King is green, Prince Joffrey, Prince Tommen and Princess Myrcella are hybrids of Queen and twin brother Jaime.

Speaking of this kind of thing, the Royal Family's reputation is ruined, and the majesty disappears, becoming the laughingstock of the entire Westeros!

Eddard doesn't want to be well known.

I don't want to hand dye the blood of children like Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella.

So, the innocent and benevolent, he still talked with Cersei just like the original plot, hoping that she could take the child away.

However, I received a message from Kingsguard last night.

I saw the undead King today, and Cersei immediately understood that the murder failed and there was no way out. However, she had the decisiveness that ordinary men did not have. She dared to usurp the throne and was prepared to act first!

Eddard persuaded ridiculously, Queen thought about it carefully and thought it was a rare opportunity.

Varys Pycelle went to inform the garrison in the military camp outside the city. Pycelle released the raven to contact the Royal Knights. Littlefinger dispatched the golden robe. The northern guy thought everything was foolproof and didn’t expect his arrangement to be in vicious. And merciless Cersei looks so ridiculous!

In King's bedroom.

Ryan stopped the servant holding the poppy milk.

Because Arthur reminded him that any servants in Red Keep are not trustworthy. Most people are bought by Lannister, so be careful!

So let the loyal squire from House Arnold around him take a sip of poppy milk and try the poison for King.

Seeing that squire had drunk flower milk, a trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the young servant, and he quickly reached out to get it back, and urged: "Let me take it to Your Majesty."

Ryan said: "Don't worry."

"Okay, Ryan, don't drag, give me the damn poppy milk." Stop the bleeding, there is no infection, but the wound will still It hurts, and Robert, who wants to sleep comfortably, speaks impatiently when he sees it.

House Arnold sent to Ryan's squire, extend the hand grab his shoulder: "My lord, I feel something is wrong..."

"en?" Ryan suddenly Squinting his eyes, he showed a killing intent to the servant in front of him. The servant was taken aback when he saw it and turned and ran.

"Stop him!"

"Zheng~" "Zheng~"

There is Barristan in the dormitory, so there is no need for someone at the door to take action. He immediately knocked down the servant.

"pu times~"

The two Kingsguards at the door, one from Queen Cersei, saw that King had failed to murder King with poison, and immediately stabbed the colleague next to him with a sword and shouted hello. Lannister soldiers lying in ambush: "They found out, hurry in with me!"

hearing this, watching the traitor rushing with his sword, Barristan is extremely angry, cold light is out of the sheath, and instantly The sword was sent to the man's front door, and he fell to the door with a kick and stopped the Lannister soldiers who wanted to rush in.

"Sir Barristan, I'll help you!"

The squire who tested the poison has been unable to stand up and collapsed. There are rebellious Lannister soldiers outside who are about to come in. Ryan hurriedly waved a piece of silver light to rush to support Barristan.

The sickly Robert got up angrily, covered the wound in his abdomen with one hand, and took up the sword in the dormitory to join the battle.

"You protect Your Majesty, I will take you to kill."

With Barristan’s swordsmanship, killing these ordinary Lannister soldiers is no different from cutting cakes, and rushed to the front. Outside the dormitory, let Ryan help the Fatty King out.

big fatty is aggressive and bloodthirsty.

Compared to being severely injured by a wild boar and dying on the bed due to the injury, he is more willing to die with a weapon!

"Let’s get out of here first!"

The aisles are narrow and the spears are not easy to use. The swordsmanship of the Lannister soldiers is not enough in front of Barristan and Ryan, but Robert is injured and the soldiers are fierce. In the dangerous scene, as King, he couldn't tolerate any mistakes. Ryan quickly pulled him back to Barristan and went out with the fearless Kingsguard.

Cutting melons and vegetables is normal!

Kingsguard, who was loyal to King, finally arrived in the lobby of Meige Tower.

Baron was stabbed with a spear in his arm, drenched with blood, but he couldn’t take care of the wound, he clenched his teeth and guarded King’s side: "Your Majesty, many people betrayed with Lannister. Many of our brothers are Dead."

Robert asked calmly: "Then how many people do we have left?"

"Counting Sir Barristan and Ryan, there are ten of us in total." Another Name Kingsguard Road.

Ryan picked up a shield and panted and asked, "How many people betrayed us?"

Baron hated: "Except us, all Everyone chose to rebel, even the servant maid!"

"Where is our damn Hand of the King?" Robert couldn't help cursing.

The Kingsguard who spoke earlier said: "We are surrounded, and I don’t know the situation outside."

Ballistan sees all directions and listens to all directions, and the Lannister soldier is approaching. The kingsguard and the traitor were hacked to pieces, and they found that the heads were surging on the parapet, and they hurriedly pulled everyone: "Be careful of the archer, go back to the building!"

"Damn, my armor and Warhammer Where did it go?" Robert angrily threw away the sword that didn't have much strength to use and didn't have much effect.

Tower of the Hand, waiting for Varys, Pycelle, and Littlefinger to move their troops into Hand of the King Eddard in Red Keep, and finally heard the vague fighting movement from Mei Gelou.

"What's wrong with King, go and have a look."

The guard ran back soon after being ordered: "My lord, Lannister is attacking Meige Tower!"

"Call up people immediately!" Eddard immediately ordered: "Send a few more people to take my daughter back to the room to hide!"

"All the rest will go to Meige Tower with me!"

Lian Weiyang Poole, the former Winterfell manager and the current Hand of the King Chief Steward, also took up a sword and shield, and followed Eddard, who was limping on a crutch and charged.

There is no two-sided enemy.

Mei Ge Tower is a huge square fortress, located in the very center of Red Keep, all around it has a twelve-foot-thick city wall and a dry moat with iron thorns!

The retaining wall and the closed gate decided that they couldn't get in when they came over, and it was even harder to hurt the Lannister soldiers and Kingsguard rebels on the female wall.

Without siege equipment, it is difficult for them to get in and rescue!

"My lord, what shall we do?"

Eddard: "Look for Varys, he should know the secret way to go in!"

Outside Red Keep, the whole city More than two thousand golden robes were all mobilized by Littlefinger, and three hundred with spears and sabers hurried to the kingdom power center of Aegon's High Hill.

The Royal Knights stationed outside the city have 300 men and horses, and the garrison has completed the assembly of 800 men, and they are all ready to leave the camp.

Arthur brought more than three hundred mercenaries and archers, and Heinlikai, who had summoned the family squire, had joined in the city.

Golden Robe is the police officer of King's Landing, and they don't know or know the mercenaries in Arthur's workshop outside the city.

So, at the gate of Red Keep, Janos Slint, who was informed by his men, stopped Arthur and Heinrich.

Heinlikai whispered: "They have the same number of people as us, the door is open, and they are ready to listen to my order to rush in."

When things happen, there is no room to shrink back. Arthur hearing this calmly nodded, and said to Chris, who is commanding mercenaries next to him: "You will follow Hein Likai's command later." Chris quietly said: "Be careful yourself."

Jenos Slint presses the sword with one hand, and walks pretending to be fierce on his face, with the Kingdom Master of Coin Littlefinger beside him, and asks: "What are you doing here? Do you want to rebel?"

"No." Heinlikai's right hand inadvertently hung to her waist with a quiver, his left hand quickly raised, the right hand squeezed an arrow and opened the bow like lightning, and said: "You are the one who rebelled!"

The feather arrow flew away from the bowstring without a shadow, and instantly hit Jenos' right eye!

"Go in!" be continued...

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