golden robe said it was the capital city garrison guarding King's Landing. In fact, it is essentially the same as the police and city management.

Most people are not even trained much.

Arthur's mercenaries come from all corners of the world, good and bad, and loosely disciplined, but they make a living on the edge of a knife licking blood, and many of them have participated in wars.

The two sides opened up and fought, and the result should be 50-50.

But Arthur has hired archers who have participated in archery competitions!

With back row assisted shooting, mercenaries bravely rushed, and it was no difficulty to seize the gate of Red Keep!

"Close the door and control here!"

"Chris, you let the mercenaries put on the golden robe's light armor and guard the door. Until we come back, whether it is Don’t open anybody!"

"Now Lannister is conspiring to rebel, and give me fifty masters. Archer all keep up. Let’s save King and destroy the rebellion!"

"To eliminate Lannister who is trying to usurp the throne, King's reward will never be less, and it will not be a problem even to become a knight or to be knighted!" Heinly Kai raised her bow high, raised her morale loudly, and took the lead in moving towards Mei Ge Lou.

The mercenaries and archers are arrogant and arrogant, follow closely from behind.


The shrewd Littlefinger saw Heinlikai holding up the bow, and Janos was hit by an arrow in an instant, and died without a word, Chris Fiercely swinging a sword and leading a mercenary to attack the golden robe, he immediately turned and ran away.

All the way to the Throne Hall.

Joffrey sat on the Iron Throne, Queen Cersei was standing next to him, surrounded by Kingsguard, and two of them were full of Lannister soldiers.

Cersei, who intends to kill King and capture the Hand of the King alive, is here for trial, and then announced that Joffrey succeeded Cersei when he saw frowned and asked: "Master Baelish, what is the panic?"

Littlefinger gasped, "Jenos was killed, and they still have a back hand."

"Who is it?" Cersei frowned.

Littlefinger smiled bitterly: "You may not believe it, it's Arthur bastard, he brought a lot of mercenaries."

He returned to his usual state after saying that:" By the way, they may have controlled the gate, how about you?"

"They are still hiding in the Mega Tower." Cersei said with a calm face: "Stark's people are attacking the retaining wall."

Littlefinger: "So we might have to mobilize some soldiers from the Garrison and some Knights from the Royal Knights into the city.

If they occupy the Meige Tower, just keep the golden robe. I'm afraid I won't be able to break it for a while.

It's better to send the Kingsguard and Lannister soldiers here..."

Cersei: "No, they have to stay here to protect King !"

Littlefinger thought for a while, and said in deep thought, "Then let's change the method."

Cersei asked: "What method?"

Littlefinger smiled Get up: "I need someone to escort me to the gate."


The right leg was injured and unable to fight. Eddard still stood behind the guards with a crutches and commanded Fight, find a way to enter Meige Tower to rescue King.

The entire Red Keep is full of enemies.

The Lannister soldiers and the rebellious Kingsguard were not only on the wall of Mega Tower, they were also attacked by two waves from behind.

The danger has been resolved, and his guards have suffered heavy losses, and now there are fewer than twenty people left.

I saw nearly a hundred mercenaries who were not wearing Lannister armor or Kingsguard armor, and Hein Likai who raised a curved bow to make people stop.

I don't know the enemy and the enemy is too few. Eddard, who is guarded by his guards, dare not act rashly.

"Lord Eddard, it's me!"

Looking at the House Stark guard who was ready to fight, Arthur quickly stood up: "We are here to save Your Majesty!"

"I am Heinlikai from Wei Ting's family."

Without time to introduce herself, Heinlikai said to Hand of the King and immediately ordered the archer to face Lannister on the parapet The soldiers attacked: "Suppress them!"

Then they told Arthur: "You should find other places to break through!"

Being a squire for King and living in Red Keep He has been in and out of Meige Building frequently for several years, and he knows it well.

Meige Tower is said to be a building, but it is actually a small castle. The number of Lannister soldiers and Kingsguard is limited, and it is impossible to guard each section of the wall.

The enemy shoots at the archer, and most of them are dragged by Heinlikai. It is their chance to get in!

"Lord Eddard, let's move separately, with one person on the side." Arthur said, and he split up a team of mercenaries to be commanded by the Hand of the King with a cane, and then led the people to the other side.

Mei Ge Lou Li.

The land is full of Lannister soldiers and rebellious Kingsguard corpses.

Blood embellishes the luxurious Royal Palace.

The exhausted people retreated to the balcony on the top floor of the Meige Building, and saw clearly the fighting situation of the Lannister soldiers on the parapet.

But after killing sixty or seventy enemies, they are too tired to kill again, and not counting King, now only Ryan and Barristan are left, returning people People are injured!

They thought about leaving Meige Tower from the secret road.

However, all the secret roads are blocked. If it weren't for the sacrifice of three superb swordsmanship Kingsguard and desperately returning, they might all die inside!

Heinlikai’s cousin, Baron, used his body to block the sword to protect King several times at critical moments. In the end, he lost too much blood and was besieged and killed slowly!

The abdomen was wounded by a wild boar, and because of the injury in the battle, Robert could no longer hold back into a coma.

If Ryan hadn't had Arthur who had specially taught first aid and had kept medicine in King's bedroom, he would have been sent to the other side by a stranger long ago!

Balistan and Ryan are also not lightly injured. It is really not easy for them to survive until now!

"It's Master Hand of the King, and Arthur, we can save it!"

Finally, the battallion mercenary boarded the retaining wall and opened the door. Ryan saw the familiar silhouette.

"Kill, kill all these anti-thief, rescue King!"

Without the advantage of the retaining wall, the rebellion in Meige Building was quickly cleared!

"Sir Barristan, Ryan...How about Your Majesty?"

Robert leaned against the wall and passed out, Eddard was so nervous, even the injured hero Barry Stan and Ryan don't care.

"Arthur, come and take a look at Your Majesty's injury." Heinlikai immediately shouted upon seeing this.

Robert’s abdomen wound was open, his shoulders and big*|legs all had superficial stab wounds, and there were a lot of scratches. You don’t need to guess to determine that he was in a coma due to excessive blood loss.

In this era, it is possible to want blood transfusion. Stop bleeding and prevent infection is the limit that Arthur, a former librarian, can do. Wrap up the injury of the big fatty, and the rest can only be resigned.

Hein Rikai suggested to Eddard: "Hand of the King, Golden Robe fell to Lannister. We can't sit and wait, we must leave King's Landing immediately."

Eddard shook his head : "No, with King's current state, I can't stand the bumps at all."

As Arthur treats Barristan's wounds, he said: "Then we should send ravens to gather the army of King Qin."


Ryan who bandaged his wound also said: "Yes, I asked the raven to send a message to my grandpa last night. He should still be waiting for our message."

Hein Rikai hearing This immediately gave the two a blank look and shook their heads and said: "1st Infantry Regiment is coming to King's Landing, even if it takes at least three days for a horse-riding run day and night, will you wait for them to collect the corpses?

and When we came, we saw golden robes from all King's Landing rushing here, and they would die if they didn't leave!"

Eddard shook his head and said, "We also have Royal Knights and the Guards."

Heinlikai: "I'm afraid we can't even hold Meigelou with such a small number of people, let alone wait for them to come to the king."

The number of golden robe is too much, Arthur felt quite unsure: "Then we are going to kill?"

Eddard took a cane to consider for a moment, but did not object anymore, and immediately asked the guards to use a stretcher to carry Robert out of Mega Tower and return to the Tower. of the Hand Go and take two daughters with you.




King was not dead, but the bell was struck NS!

The death knell was mixed with rushing footsteps, and all the visitors wore golden robe armor.

Successfully invaded the Red Keep and Mei Gelou to rescue King. There were mercenaries against the enemy, and he didn't fight the enemy much, but Arthur never thought that things would always go smoothly without the slightest surprise.

Seeing the people wearing golden robe sub-armor is very familiar, some mercenaries immediately recognized them as those who stayed behind the gate, and immediately relaxed and said: "Don't be nervous, they are your own."


"Where is Chris?" be continued...

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