"Can’t go on like this!"

Heyinlikai’s bow and arrow are getting slower and slower, her body is obviously reaching its limit, and her strength is exhausted. , Asked the Hand of the King behind him: "Why don't we try to rush over?"

After taking a break for a while, Ryan can't guarantee that his current physical strength will protect King: "No, too risky. What if those traitors focus on Your Majesty?"

Arthur thought for a while, pondered then said: "But I think Royal Knights will not be able to eliminate the traitors for a while. Staying in place may be just waiting to die!"


"Then go ahead, Sir Barristan, you protect Your Majesty." Eddard immediately made a decision, and they had to leave King's Landing before they could barely say safe.

At the age of forty-fifty, who can still stand after repeated battles, Barristan is not an ordinary old man and strong: "This is my duty."

"Alec Si, cooperate with us!" Eddard headed towards Yelled, the head of the Royal Knights who was fighting the traitor in the melee, and immediately hit the horse and drove the carriage forward at full speed.

"Push these damn traitors to both sides!"

Alex, who is hearing this, yelled to let his subordinates cooperate, for lying down with King and sitting with Hand of the King. carriage is open.

The knights are quite strong.

Under the deadly battle, Royal Knights suffered extremely heavy losses!

"Kill all the betrayers!"

However, the knights who are loyal to the King and the kingdom have paid their lives for the carriage without any regrets!

This is their honor and responsibility!

Crossing the road of blood shrouded in clouds, wheels rolling on the dark red mud, only to move forward, leave King's Landing, and bring the army back to take revenge, can we be worthy of these dead loyal souls!

"It's the golden robe! The Hound of the Clegane family brought them to chase!"

The golden robe fluttered while running, and the tall silhouette wearing a dog helmet galloped on horseback. Come and find their silhouette, Arthur immediately reminded everyone to speed up.

"Imperial Family knights, the time has come to be loyal to Your Majesty, stop those golden robes!"

Three hundred kingdoms, the most elite Imperial Family knight, only a few dozen alone Man, Alex Rudolph was not afraid of the menacing golden robe under Hound's leadership.

Eddard, Barristan, Ryan, Heinriche, none of them looked back.

But Arthur, who paid attention to the golden robe behind him, watched them hurry up on their horses, and then hurriedly brandished the longsword and hit the battallion golden robe that was killed with a spear.

"Don't look, pay attention to your surroundings to guard against dark arrows." Barristan said solemnly.

Ryan somewhat worriedly said: "We may not be able to leave King's Landing from the gate of the gods. Why don't we go to the steel or mud gate?"

"No, Royal Knights enter the city, explain The garrison also came in, and we can meet them in the main road," Eddard said.

Heinlikai shook his head: "Someone in the Royal Knights defected. The Guards may also have the same possibility. Meeting them may not be a good thing."

"Besides, the Guards will rebel like this again. , The kingdom’s military power has not dealt with Lannister, it will be internally consumed thoroughly."

Barristan: "Those traitors are not that we won’t do anything unless we show up."

Baylor cathedral, Arthur rolled his eyes and suggested: "We might as well stop at the alchemist guild."

"Think of the alchemist guild taking wildfire?" Eddard shook his head and vetoed, "This idea doesn't work, the only thing we can do What we do is to go out of the city all the time."

Arthur said: "But none of us will be overtaken by Lannister's people when we go out of town."

Heyin Likai a handful Stopped the horse that had been hand-in-hand in the knight melee: "A golden robe is coming!"

Barristan stood up on the carriage and took a look, helplessly said: "It seems we really I’m going to abandon the car."

"Come and help." Ryan asked Arthur to lift up the comatose big fatty Robert and said to the mercenaries and archers Arthur had hired, but the remaining three ignored him. Maliciousness appeared in the eyes instead.

Barristan glanced at the past coldly: "Don't do stupid things."

Hearing this, a mercenary with a bloodstained face and a lot of wounds suddenly stabbed him with a sword. The archer, then hacked another person to death, looked at Arthur, and said, "They want to take your lives."

"I think you will die with you again, but I also charge money. So I’m not going to shoot you."

"I’m leaving, so I can do it for myself."

Hearing what he said, Eddard and Barristan were helplessly sighed, Ryan was a little upset, but no What to say, and the last House Stark guard helped King out of the car who was in a coma, and quickly walked towards the alley beside the street.

"By the way, Boss, I suggest you go by sea. Without horses, you will never run far on land." After that, the mercenary turned around and ran into the alley on the other side and disappeared. In sight.

The dismounted Heinlikai tugged at him: "What are you doing in a daze? Run!"

Here is the direction to the Victoria Hills, the same You can go to the mud road, which leads to the nearest mud gate, and from the mud gate is the port.

"Not good, the royal nobleman and the golden robe have come together." Barristan asked everyone to stop in the alley.

Looking at them leading people to search the streets and alleys with golden robe, Ryan clenched the longsword: "They also betrayed their loyal King."

Three A quiver shot out, Heinlikai had already thrown away the bow and arrow, took out the dagger, barreled into the gap in the wooden door of the house next to him, and tried to open the door.

"Let me come." Ryan suddenly raised his foot when he saw this and broke the door violently.

Heinlikai was already weak, he kicked the door suddenly, and the dagger that was not steady fell off.

The golden robe and the nobleman on the other side of the alley heard the movement and wanted to come over. Barristan hurriedly let everyone hide in, so that she didn't even have time to pick up the capital in a hurry.

The owner of the house hid in a panic, not breathing, Eddard said to him when he saw it: "We will compensate you."

Ryan: "There are The back door, let’s go to the back door."

"No, the front door is not far from the back door. You will still be found when you go out. Let’s go to the roof!" Arthur said and ran to the top floor first. The houses here are very densely built. The alleys separated by them are as long as two or three meters. You can also dismantle the door panels and plank bridges if you can't jump over, and you can run on the houses.

"Damn it, there is no way to get out of the city through the mud gate." Ryan said angrily. The houses here are densely packed, but they vary in height and still can't get far.

The streets and alleys are full of golden robe sons and private soldiers of the royal nobles. They have been informed by the house owner several times, and they will not be able to hide for long.

Heinlikai calmly said: "No, we can't go to the mud gate anymore. Let's go to the flea den."

"Come with me!"

Up to now, they have no other choice but to avoid the searching golden robe and noble private soldiers, avoid the house owner as much as possible, and move fast on the roof.

But with Heinlikai leading the way, through the street when he came, ran to the flea den very smoothly without any further accidents.

As a slum of King's Landing.

Here is so stinky, there are mazes of unpaved laneways and intersections, and even the roadside buildings are built close to the narrow alleys, almost close together.

"Look, who is this?"

Only after entering the flea den and not walking a few steps, it happened that a nobleman with a private soldier searched it out and ran into Arthur entire head on. group.

The leader is Norman Braun, who had a conflict with Arthur.

"Catch them!"

"I'll stop them, and take Your Majesty away!" Barristan immediately drew his sword against the soldiers of the Braun family in small groups.

Looking at King, Hand of the King, the grudge Arthur, and the beautiful Heinriche running into the alley, Norman Braun quickly said: "Leave this Old Guy alone, go first I caught him and ran into the alley!"

The big fatty King is too heavy. Ryan helped him to run, and handed the man to the only remaining House Stark guards. He was suffocated and he chose After drawing the sword.

"Take Your Majesty safely away from King's Landing!"

"Don't let him get stuck here, let's go here." The greatest credit is for catching King and Hand of the King , The flea den was still searching for other nobles, Norman Braun didn't want them to run away from him.

Because of this great success, he didn't want to pay attention to Barristan and Ryan at all.

However, this gave Barristan and Ryan a chance to survive and put Arthur on stage!

...to be continued...

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