirit and soul."

Daenerys was suddenly a little surprised: "You mean...Lord of Light may control your spirit or soul?"

In the prince Essos Joining the Lord of Light Church, Jaina knew what happened, and she nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

Daenerys asked: "What about us?"

Arthur: "I need you to stop all the Red Gods, including Melisandre, Penelope and Lorian , Especially Melisandre!"

The dragon queen immediately looked at Jora and Hui insect: "Have you heard?"

Angela asked hesitantly: "His Royal Highness, do you want me to communicate with The Seven now?"

"Well, the sooner the better, the better now, because I have already prepared and prepared some things for you to use item." After Arthur said, he asked Annie to find the ceremony supplies that the followers of The Seven asked for.

Liadlin didn't have the slightest nonsense, she directly pulled the elder sister to check the item, thought about how to communicate with The Seven, and prayed for them to give shelter to the prince.

There is not much rest time for the coalition forces now.

They want to go south to chase the army of ghouls that are attacking Sanshan City, find Others who may follow the army, and camp only at dinner time every day.

Whether it is Robert, Ryan or Daenerys, they all hope that the coalition forces will rush to the front of the ghouls and keep them out of the imperial domain.

Otherwise, King's Landing will fall, half a million people will become ghouls, and victory in the war will only rule the empty city.

On the way, Angela and Sister Liadrin tried many ways, but they failed to communicate with The Seven.

I don’t know the purpose of the two nuns praying to The Seven desperately, but ordinary believers see the behavior of the two in their eyes, and they are so pious for various ceremony. The stranger is swallowed by the Evil God, and the warrior falls. The Seven did not give any response, confused, they even thought that The Seven had abandoned their people to protect them!

Melisandre was very happy to hear the news.

Speaking and preaching in the coalition force.


Several apprentice priests who have not mastered the divine technique for three days, but have finally been favored by Lord of Light after experiencing several ceremony, are pushed to the front of the stage!

Tell everyone.


Lord of Light can bestow extraordinary powers on ordinary person!

Regardless of the united army soldier, big and small nobles, freedmen outside the Great Wall, the Unsullied, and Dothraki, they all know very well that mastering extraordinary power is the greatest guarantee for survival in this cruelty!

Controversy of faith.

The Seven Church has completely lost!

In order to survive and to master the extraordinary power bestowed by Lord of Light, a large number of The Seven believers turned to the church of Lahlo and converted to Lord of Light Lahlo just like Stannis.

This is not good news for the believers of The Seven Church and Old Gods. It is also very bad news for Robert, Ryan, Varian, Robb and the others.

The words of Priestess, Melisandre, are even more useful than King's commands.

...to be continued...

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