Leaving Red Keep does not mean that the crisis is over.

It's the opposite.

All the golden robes of King's Landing have come to Aegon's High Hill. The Red Keep gate opens, which means they have to face greater danger!

A black gunpowder bamboo tube explodes, which can make the enemy horrified, stunned, and stunned, and help everyone open the door of Red Keep, including the fearless Balistan, the brave Ryan, and the unflinching House Stark guard.

Since they can get out of Red Keep, they will not lose the confidence to leave King's Landing!

"Keep on!"

Facing the golden robe, who is gathering outside the gate of Red Keep, holding a spear, Eddard on the carriage is not at all afraid of what is left beside him. Many mercenaries and guards issued orders and drove horses and carts vigorously.


A wisp of light smoke, the bamboo tube filled with black powder draws a beautiful parabola again.


As a policeman and city manager in King's Landing, he has not received much training. After all, golden robe can only mob.

The sudden explosion caused them to be in chaos in an instant.

Barristan and Ryan, they brought the only remaining guards, mercenaries, and archers to kill, and they were immediately defeated.

Golden Robe’s commander Jenos had long since died and appeared in a commotion, leaving no one to control.

The gentleman did not stand under the dangerous wall. Cersei, Joffrey and Littlefinger on the female wall saw the chaos and immediately let the Kingsguard by their side protect them away from the battlefield.

With the enemy's group of dragons headless, everyone quickly rushed down Aegon's High Hill.

The golden robe was all out, Red Keep heard the movement of fighting, and many people in King's Landing guessed something happened.

Without the hustle and bustle of the past, there is not a pedestrian on the street, and the doors and windows of every house are closed, making it very quiet.

But hiding in the alleys, the silhouette behind the doors and windows is still visible.

Excluding Eddard who injured his right leg and Robert who was unconscious, three were archers, four mercenaries, four were Arthur, Ryan, Barristan, and Heinrich, plus five A House Stark guard is all power.

Arthur ran out of bamboo bombs, and they were exhausted when they met the enemy again, I'm afraid they really couldn't escape.


The rush of horseshoes rumbled.

Eddard on the carriage stopped everyone.

The flag held high is floating, it is blue shading, wearing a crown, holding a sword with one claw, and a shield with one claw, standing up as a golden griffin!

Holy Lorrain’s family banner!

They are Royal Knights!

The leader is the head of Royal Knights, Alex Rudolph, from the Rudolph family.

The Rudolph family, like the Wetting family from Heinlikai and House Claude from Annie, are the knight family who have been loyal to the Holy Lorrain before the War of the Usurper.

Looking at the former comrades-in-arms, his right leg was injured and unable to ride a horse, so he could only sit on the Lord Paramount of the North on the carriage.

Alex Rudolph's face is cold, killing intent awe-inspiring and solemnly questioned: "Grand Maester reported that you are conspiring to kill the king, do you have any last words to say?"

Conspiracy to kill the king?

It turns out that Grand Maester Pycelle also invested in Lannister.

The face of Eddard who is hearing this is bitter. He blames himself for believing in others too easily.

The Kingsguard who swore allegiance to rebel, Barristan doesn’t believe in Royal Knights too much: "I think you are going to rebel and kill the king!"

"Alex Uncle Wait a minute, everyone, don't get excited, I have something to say!" The Imperial Family knight has already raised the lance, Hein Rikai hurriedly stepped forward and said: "We are not conspiring to kill the king!"

"Your Majesty Lying in the car, Lannister was the one who rebelled!"

"Heinlikai?" Alex, who was hearing this, frowned, both of whom are the seven knight families who have been loyal to the Holy Lorraine. He believed that this family was born in a family, looked at the girl who grew up, motioned the knights not to move, and said in a deep voice: "Let Your Majesty come out to see you."

The girl’s cousin, Baron, is for protection. Your Majesty died, Barristan also trusted her, but he didn't want to risk the injured King who was in a coma.

Eddard believes that Alex is still loyal to the Royal Family without a second heart, so he asks the guard to lift up the unconscious King.

Royal Knights was formed after the establishment of the Holy Lorraine kingdom. When the Greyjoy rebellion was put down, Eddard and Alex Rudolf attacked the Iron Islands together. They are comrades who have experienced life and death. Know each other well.

So Alex doesn't believe in Grand Maester's call, thinking Eddard Stark will not kill the king and rebel, otherwise he will not stop and let him talk, but directly launch a charge to destroy the rebellion!

"What's wrong with Your Majesty?"

Eddard: "Injured."

"Your Majesty does not prove that you are not rebelling." Alex shook his head and said sternly.

Heinlikai said: "Alex Uncle, blonde Joffrey and Tommen are not Your Majesty's biological bloodline, they want to kill the king to usurp the throne!"

With this, the middle-aged leader of Royal Knights became silent, his expression changed, and the knight under his command was also in a riot.

Eddard said: "Escort us from King's Landing. When Your Majesty wakes up, you will naturally know if we lie."

hearing this, Alex is about to be nodded , The adjutant who was one position behind by his side suddenly drew his sword and stabbed him in the back.


The knight who voted for Lannister for high position and great wealth also chose to defect like those Kingsguard who violated their oath!

"Be careful!"

Eddard was injured and he was too far away. Barristan and Ryan were very tired. They didn't have the energy to sprint to save people, and Heinlikaila The bow got sour in the arm*|Limp, and there is no way to fight anymore. The swordsmanship only has a primary level. Arthur, who is less than 13 years old, is not a battle strength at all.

They can only watch Zhengzheng watching the middle-aged leader of Royal Knights being sneak attacked by his subordinates behind him!

Screams again and again.

The sky drifted over the clouds, blocking the sun, turning this shameful betrayal on the street into the gloom, blood dyed red ground, one by one the sneak attacked knights fell down, the undeceased counterattacked the traitors, and started a melee .

Westeros' longsword is specially used to pierce armor piercing.

The deadly sword Alex avoids the key with his years of fighting experience. After falling off the horse, he immediately passes through the horse’s stomach and drew his sword into a silver light. Down*|The body is straight under the crotch.

Then he pulled the man off the horse astonishingly fast and made a fiercely knife with his waist dagger.

"Head!" The loyal knight killed the betrayer and rushed over.

"Alex!" "Alex Uncle!"

Eddard and Heinlikai wanted to rescue, but they were stopped by the calm Barristan: "We can't help, don't make trouble."

Ryan sighed helplessly: "We have no strength to fight anymore."

Heinlikai's arms are holding back. Sore, while starting to set up an arrow, he said: "But we won't help and watch the Royal Knights lose manpower. When the golden robe is called up again, there are too few people to leave King's Landing!"

" Oh, seven hells!" After taking a rest, Ryan had to take up the sword again, "These traitors are really damned!" Arthur frowned and reminded: "But we don’t know who is still loyal to Your Majesty. Who is the rebel?"

Heinlikai releases arrows to support him, does not ask for shooting, harassing the enemies attacking Alex: "Don’t be impulsive, be careful that golden robe may come later, I Come to support Alex Uncle and shoot arrows at the traitors who attacked him."

...to be continued...

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